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So a couple days pass and I'm on the sofa scrolling through Instagram. Nothing new I know. I decided to look in my dms to see if anybody important texted me. When I go in I couldn't believe what I was looking at.. SHANE DAWSON DMED ME! If you don't know Shane is my favorite youtuber. I open up the text and I read what he wrote. "Hi Janessa! It's me Shane. I was wondering if you wanted to do a interview since you're the daughter of one of the most famous youtubers. We could hang out too if you want. If not that's alright" I read. I respond quickly. "OMG! Yes of course we can! What day is good for you?" I put. "Tomorrow at 11a.m?" He says. "Ok I'll be there! Did you want me to bring my dad or..?" I say. "Doesn't matter. see you tomorrow!" He puts and the texts ends. "OMG DAD SHANE DAWSON JUST DMED ME AND HE WANTS ME TO GO TO HIS HOUSE TOMORROW FOR A INTERVIEW! PLEASE CAN I GO?!" I say. "Sure! I'll drop you off" he says and smiles. I go to my room and start freaking out. I'm gonna meet my favorite you tuber tomorrow! I go to sleep.... Next morning I wake up at 9 so I start getting ready. I put on a grey adidas crop top hoodie with shorts and original adidas. I re-straighten my hair and put my phone in my back pocket and walk out. Shane sends me his address. "Ready?" Dad says taking his keys. "Yup!" I say. We get in the car and head to his house. "See you in a bit, love you" he says. "Ok love you too" I say walking out. I knock on the door and Shane opens. "Janessa!" He says. "Omg Shane!" I say low key fangirling. "Come inside!" He says so I walk in. "Ok so we're gonna have the interview right over here" he says bringing me to his couch. We sit and the camera already set up. "Ready?" He asks. "Yeah" I say and he turns on the camera. "Hey what's up you guys! yes! IM SHOOK! I'm here with Janessa, Logan Pauls daughter and she's amazing! I'm so exited!! I watch her channel and she's just amazing!" He says pointing to me. "Aww thank you! I've always been a fan of you too! You're actually my favorite youtuber!" I say laughing. He opens his mouth in shock. "Ew me" he says laughing. I laugh and nod. "How long have you been a fan?" He asks. "About 3 years" I say smiling. "That's amazing!" He says. "I still can't believe I'm sitting here" I say. "Ok so we're gonna start with the interview, is it ok if we get a bit deep" He says. "That's what she said.." I whisper. We both burst into laughter. "I LOVE HER ALREADY!" He says putting his hands up. "Yes we can get as deep as you want" I say. "Perfect! So let's start off by how old are you?" He asks. "I'm 16 turning 17 soon" I say. "Ok and how do you ever get overwhelmed with the fans?" He asks. "Well sometimes but I love them so much but I sometimes wish all my business wasn't out there" I say. "Ok ok, and do you and your dad have a good relationship?" He says. "Yeah but we have a lot of downs.. Probably because I'm a teenager" I say. "Ok can we get into relationships and love?" He says smiling."oh no.. Sure why not" I say laughing. "YAY! Ok so your in a relationship with the YouTube star Ethan Dolan right? The boy from the Dolan twins?" He says. "I'm happy to say yes! We've broke up once but gotten back together so right now we're healthy and problem free" I say blushing. "Cute!" He says. "What about that love triangle with You,Ethan,and Jack from why don't we?" He says. "Well me and Jack used to be best friends until he did something to me that I'm not quite ready to put on the internet if that's ok with you but yeah and I broke up with Ethan for reasons and weeks later Jack and Ethan fought. Later that day I got together with Ethan and now we're here!" I say. "That's alright if you don't wanna get into detail. Before you even got together with Ethan is there any other boys you knew that you liked?" He asks. "Oh god.... Umm Zach from why dont we.. I had a massive crush on him for a while but Ethan was my first crush but he was a youtuber and I never thought I would meet him but I knew Zach for a long time so yeah.. Until I met Ethan and I totally forgot about Zach and fell in love with Ethan if that makes sense" I say laughing. He leans back. "Whoa.. You got more love in your life then mine... I just have a little boy" he says laughing. "Hey!" Ryland shouts. "Do you have any friends out of L.A?" He asks. "Yes I do! Her names Leslie and I met here when I lived in Massachusetts. It was the first day of school and I didn't know anybody and we started talking and now we're closer than ever. Love you Leslie if your watching this!" I say. "Have you ever wanted to change your life and not be famous?" He asks. "Nope! I love my life just they way it is and I would never change it" I say. "I'm sorry but I have to go back to that Zach thing! You liked Jack's best friend?! When Jack liked you?" He says. "I didn't know jack liked me! And when I found out I was shook" I say putting my hands on my heart. "You watch to much of my YouTube videos"he says laughing. "Tell us a bit about yourself!" He says smiling. "My favorite colors is black and purple, I look nothing like my dad,I love pizza and fries,my favorite artists are Drake and Bazzi, and I have no idea who my mother is" I say. "Well that's all I hope you guys enjoyed this video bye!" Shane says and ends the video. "Can we record a video for my channel?" I ask. "Of course! What do you wanna film?" He asks. "Q&A!" I say. I tweet to ask questions then I start my video. "HEY GUYS ITS ME JANESSA!" I say putting my hands up and smiling."I'm here with my favorite youtuber! Ahh!" I say and hug Shane. "Hi" he says. "We're doing a Q&A so let's get into it!" I say going on Twitter. "What's your favorite video of Shane?" I read. "I love his video when he waffle ironed a Barbie! I was dying" I say laughing. "Oh god the memories..." He says looking in the distance. "If you weren't with Ethan who would you date?" I read. "Oh god do I have to answer?" I say. "Omg yes!" Shane says laughing. I take one of his pillows. "Zach from why don't we...." I say into the pillow. "OMG!" Shane says laughing. "Please. Don't watch this Zach or Ethan! Ethan I love you so much! I wouldn't do anything to trade you" I say putting my hands together. "Might mess up your relationship" Shane says still laughing. "Next question!" I say. "What did Jack to you?" I read. "Umm... Ill make a video with Ethan about that.. I promise!" I say. We finish reading and I do the outro. "Well that is it for the video! I hope you guys enjoyed and I love you my little beans! Like and subscribe and today's question of the day is who's your favorite youtuber?" I say blowing a kiss to the camera and turn it off. "That was interesting.." I say. "Ryland come say hi!" Shane shouts. Ryland comes out and smiles. "Hi Janessa!" He says giving me a hug. I hug him back. I pet Uno and smile. Couple hours go by and dad's already here. "Bye guys! I hope to come again!" I say and smile. "Bye!" They say and I walk out."how was it?" Dad asks as I get in the car. "Amazing!" I say and smile. We get home and I change into a 4ou shirt with black fluffy pj pants. I lay down and I see a whole bunch of tweets of people saying for Ethan to watch Shane's video. (Text convo)Eteeweetee:Zach huh?/Me:Ethan it's a video you know I love you/Eteeweetee:Seriously?!/Me:calm down! It's for the video! You're acting like I'm cheating! /Eteeweetee:what if you are? /Me:are you serious? I can't believe you would think that. /Eteeweetee:Why don't you just date Zach? /Me:I said in the video I wouldn't do anything to trade you. I liked Zach before I knew you! It's not like I can read my future and figure out I was gonna meet my YouTube crush!! /Eteeweetee:What if I told you I liked I liked Tessa before I knew you? /Me:I would be fine with it! I wouldn't be if you still liked her while dating me because that's one of my best friends. /Eteeweetee:well I used to until I saw you! /Me:And I liked Zach before I met you! /Eteeweetee:so you liked Zach while we first started talking.. /Me:no Ethan! Your were my youtuber crush! He was my real crush /Eteeweetee:.. Do you still love me more? /Me:duh! If I didn't I would be dating and texting Zach but am I?no! I'm texting the boy that took my heart /Eteeweetee:Fine I forgive you and I love you. /Me:Forgive me?!?Nvm I love you too (text ended) I swear he's crazy. I put my phone down and fall asleep.

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