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As we talked we would stare into each other's eyes. "You did not do that" I say laughing. "Yes I did!" He says throwing popcorn in his mouth. "Well in 3rd grade I asked a boy if I could see a picture from the book that he was reading and he said I have to date him in order to see it" I say laughing.(A/N:Yes that experience did happen to me in 3rd grade) "No way" Ethan says. "Yes way!" I say. I place my legs on his lap. We move closer to each other in silence. He quickly puts me on top of him as we start kissing. Which turns into a make out session. "I.. Love...you" he says in between kisses. His hands moved up and down all over me. We quickly flip so that I'm on the bottom and he's on top of me. Your gonna scream my name" he says. He starts lifting my sweater until my phone buzzes. "Ethan.." I whisper. "It's fine leave it" he says going back to what he's doing. "What if it's my dad" I say. "Fine but please hurry I'm impatient" he says getting off of me as I put my sweater down. I look at my phone confused. (Text convo)Unknown: Hi sweetie/Me: Who the hell is this?/Unknown: If I tell you..you won't believe me/Me: Just say it!/Unknown:Ready.../Me:...?/ Unknown: Your mother..(text ended) I didn't know to feel happy,sad,mad."can we go back to what we were doing?" Ethan asks putting his hand on my thigh. "Stop..." I say. "Why?" He asks. I show him the messages. "Wow... Do you wanna meet her?" He asks. I look at him with watery eyes. "Do you wanna talk about it" he says taking both my hands. I nod and we inch closer so that our knees are touching. "I never really knew her but I have a blur of her. She has brown hair mid length and her smile was the warmest. Until I turned 4 and she disappeared. I asked my dad and he said that she went on vacation. Later on I still never saw her and going into my teen years I thought she passed away. Her hugs were the best. I never knew why she left.. When I try to ask my dad about it he gets real down and changes the subject" I say with tears dropping. "You know how hard it is to live without your mother? The one who gave you life.." I say. "I'm so sorry" Ethan says hugging me. We drift off into a sleep. Next morning comes and I was gonna ask dad about the text messages and see what's up. I change into a red thrasher hoodie, black jeans, red high top vans, red beanie, and my hair out curly. I see Ethan editing a video and he looks at me."you leaving already? It's only 10 a.m" he says getting up. "I need to figure out this mom situation" I say. "Ok I love you and text me if anything" he says walking me out. I get in my car and put my bag in the passengers seat. I get home and get out the car. I put my things in my room and go to dad who is outside vlogging. "We need to talk" I say. "Why?" He asks."we just need to" I say. "Brendan turn the camera off" he says. I show him the messages and he looks at me. "She called me yesterday. She's ready to be in your life again" he says taking my hands. I hold in my tears. "Why? After all this time?" I say. "I don't know but she'll tell you today when she comes at 1" he says forcing a smile. I nod and go to my room. I start thinking about last night about what me and Ethan almost did. I can't tell dad that! I draw until 1 comes and I start panicking. What if I'm not pretty enough for her? Is she nice? Will she answer my questions? "JANESSA COME DOWN!" I hear dad yell. I start panicking more. I calm down and open my door. I walk down the stairs and I see no one. "Where is she?" I ask. "Right here" dad says as she walks out. "Hi sweetie" she says smiling. My eyes widen and I start shaking. "Chloe?" I say. She nods. "WAIT STOP! CHLOE BENNET?" I say. "Yes Janessa" dad says. "I um....wow" I say as my mind goes back to my 16th birthday. "Can we sit and talk" she asks. I wanted to yell but I wanted to hug her at the same time. We sit on the couch. "Why did you show up at my 16th birthday?" I ask. "I wanted to be at my daughters 16th birthday and that's when I was gonna tell you until you totally flipped" she says. "Yeah sorry about that" I say. "It's ok" she says smiling. That's the smile! The warm smile I always loved. "Why did you leave me?" I ask. "I was young and scared...I also had a career but as I got older I noticed my daughter and family is more important then my job. And I totally forgot how pretty you are! You don't look anything like your dad" she says giggling. "I know! I always thought I was adopted till right now" I say smiling. "I wanna be in your life again" she says. Those words hit me hard. My eyes fill with tears. "I... I don't know if your just gonna leave again" I say. "I promise I won't! I missed out on so much and I'm sorry for that" she says as her eyes tear up as well. "I love you Janessa" she says. "I....I love you too" I say and everything comes out. All my tears and emotions. She quickly brings me into a hug and I hug her back. "I'm not going anywhere this time" she says. "THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION! DINNER ON ME LETS GO!" Dad yells. Me,Chloe..I mean mom, dad, Brendan, and Lydia all go into the cool bus. I sit and go on my phone. We get there and we get out. A crowd quickly forms us outside. Dad quickly puts me in front of him and he holds my shoulders. We get inside and sit. Me and Brendan sit on one side, dad and mom sit on the other side, and Lydia sits at the end of the table. "Hi my name is Steve and I will be your waiter today! What will you guys like to drink?" The waiter asks. "Water" Dad, Mom, and me say. "Coke" Lydia and Brendan say. The waiter leaves and come backs with our drinks. We order and he leaves. "So me and you mother decided you will spend Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with her" Dad says. "Wait who said I agreed to this?" I say. "Well it's not your decision. She wants to be in your life again and I want her to be too" he says holding her hand. I swallow as I look at their hands. "So when did you plan on telling me you knew who my mom was all along?" I ask. "I don't know... Until she was ready" he says. "So Janessa! You have a boyfriend? I've seen it all over social media!" Mom says. "Yeah I do.. We've been together for like 2 and a half years now. He's a youtuber and he makes videos with his brother. Their channel is the Dolan twins but I'm dating the older twin aka Ethan" I say smiling getting red. "Wow you know a lot" she says. "Yeah I was a huge fan! I still am" I say. "I would love to meet him" she says smiling. I froze and stared wide eyed at her. "Janessa?" Brendan says shaking me. "Sorry I just was thinking" I say forcing a smile. We finish dinner and go out. "Do you wanna stay at your moms house tonight?" He asks. I didn't wanna be rude "yeah sure" I say. I quickly pack a bag and go into the car. "Ready?" She says getting in. I nod and we go to her house. "Wow it's beautiful" I say walking out. "Happy you like it" she says. She gives me a tour and shows me my room. I change into Ethan's red hoodie and black shorts. I FaceTime Ethan and tell him everything. "SHE WANTS TO MEET ME! OH NO OH NO OH NO" he says panicking. "What's wrong?" I ask. "YOUR MOM YOU HAVEN'T SEEN FOR YEARS WANTS TO MEET ME! WHAT IF SHE DOESN'T LIKE ME" he say. My mom walks in. "Who ya talking to?" She says sitting on my bed. "Ethan" I say. Ethan freezes. "Hi!" She says smiling. "Uh..hi" Ethan says putting a big smile but I could tell he was nervous. I hang up on Ethan and say goodnight to mom. I then fall asleep but it was upsetting I didn't have Kong in my arms.

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