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We get off the plane and rush to the taxi. Me and Ethan decided to only stay for about 3 or 4 days. "Hi how may I help you?" The lady asked at the front desk of the hotel. "Checking into 1 room. Ethan Dolan" he says. "Ok.. Here are your room keys" she says giving us 2. We walk into the room and I jump on the bed. "YES WER'RE HERE!" I shout. Ethan laughs. "Tonight we have a dinner. At 5 we have to be there! The whole family is gonna be there" Ethan says. "ITS 3!? I NEED TO GET READY!" I say. I take a shower and wash my hair to leave it out curly. I put a bit of makeup on and a light pink dress that's knee high and some white heels. I finally finish and look at Ethan wearing a black button down,black jeans,and his converse."look who finally is ready" he says. "Shut up...anyways you ready?" I ask. "yeah and why you looking so freakin cute?" He says looking me up and down smirking. "Because it's a first impression" I say. "Selfie time!" I say bringing Ethan in front of the mirror. He picks me up bridal style and i take the picture. We hold hands and walk down stairs. We get into the uber and get to Ethan's house. We get out the car. "Ready?" Ethan says looking at me. "sure" I say. He holds my hand and we walk in. "Hello?" Ethan says. "In the kitchen!" We hear someone yell. We walk in the kitchen. "Ethan!" His mom says giving him a hug. He gives the rest of his family a hug and comes back to me. "Mom and dad, this is Janessa! My girlfriend" he says. "Hi" I say giving them both hugs. "Hi Janessa! You're really pretty! Ethan's lucky to have you" his mom says smiling. "Good job Ethan. I taught you well" his dad says. I get red. "Aww nothing to be shy about sweetie" his mom says laughing. "Well we should eat" Ethan says bringing me to sit. He pulls out my chair as I sit. He sits next to me as we all take our plates of food. "I'm happy we all could make it. Sadly Grayson couldn't be here but it's ok. We know he's having fun in Massachusetts. I would like to introduce you all to Janessa. This is my girlfriend" Ethan says. Everybody says hi. "She looks familiar" Cameron says. "What?" Ethan says. "You're famous aren't you?" Cameron asks. Everybody gives me a strange look. "Uh kinda.... I'm Logan Paul's daughter.." I say. Everybody stays silent for a minute. "THE Logan Paul!?" His cousin asks. "Yup" I say. "I love him! He's amazing" the kid says. '"I'm happy you enjoy my dad content" I say smiling. "Wow.... I didn't know you were famous! Makes sense" his mom says. "So how did you guys meet?" His dad asks. "At a party. She was a fan of mine and was wearing a 4ou hoodie so we started talking and getting closer and now we're even closer" he says. "Adorable" Cameron says. We finish eating and go into the backyard. "Having fun so far?" Ethan asks. "Yeah! EXEPT for that awkward moment when they found out who my dad was" I say. "Yea... They were pretty surprised. But I mean I haven't had a girlfriend in awhile expect now so they we're probably more surprised at that" Ethan says laughing. "You're to much" I say laughing. The night ends and we leave back to the hotel. "These heels are killing me" I say as we walk in the room. I take them off and change into my 4ou hoodie with purple shorts. I was sitting on the couch when Ethan runs and jumps on the couch. He puts his head on my lap and goes on his phone. I get a notification on Twitter so I see what it. (@EthanDolan tweeted: with Bae❤️SHE MET THE FAM!) I look at Ethan and he smiles. "Nerd" I say laughing. "Thanks!" He says. A few days pass and it's time to fly back home. I put my 4ou hoodie on with my 4ou sweatpants and purple converse. We go to the airport *skip airplane ride and ride home* Ethan walks me up to my house."I had fun" Ethan says hugging me. "Me too" I say giving him a kiss. He leaves and I unpack. I Take my shoes off and eventually fall asleep. (3 weeks later) I was sitting on the sofa while dad was vlogging behind me. By the way I started a YouTube channel! Already has 4 mill! I was on Twitter scrolling when Ethan texts me. (Text convo)Eteeweetee: We gotta talk.. Meet me at the park../Me: ok! (Text ended) "hey dad! Ethan needs to talk to me at the park so I will be out for a bit" I say getting up. "Ok be careful!" He says and goes back to vlogging. I go in my room and put on Jean shorts,adidas,and a black and white adidas shirt. I put my hair into 2 French braids and walk out. "Bye dad! See you in a bit!" I say walking out. "Bye!" He says. I walk down and go to the park a couple blocks down. I get there and look for Ethan. I see him sitting on a bench. "Ethan!" I yell and run to him. He gets up and gives me a hug and a kiss. We both sit. "Where's Grayson?" I ask looking around. "He came back yesterday from mass so he's home getting some rest" Ethan says looking down. "What wrong?" I say putting his face up. "I have to tell you something Janessa.." (A/N: listen to what about us by P!nk to make it more sad. that's what I did..) "He says holding my hands. Pease don't break up with me..... "So me and Grayson are going on tour again" he says. "THATS AMAZING!" I say exited. "The thing is it's a world wide thing... 40 cities... We're gonna be gone for 8 months....." (I didn't put the exact time things when they actually went on tour) He says..... I break inside... Not seeing my boyfriend for 8 months? "Oh.. Well I can visit a show! And we can text and FaceTime" I say trying to bring up the spirit. "That's the thing... We're gonna be so busy I'm not gonna have time to stop... Which means no communication.. We have been planning this tour for 2 years now and I didn't know you at the time.." He says. "So we won't be able to talk for 8 months?" I say. "I can try and grab my phone here and there but it's gonna be challenging" he says. "Can we still be together?" I say. "Of course! It's just.. It's gonna be hard to keep this relationship together" he says. I can see he's about to cry, so am I. We look at each other. I take his hands "we will make it work.. Even if I have to stop everything to see you" I say. "Thank you for understanding.. We leave for Boston in a week... Come with me to the airport" he says. "I promise I will" I say. I'm fighting trying not to shed a tear. "I love you princess" he says. " I love you too Eteeweetee" I say. I run home and walk in. "Hey Janessa! How was it?" Dad asks. "Ethan leaves for tour in a week for 8 months.... He won't be able to communicate with me because he will be busy" I say. "Janessa....." Brendan says. "It's fine.. I'm ok" I say, knowing I'm hurting inside. I go in my room and lock my door. That's when I let it free... My tears come out. I change into grey leggings and and my 4ou hoodie. I cry and sit on the floor. I bring my legs to my chest as I lay against my bed. "I love you Ethan" I whisper still crying. "Janessa come on!"Brendan says knocking. I don't answer so he picks the lock. "Com.... JANESSA!" He says coming down to me. I shake my head. "It's ok" he says bringing me into a hug. I cry on his shoulder. "He's gonna be gone..." I say crying. "Shhh it's ok" he says. I fall asleep in his arms. (1 week later) Today is the day Ethan leaves... I change into one of those tight Calvin Klein crock tops that is white,Light denim shorts,and white converse, I put my hair into a bun and grab my phone. "Ready?" Dad asks. I nod. Dad was gonna drop the twins off at the airport. We get to the warehouse and they put there bags in the back. I sit in the middle with Ethan to my right and Grayson to my left. I hold Ethan tightly. We get there and dad parks. We walk in and go to there gate. We wait until they leave. Their plane starts to board. "I'm not ready.." I say. "I'm not either...." He says holding both my hands. "I love you and don't forget that" he says. "Don't leave" I say. "I have to.. I can't cancel now... Tickets are sold out" he says. "Last boarding" the lady says. "Janessa we have to go" dad says. "No! I can't!" I yell. Tears start falling and Ethan has some tears. "I... I have to go Janessa" Ethan says giving me a kiss and walking away with his head down. "NO ETHAN!" I yell. Dad picks me up. "LET ME DOWN!" I yell wiggling and kicking around. "Janessa please calm down" dad says. "NO ETHANNNN!" I yell crying. Everybody is staring but at this point I don't care. "Ethan.." I say out of breath. We get home and I go into my room. I change into Ethan's red hoodie and black shorts. I FaceTime Tessa. "Tessa" I choke out. "I heard....I'm so sorry love" she says. "Who told you?" I say. "It's on celeb secrets Instagram and every social media...." She says. "A piece of me is gone... He won't even be able to come to my party which is in 4 months...." I say. "This is honestly horrible... You guys might be young but you guys have such a strong relationship.." She says. We talk for about 3 hours then I decided to sleep it off. "Bye my love" she says. "Bye" I say and hang up. I check my social media's because that's what I do every night and I see Ethan tweeted. (@EthanDolan tweeted: Balling my eyes out... Missing my princess....Gotta stay strong...I can't help it @Janessa_slayss) (@Janessa_slayss liked and retweeted and replied: Same... I don't know how we're gonna do this but we gotta try our best.. Love you Ethan...) I put my phone down because I know if I go on Instagram or anything else that I'm gonna see so many things about today and I'm not ready to see it all. I cry with Kong in my arms and fall asleep

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