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I wake up and dad and Brendan are gone. (Text convo)Me: Where are you??/Dad: Went out.. Have fun! Go to the beach and dinner today without us. I left money on the table for your dinner/Me: thanks dad! Love you/Dad: Love you too(text ended) I pick up the twins camera. "hey guys! Everybody is still sleeping so let's wake them up" I say setting up the camera. I get two pans. 3..2..1! "I AINT GONNA SLEEP CAUSE OF YALL! YALL NEVER GONNA SLEEP CAUSE OF ME!" I shout over and over as I hit the pans. "JANESSA SHUT UP!" Leslie yells. "NOOO!" I yell. "Janessa.." Ethan says. "Get up and get ready! We're going to the beach" I say getting my bathing suit. "Ugh" Grayson says dragging himself out of bed. I go in the bathroom and change into my white and light blue bathing suit and my shades on. I go out and Leslie goes to change. Me and Ethan look at each other. He has blue and white trunks on. "Why you copying me?" I say pointing to his trunks. "Why not?" He says. "That's my phrase!" I say. "Oh well" he says smiling. Leslie comes out and we head down stairs. Ethan picks up the go-pro. "Hey guys! We're going to the beach now and I'm with these 3 goofs" Ethan says pointing the go-pro to us. "We might not record there a lot since you guys know what a beach looks like and we wanna have some fun with the girls" Grayson says. "Oh and guys don't think it's the girls fault we aren't picking up the camera! We weren't even gonna record the trip until we noticed we are gonna need a video. So it's not the girls fault and we shouldn't be recording because this is for Janessa's birthday anyways" Ethan says putting his arm around me. "So we will maybe see you at the beach!" Grayson says. Ethan turns the go-pro off and we're outside walking to the beach. Ethan looks at Grayson and Grayson looks at Ethan. Ethan puts me on his back and Grayson puts Leslie on his back. "Why?" Leslie asks. "Race ya!" Grayson says. "Let's go!" Ethan says. They both start sprinting. I hold on tight enough. Me and Ethan win of course. "OK YOU MIGHT HAVE WON THAT BUT WILL YOU WIN THE RACE TO THE WATER!" Grayson says. Before we could respond Grayson takes off running. "GRAYSON!" I yell running after him. Grayson gets first, then me, then Leslie, then Ethan. Grayson tries to hug Leslie. "Ew you" Leslie says laughing. Ethan hugs me from behind. He then squats under water so I sit on his lap. "OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH! ITS THE DOLAN TWINS!" 3 girls says running into the water just to hug them. I get off Ethan and he stands up. "Can we get a picture?" One girls asks. "Of course!" Grayson says walking out the water. They all take pictures and come back in. I hop on Ethan's back and kiss his cheek. "I love you" he says holding my legs. "I love you too" I say smiling. He once again brings me to the front as I wrap my legs and arms around him. "If you love me then do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Ethan asks. "I don't know do I?" I say smiling. "Yeah I think so" he says smiling as well. "Yea I think so too" I say inching closer. He brings my face closer and we kiss. "AWWW!" Leslie yells. "Is it official?" Grayson asks. "I'm proud to say yes" Ethan says wrapping his arms around my waist. "FINALLY!" Leslie says. We all get out and head to the room. We we're gonna go out to eat since it's already 4p.m. We all take showers and change. I put on a navy blue spring dress and some gold sandals with my hair straight. Leslie wears jeans with a nice shirt and converse. Ethan wears his vans, black jeans, a white shirt with a jean jacket and a backwards black hat. Grayson wears his white converse, jeans, a white shirt. "Am I the only one kinda dressed up?" I say. "You know I don't do all that" Leslie says. "And we aren't gonna wear suits" Grayson says. "You look beautiful" Ethan says. I smile. I take Ethan's hand and stand in front of the mirror. Ethan wraps his arms around me and digs his head into my shoulder while he closes his eyes. I smile and take a picture. "LESLIE!" I yell. He comes and we take a selfie. Then me and Grayson. Then all 4 of us. We go down stairs and head to a restaurant. We get there and get our table. "What would you like for drinks?" The lady asks. "Water" the twins say. "Coke" me and Leslie say. She brings us our drinks. I'm sitting next to Ethan while Leslie is across from me. All our phones  where on the table when Ethan's lights up and says "Mom" on it. "Moms calling! Be right back guys" Ethan says as he gets up and walks away. "Would you like to order?" The lady asks. "Just a minute. My boyfriend had to go do something" I say smiling. She nods and walks away. "Ohhhh boyfriend huh?" Grayson says smirking. "Shut up gray" I say laughing. Couple minutes pass by. "I'm gonna go check on Ethan" I say getting up. "Ok" they say. I go outside to and see Ethan kissing another girl. I stand in shock as I cover my mouth. "E..Ethan?" I say trying not to break a tear. They both look at me. "This is even better then seeing it online" the girl says smirking.  "Janessa! It's not what it looks like. Let me explain!" Ethan says grabbing my wrist. "I don't think i wanna listen or see you right now... I can't believe you... After how much fun we were having" I say pushing him off of me. I go inside and grab my phone. "Ready to ord.... Whoa what happen?" Grayson asks. "I don't know ask Ethan" I say walking out. Hopefully dad isn't in the bedroom. I go in the room and put something more comfy. I change into black leggings, grey converse, and my grey,black,and white maverick hoodie. I go out and sit on the beach. I FaceTime Tessa and she picks up. "Hey!.. What happen?!" She asks. "Ethan asked me out today and I said yes but we were at a restaurant and he got a call and he walked out. Couple minutes later I went to check on him and his lips are on another girl" I say bursting into tears."that little... Luckily I'm not there because if I was" Tessa starts. "I thought we loved each other..I guess he didn't love me enough" I say. "You don't need him Janessa. Does your dad know?" She asks. "I totally forgot! No he doesn't know and if he does then Ethan's gonna be in a million pieces" I say whipping my tears as more come out. "Yeah he's dead... Logan's a big guy" Tessa says. "I know and if I don't go then dads gonna worry" I say. (Incoming FaceTime call from Leslie a.k.a My fungus) "Tessa I will talk to you later. Leslie's calling. Love you" I say. "Love you too" she says as I pick up Leslie's call. "JANESSA! YOU HAVE ME WORRIED SICK! WHERE ARE YOU?" Leslie says. "Somewhere... Where are you?" I ask. "Looking everywhere for you!" Leslie says. "Don't go to the hotel room! Dads gonna ask where I am and I don't want dad to know yet"I say. "Ok! We won't but at least tell me where you are" she says. "I'm at the beach.. Come alone or with Grayson. And where's Ethan?" I say. "Ok I'm coming and he's sitting in the front of the hotel with his head down" she says. "Ok see you when you come" Leslie says hanging up. A couple minutes I feel someone hugging me. I turn and see Leslie. I stand and hug her back crying on her shoulder. "Hey Janessa" Grayson says. "Can I tell you something?" He says. "Ethan told me to tell you that he didn't kiss her. She kissed him and it was a crazy fan. He would never do that and we all know he wouldn't. He's a good guy Janessa and he wants to talk to you" Grayson says. "I will talk to him tomorrow" I say. We walk up stairs and Ethan comes as well. We all walk in the room and dad is sitting there. "How was dinner?" Dad asks. Gray,Ethan,and Leslie look at me. "It was fine!" I say faking a smile. I take off my shoes and lay down in Leslie's bed. "Janessa what are you doing?" Grayson asks. "I wanna sleep in this bed" I say. "Ok" Grayson says going to Ethan's bed. I face the wall and silently cry. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. We all fall asleep and then morning comes and dad and Brendan are gone. Leslie,Grayson, and Ethan are watching tv. I get up and brush my teeth and take a shower. I walk over to them.. "Morning" I say. Ethan looks at me and I roll my eyes. He puts his head down and stays shut.

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