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Today I was gonna go to the warehouse to see the twins because I have nothing better to do with my life. I wake up and it's 10 a.m. I take a shower and change into a dark blue cropped hoodie,black jeans,Dark blue converse, i leave my hair out curly and put a black beanie on. It was kinda chilly in L.A for once! I call a uber and put my phone in my back pocket. "Hey dad!" I say walking out my room. "Hey! You're going to the warehouse right?" Dad asks. "Yup!" I say smiling. "Have fun and be more careful this time!" He says. My uber is here so I walk outside. "JANESSA!" I hear fans yell. I wave and smile and go into my uber. "Famous huh?" The uber guy asks. "Uhh yup" I say on my phone. "So who are you?" He asks. "I don't know if you know him but I'm Logan Paul's daughter" I say. "THE Logan Paul!?" He asks. I nod. He looks in his 20's. "You're really pretty" he says looking at me and smirking. I freak out and text Tessa. (Text convo)Me:my uber driver is being creepy! Please help!/My Love: Say you like girls! It's the only way/Me:what no! He won't believe me!/My Love: it's the only way! Let me help you(text ended) huh? "So how old are you?" He asks. "15.." I say. "Just the way I like it" he mumbled. "Got a boyfriend?" He asks. Before I could answer I look at my phone. (Incoming FaceTime call from My Love) I pick it up and put it on full volume. "Hey beautiful! I was thinking about you" she says. I guess I'm playing along if I wanna live... "Thinking of you too" I say. "Gosh you're so adorable! I'm so happy I have you and no one else can. Love you" she says. "Love you more" I say. "I gotta go! About to arrive at the warehouse" I say. "Love you" she says. "Love you too" I say and hang up. "Oh you got a girlfriend huh?" He says. "yup! I love her" I say. "Oh" he says. We get to the warehouse and I run out the car and walk in. "Ethan? Grayson?" I say walking into where the foam pit and stuff is. "OVER HERE!" I hear Ethan yell from the top. I see he just got out the shower because he was in his underwear and his hair was wet. He walks over to me. "Don't give me a hug until you put some clothes on" I say laughing. "Ughhhh!" He says. He runs to his room and when he comes out he's wearing burgundy low top vans,tan pants,burgundy shirt, and a burgundy backwards hat. "Adorable" I say giving him a kiss and a hug. "Where's Grayson?" I ask. "In his room as always! He's always talking to Leslie! He's been like this for a couple days now and it's pretty annoying" he says frowning and crossing his arms. "Aww is Eteeweetee sad?" I say. He nods. "Will a kiss help?" I say smiling. He nods faster. I give him a kiss. "Better!" He says. "Wanna go live on your Instagram?" I ask Ethan. "Yeah!" He says. We go to the kitchen and sit down. "Give my your phone" I say. He gives me it. I go to his Instagram and go live. Seconds later fans are flooding in. I stand up the phone. "Ethan come over here!" I say. He comes over and waves. "Hey guys! I never go live!" He says laughing. All the comments are heart eyes and hearts. "Well ask some questions!" He says. I look at some of the comments. "Hmm.. It says how did you guys meet" I say. "We met at one of Jake Paul's parties. Aka her uncle and I fell in love with her right when I saw her. She had a 4ou hoodie on and everything" Ethan says smiling at me. I blush and read another question. "When are you gonna do a boyfriend or girlfriend tag?" I say. "Hmm I don't know. I wanna start a YouTube channel and I'm probably gonna post it there" I say. "What's your favorite thing about each other?" Ethan reads. "This is hard.. I love his smile,laugh,Funniness,weirdness" I say holding his hand. "I love her eyes, fashion, Personality and just everything" he says. "Kiss!" Ethan reads. "Uhh" I say looking down and getting red. "don't act like we never kissed. We kissed like 5 minutes ago" Ethan says laughing. "Ok but there's a audience now" I say. By the time I knew it Ethan's lips were on mine. We stopped and looked back at the comments. "AWWW!" Was all I saw. "You guys make a cute couple! Couple goals" I read. "Thank you!" We say. "Where's Grayson?" Someone asks. "He's in his room talking to Leslie aka Janessa's best friend" Ethan says rolling his eyes. "Let's go check on him!" I say taking the phone and switching the camera so it can look ahead. Ethan goes first and walks into Grayson's room. "HEYO! WE'RE HERE!" Ethan yells. "What?" Grayson asks. "Say hi to the live!" I say. "Hey guys!" Grayson says. "Can you guys go now?" Grayson asks. "Why?" Ethan says. "Because I'm talking with Leslie" he says getting aggravated. "Well not if I take your phone!" Ethan says grabbing Grayson's phone and runs. "ETHAN!" Grayson yells as he chases them. I chase them while still on live. They stop in the middle of the warehouse. "Give me my phone!" Grayson says getting louder. "Uhh no!" Ethan says laughing. "What do you like her or something?" Ethan says laughing. "ACTUALLY YES! I WAS GONNA TELL HER UNTIL YOU CAME IN!" Grayson yells. "Janessa, stop the live please" Ethan says looking at me. "Ok" I say. I get off the live. "Grayson?"Leslie says. Grayson grabs his phone. "Yeah?" He says. "Calm down please.... I like you too.."she says smiling. Ethan comes over to me and puts his arm around me. "I'm booking a plane ticket to Massachusetts! See you in a bit" Grayson says hanging up. "You serious?" Ethan says. "UH YEAH! MY CRUSH LIKES ME! I GOTTA SEE HER" Grayson says getting exited. He goes and packs. "Man... another week without my twin... We did it once and that went horrible..." Ethan says looking at me. "Hmm... How about we go away? If Grayson is going away so should we" I say smiling. "You serious?!" Ethan says getting exited. "yeah!" I say. "Where? And would your dad let you?" He says. "I will talk to him and I don't know...." I say. "JERSEY! YOU CAN MEET MY FAMILY!" He yells. "Sounds fun!" I say smiling. "YAY!" He says jumping up and down. "Guys I gotta go! My flight is soon!" Grayson says. "Ok! We're gonna go to Jersey so we won't be far from you!" Ethan says smiling. "That's great! Have fun!! Love you bro and tell the family I said hi! My uber's here so I gotta go" Grayson says. He gives us a hug then goes. "Janessa can you stay tonight?" He asks. "Let me see" I say calling my dad. "Hello?" He says picking up. "Hey daddd... I have a question" I say. "What" he says. "Can I stay at the warehouse? Grayson left for a trip and Ethan doesn't wanna be lonely" I say begging. "Please be careful and don't do anything you're gonna regret" he says begging also. "Yay! Also can I go to Jersey with Ethan tomorrow? He wants me to meet his family and stuff" I say. "Sure.. Since you're my daughter you have to travel a lot. I'm going to Italy later tonight anyways so Lydia will be here! Have fun and I love you" he says. "Love you too" I say hanging up. "SOO?" Ethan says. "WE'RE GOING TO JERSEY! AND IM STAYING OVER!" I yell. "YAY!" He yells giving me a long kiss. "What am I gonna wear?" I say. "You know I got you!" Ethan says. "What you wanna do?" Ethan asks. "Go live again" I say laughing. "Fine but this time on your account" Ethan says. We sit in the foam pit and go live. "Hey guys! I'm here with a special somebody!" I say. I point the camera to Ethan and he smiles. "Hi!" He says. "And we have a really special announcement! Don't we Ethan?" I say looking at him. "WE'RE GOING TO JERSEY! Grayson left to Massachusetts so see his soon to be girlfriend. So me and Janessa decided to go on a mini vacation so yea!"Ethan says. Everybody was so happy and exited. "We won't be vlogging there because I wanna spend time with family so luckily we got a pre-recorded video I can edit in Jersey" Ethan says. "Yeah and we might do a meet and great over there too! Don't know yet! So ask questions and we will answer. By the way we leave to jersey tomorrow at 2 p.m" I say. We start looking at comments. "Would you guys ever move in together and start a family?" Ethan reads. "Uhh.. Depends on how long we stay together. I don't really want kids but I mean if it's Ethan's kids sure" I say. "Yeah I really want a family. Just little Ethan's running around" he says laughing. "Oh no" I say laughing as well. "Can we see both of your lock screens?" Ethan reads. "Sure! But I'm live on my phone so Ethan will pull up the picture of my background" I say. Ethan shows his lock screen which is again the one we took before going to dinner in the Bahamas "she looks beautiful" Ethan says. He pulls up the picture we took right when we got back together and showed it. "This is Janessa's background! Our outfits were poppin that day!"Ethan say. I give him a kiss. "IS THAT ETHAN DOLAN?!" I read. "Yup! That's me" he says. "Look at our mom and dad" Ethan reads. "Aww you guys look at us as mom and dad? That's adorable! See I don't need to have my own children when I have all them!" I say. "True" Ethan says. "Well we should go. It's getting late and we need to wake up because we both need to pack so bye! Love you guys" I say ending the live. We walk to Ethan's room. "Pick a outfit to sleep in" he says pointing to his closet. I take out a dark blue shirt that says ocean and grey sweat pants. I change and lay down. Ethan lays next to me. "night princess" he says. "Night Eteeweetee" I say....... "MORNING!" Ethan yells. "Why you yelling?" I ask. "BECAUSE WE GO TO MY HOME TODAY! NOW WAKE UP! I ALREADY PACKED WHILE YOU SLEPT. WE JUST NEED TO GO TO YOUR HOUSE AND YOU PACK AND WE GO! HURRY WAKE UP" he yells. "What time is it?" I ask. "10:30" he says. I drag myself out of bed and put my converse and beanie back on. I keep the sweatpants and shirt on because I wanna be comfy. We get a uber and head to my house and go up stairs. We walk into my room and I start packing. "You almost done?" Ethan asks a hour later."uh almost!" I say. We walk out. "Lydia can you drop us off at the airport?" I ask. "Yup!" She says. She drops us off. "Bye thank you!" I say. "No problem bye!" She says as she drives off. We walk in and go through security. Ethan gets stopped and I pull out my phone and go to snapchat. "Look who got stopped" I say laughing and pointing the camera to him. He sticks up his ring finger. Finally at 1 p.m we make it to our gate. "Finally" we say sitting down. 5 minutes later fans rush up to us. People start lining up so me and Ethan take pictures with all of them. Soon enough our plane is boarding. We go in and sit down. Me and Ethan watch Shane Dawson and then fall asleep. "Janessa wake up!" Ethan says. "Why?" I say yawning. "We're in Jersey" Ethan says smiling.

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