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"I...I don't know what came over me" He says. "THAT MAKES NO RIGHT TO HIT YOUR OWN BROTHER" I yell. "Well he brang my girlfriend into things and you know how protective I am of her" he says standing still. I walk up to him. "Grayson... Who's more important, your TWIN brother, or a girl you've been with for about 1 year?If it wasn't for ME you wouldn't even be with her" I say pointing at him. "That's not true" he says getting defensive. "Really? IF I DIDN'T BRING HER TO THE PARK THAT DAY YOU WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW HER FREAKING NAME SO DON'T COME TO ME WITH THAT 'NOT TRUE' SHIT BECAUSE IT IS TRUE. AND BELIEVE ME I WILL MAKE YOU TWO BREAK UP IN LESS THEN 10 MINUTES! Grayson.. You DO NOT know what I'm capable of. Don't try me" I say. He stays quite and looks at me with anger. He turns and goes to his room and slams the door. I didn't know I was capable of doing that... I FELT BAD ASS! I go back to Ethan who is still on the floor and I put his head on my lap. "Ethan.. Babe... What did he do?" I whisper. He points to his stomach and eye. I didn't even notice his eye was dark and bruised.. "Let's bring you to you room" I say putting his arm around me. "Janessa stop... I don't want you getting hurt.. I'm a big guy and you're so tiny" he says. "Ethan... I'm fine. Let me help you. You're the most important thing to me" I say going up slowly. He nods and tries to pick himself up as well. He finally gets to his feet and we walk slowly to his room. He tripped a couple times but I caught him. I lay him down and close the door. "What are you gonna do?" He asks. "I'm gonna make you feel better and I'll stay for a bit longer but I gotta go home soon" I say. He nods. "I'll go get you a icepack and some pills" I say walking out. Grayson was sitting with his face in his hands at the table. I walk past him and get what I need to get. "How is he?" Gray asks. "Would have been much better if you didn't punch him in the stomach and eye" I say trying to get to the top shelf where the pills are. Grayson gets up and gets the pills. "Tell him I'm sorry and I hope he feels better" gray says handing me the pills. "he's your brother... You go tell him that. I'm not helping you with anything after that I can't even look at you the same way" I say looking down. He pushes me against the wall with anger. "TELL HIM I SAID SORRY!" He yells. Tears roll down my cheek.. "Please.. Grayson leave me alone" I say looking at him in the eyes. I look to my right and I see Ethan leaning against the wall. "Dude... Leave her alone... She has nothing to do with this" Ethan says. Grayson pushes me towards Ethan and I hug him tightly. Grayson snaps back into reality and he shakes his head. "I'm so sorry" he says taking his keys and leaving. "Get back into bed" I say. We walk back to his room and lay down. We watch Riverdale and both fall asleep. The morning comes and I see Ethan still sleeping. I yawn and notice it's the morning and I'm still at the warehouse. I rush to my phone and turn it on. (89 missed calls from dad, 110 texts from dad)(67 missed calls from Brendan, 50 texts from Brendan)(38 missed calls from Lydia, 40 texts from Lydia) "what happen?" Ethan asks. "I'm dead.... I stood here the night without saying anything!" I say quickly gathering my things. "I'll drive you home" Ethan says getting up. "No you're not feeling like that!" I say. (Incoming FaceTime call from dad) I take a deep breathe and answer. "WHAT THE HELL JANESSA!? WE'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK! ARE YOU OK?" He yells. "I'm fine! It's just something happened with Ethan and I had to take care of him and I fell asleep by accident. I'm so sorry" I say looking down. "Is Ethan alright? I see him in the background and he doesn't look to well" dad says. "A accident happened but we're good now dad. I'm coming home now" I say. "Ethan looks like he really needs you... Stay there for now and come home later" dad says. "Really?! Thank you!" I say. "No problem bye love you He says. "Love you too" I say hanging up. I go to Ethan as he sits on the edge of the bed. I kneel down in front of him  and smile. "I love you and everything will be alright" I say holding his hands. "I love you too" he says. "Grayson stop" we hear in a girls voice giggling coming from Grayson's room. I instantly turn angry. "Janessa stop! We don't know if we're sure" we tip toe to Grayson's room and we press our ears against the door. "Thanks for the night Grayson! I needed it" we hear in the girls voice again. "I needed it too" gray says. I swing open the door to see Grayson and a girl in bed. "Grayson.. HOW DARE YOU DO THAT? YOU HAVE A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND HONESTLY YOU'RE SO STUPID!"  I yell. "And who's she? and why is she saying you have a girlfriend?" The girl asks confused. "I'm Ethan's girlfriend! And that BOY you're sleeping with is MY best friends boyfriend! So I'm gonna tell you to leave in 2 seconds before..." I start. "Ha! You're not gonna do anything shorty" she says. Ethan takes my arm. "Let go" I say looking at him. He lets go and I go up to the girl. I quickly wrap her hair around my fist and drag her to the front "OWW STOP!" She yells. I keep dragging her outside as she has nothing on except her under garments. I punch her across the face. "NEVER under estimate me! You got it?" I say to her. She nods. "And NEVER come to this warehouse again. And DON'T try to come here behind my back because I WILL find out and I WILL do something much more painful then just dragging you out" I say taking the extra hair I pulled off out my hands. I walk back in and slam the door as I lock it. "My girlfriends a badass" Ethan says smirking leaning up against the wall. "Grayson explain before I do something to you too" I say crossing my arms. "I had to get my mind off of things and I knew Leslie's not the type and that was my ex and she wanted me back and last night I invited her while you 2 were sleeping and things got heated..." He says. "Now... I'm so upset and furious that I'm calm... You're gonna FaceTime Leslie and tell her this" I say. "What no! She'll break up with me and I love her!" He says. "IF YOU LOVED HER THEN YOU WOULDN'T HAVE CHEATED ON HER RETARD Now I'm gonna repeat myself... You're going to FaceTime Leslie and tell her this" I yell. All 3 of us sit at the table and Grayson face times her. "Hey ugly!... Wait what happen?" Leslie asks going from happy to sad. "Go ahead Grayson" I say. "Janessa what's going on?" She asks. Grayson stays shut. "GRAYSON over here has something to tell you" I say. He stays silent. "Grayson you have 20 seconds to tell her and if you don't I will be honored to" I say. "I SLEPT WITH A GIRL LAST NIGHT! I didn't mean to! I got in a fight with Ethan and I wanted to take my mind off of it" he says. "Grayson are you serious?!" She yells. "I'm sorry! It didn't mean anything and I still love you!" He says. "if you really think I'm gonna forgive you then you must be stupid! DON'T TEXT ME, DON'T CALL ME, DON'T FLY OUT HERE, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! IM DONE WITH YOU! WE'RE DONE!" She yells. "I dragged her out for you..it was pretty fun" I say. "Thank you! Now I have to go.. I don't wanna see you anymore" she says talking to Grayson. She hangs up and Grayson has tears. "You did it to yourself" I say. Me and Ethan go back to the room. "I feel so bad for Leslie and it kills me I can't see her" I say. "Fly out there! You can be with you best friend and I'm pretty sure she wants you right now" Ethan says. "SMART! Let me book a ticket" I say going onto Ethan's computer. Few minutes later my fight is booked! " I leave in a week!!" I say exited. "I'm gonna miss you but have fun" Ethan says smiling. I decided it's time for me to go home. I call a uber and gather up my things. "I actually have to go to London in a week so we will both be gone for a week. We can go to the airport together" Ethan says walking me out. "That's amazing!" I say. The uber comes so I give Ethan a hug. "Bye love you" he says. "Love you too" I say getting in the car. I get home and open the door. "JANESSA!" Dad shouts giving me a hug. I smile and hug back. "How is everything?" He asks. "Good! Ethan's feeling better" I say. I go to my room and put things away. I change into the Tuesday shirt they released and black shorts. I also change my phone case to the peace one they also just released. I go down stairs and sit with dad on the sofa. "So I booked a flight to Massachusetts.. I leave in a week and I did that because Leslie and Grayson just broke up and I'm pretty sure Leslie wants me there" i say. "Why do you do things and then tell me?" Dad asks. "Sorry...I just miss my best friend" I say. "Ugh it's fine. For how long will you be gone?" He asks. "One week" I say. I go to my room and watch YouTube for the rest of the night. (One week later) So apparently it's cold over there so I put on the Grethan hat, the 350 maverick long sleeve, the white Dolan sweatshirt, black tights, and black slippers with my hair tied back.(Text convo)Eteeweetee: I'm outside(text ended) I bring my bags down and say bye to everybody. "Bye dad! See you in a week" I say giving him a hug. "Bye be careful and call me when you land" he say. I go out and sit in the front with Ethan while Grayson is in the back. We get to the airport and take out all the bags. "Our terminals are across from each other which is good" Ethan says as we go through security. Ethan still had his black eye sadly. We sit down and fans come up to us. They kept asking what happen to Ethan's eye so he just kept saying he hurt himself while "play wresting" with Grayson. Everybody loved how I was wearing the merch. My plane started to board so I had to say bye. "Bye Ethan I love you and see you in a week" I say giving him a hug and kiss. "Bye princess! Text me or FaceTime me when you land" he says hugging back. "Bye Grayson" I say still upset at him. "Bye.. Tell Leslie.." He starts but I cut him off. "I'm not telling her anything you say" I say turning and boarding the plane. I sit and plug in my headphones and listen to music. (Skip plane ride) I get off the plane and I call dad to let him know. "Hey dad I'm here" I say. "Ok thank you for calling have fun!" He says. "Ok I will bye" I say hanging up. I FaceTime Ethan. "Ha your still on the plane" I say laughing. "Well it is a 17 hour flight! But I got a little cubby thing so I'm fine. Wish you were here" he says frowning. "Same but I gotta go my uber is here" I say. "Ok bye love you" he says. "Love you too" I say and hang up. I get in the uber and say the address. I get there and I knock. Her mom opens up. "Hi Janessa! She's in her room" she says letting me in. "Ok thank you" I say. I go to her room and enter. She's laying down watching YouTube. She looks at the door and is shocked. "JANESSA?!" She says getting up. "Surprise!" I say smiling.

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