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(The wedding dress the main character wears is up at the top) I look at myself in the mirror and smile. I've dreamed of this moment ever since I met Ethan and it's actually happening! We walk out and get into a car without the twins since the broom can't see the bride until the wedding. We drive over to the beach and I stand in the back waiting. Everybody sits and Ethan is already standing in front. Roni walks down the aisle as she throws flowers❤️ Dad walks up to me and sticks his arm out. "Ready?" He ask. "Yup" I say as I take his arm. Everybody stands as we walk out. I look down smiling as I feel everybody's eyes on me. We finally get there and Dad kisses me on the forehead. I stand infront of Ethan as he takes my hands. The priest starts saying things but Im not paying attention because I'm just staring into Ethan's eyes. It's time to say our little speeches so Ethan goes first. "Damn where to start... let's just start off by I am the luckiest man on this planet. I have the best little family ever and I wouldn't trade it for anything. If I never went to that party I don't know where I would be right now. You are the best thing that ever happened to me Janessa and I'm so happy I can share my life with you. You're my other half❤️" he says. Damn it's my turn... "I'm so happy I'm able to share my life with you. I really wasn't gonna go to that party that day but I had a feeling something good was gonna happen, and I was totally right. Even though SOMEONE embarrassed me. This is the moment every little girl dreams! When I was 15 and met you I didn't think I was gonna marry you and have a amazing little girl! I thought you were gonna forget me the second you went home. Ethan Grant Dolan, I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you" I say tearing up. More stuff that the priest says ya know blah blah blah. "You may kiss the bride" he says. Ethan quickly pulls me to him and kisses me as I kiss back. We walk down the aisle as everybody claps. (an hour later) it's the after party and me and Ethan walk in the party. I changed into a nice knee high navy blue dress with white heels and Ethan wears jeans with a navy blue button down and dressy shoes. Everybody smiles and claps. We greet everybody then sit down. Leslie walks over to me and Ethan. "Here is Veronica! She did great with me and Grayson! By the way Congrats you too" she says smiling and putting Veronica on my lap. I hand her over to Ethan and give Leslie a hug. "Thank you so much" I say. "LISTEN UP!" Grayson says standing and hitting his glass with a fork. "Oh god let me go get him before he says something stupid" Leslie says running over to him. They whisper to each other then Leslie sits. "I just wanted to say I'm so happy for my brother and Janessa. I never thought my brother would get a girlfriend let alone a wife! I mean look at him😒 ANYWAYS! Please don't forget me bro I love you" Gray says with watery eyes. Ethan goes to Grayson and gives him a long hug. "OKAY OKAY NICE GRAY, MY TURN!" Dad yells standing. "Janessa I'm so happy you finally have someone that really cares for you and I know he will never leave you. Still after 3 years I can't believe you have a daughter! But you're gonna do amazing with your new family and don't screw up" he says as mom hugs him by the side and smiles. We all dance for a bit and have fun. I get a little tipsy... maybe a lot of tipsy. Ethan was still good because he barely drinks. "Brooooo lets go.... to... uhm" I say then start laughing. "HAaaAAa" Leslie says drunk as well. "Yooo where is everybody aallkmwn..." I say leaning on Leslie. She starts laughing and shrugs. "Hey your dad took Veronica for the night" he says. "WHO SAID HE CAN TAKE MY DAUGHTERRRRR" I say pointing in the air. "Yeah it's time to go home" Ethan says. "LET ME GOOOO" I hear Leslie yell as Grayson picks her up. Ethan picks me up and takes me to the car. We get home and I run into our room. Ethan comes in and changes into shorts with a shirt. "Come on Janessa" he says. He helps me put on sweatpants and a shirt. "Come over hebeewee" I say grabbing him. "well if you insist" he says smirking. We don't go to bed until late because we were... PLAYING JENGA! we yelled JENGA a lot😂 I wake up with a bad hang over. My shirt is across the room along with all my other clothes. "Wha?" I say scratching my head. Ethan was gone so I take a shower and put a 4ou hoodie on with some shorts. I walk out and get some water. "Mommy!" I hear Roni yell. She runs up and hugs my leg. "I picked Roni up" Ethan says putting his keys away. "what's time is it?" I ask. "3 pm" he says. My eyes get wide as I sit down. "Come on" Ethan says as he picks up Roni and goes to the couch. He puts on a movie and sits down. I sit next to him and Roni sits in the middle of us. We all cuddle up together. "Hey guys" Leslie says stumbling. Grayson goes behind her and wraps his arms around her. "Watching a movie huh? Let us join!" Gray says making a bed on the floor with blankets. Him and Leslie lay on the floor as we watch the movie. "I love you all so much" I say.

A/N: AND THATS THE STORY! I hope you guys enjoyed and stay tuned for my next story!! I had a blast writing this and it was all so worth it💜 I love you all❤️

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