6 | Trick or Treat?

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Six | Trick or Treat?

Characters: Joshua Ayaki, Chelsea Fibel, Mimmy Sakurada, Erissa Toudou, Ryusei Tsushima, Sin Tae-Wong, Satori Yasaki, Blythe Yuuki, Guren Yuuki

Ships: SatoRissa, BlyShua, RyuSin (NonPlatonic)

Summary: A mysterious witch appears on the Yuuki's doorstep on a dark, grim, Halloween Night. She decides to destroy their nice Halloween chat by casting a spell on the boys! How will the girls react to this surprisingly cute spell?

i m very sorry for my inability to finish sentences i sUck at life :,))
this is just a jumbled mess but whatever
i tried ok i tried my bEst

A surprisingly loud knock could be heard as Guren and Blythe were getting ready for a Halloween party they were about to have.

Yes - the guests were there - but, Guren decided to slack off. Blythe decided to procrastinate. That resulted in this very weird and awkward situation that required the two siblings to prepare for the party while the guests were there.

"Oi, Sakurada, could you get the door? Chocolate is on the table next to the door," Guren asked Mimmy as he entered the living room.

Mimmy nodded and stood up from the couch. "Leave it to me, Guren-kyun!" She exclaimed as she headed to the door.

Mimmy slowly opened the door, expecting little kids. But, that isn't exactly what showed up.

Mimmy could hear footsteps behind her, probably from one of the boys. Or, all the boys.

"H-Hello. May I help you?~" Mimmy asked, trying to sound like her normal self. Yes, she was aware that she was failing at that.

The person at the doorstep looked exactly like a witch. It was Halloween, it wasn't like anyone could tell if that person was real or not.

Satori and Joshua appeared next to Mimmy, slightly giving her a hand motion to move away from the door. Mimmy was confused, but moved away from the door anyway.

Ryusei also showed up, dragging Guren behind him. Mimmy was beyond confused, but shrugged and went to where Blythe was to help her.

"I'm sorry, but may we help you?" Satori repeated Sakurada's question, looking awkwardly at the person and the bowl of chocolates next to him.

"Help? Oh, I would like to give you this."

The woman handed Satori a small plastic bag that had nothing inside of it.

The person had sounded familiar to Satori, but he shrugged it off.

Before Satori could ask what it was, the woman was gone.

Satori looked at Joshua, who was right next to him. Joshua shot Satori a "I have no idea why you're looking at me but I'll pretend to understand" look.

Satori sighed and looked over at Ryusei. "Tsushima, do you think you could find out what's in this bag?"

"Yasaki, there is nothing in that bag," Ryusei replied, clearly confused onto why Satori would ask something like that.

Guren stood up from the ground after being dragged by Ryusei once more. "No, Satou is right. There is something in the bag."

Ryusei shot a glare at Guren and looked back at the bag. "Gimme."

Satori handed Ryusei the bag. Ryusei tugged at the small ribbon around it and pulled it out.

What happened next was truly unexpected.

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