Crash ∆13∆

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I had to do something before she drowned.

I snached off my hoodie and readied myself tossing it behind me.

I bent my legs and lift, up and over the edge of the bridge. I'm pretty sure Ally won't mind if I saved her best friends life.

With three backflips and five summer saults (JK.) A splash of water, I was in the crisp water.

I could see her thanks to that necklace she never takes off. Thank God they got each other those.

I was heading towards her quickly. When I finally got to her, I grabbed her arm and hoisted her onto my back.

I swam for the surface. She was lighter than she looks. As I went to the top I headed for shore, but the sad part I didn't know how to do CPR correctly.

When we got there Ally and another guy was waiting. He looks familiar.

As I basically climbed up shore, with her in my arms, I layed her on the warm sand.

The lifeguard immediately ran over and helped. He checked her heartbeat. Then tried pushing the water out of her lungs. Which didn't work.

I had to hug Ally so she didn't have to watch.

Then he took a deep breath and went for CPR and on the first try he got it. She coughed up all the water she swallowed.

"She's okay." I said to Ally to calm the girl clinging to my shirt.

The guy then started walking up to us to ask us some questions.

"Hi, my name's Blake!" They said smiling.

"Hi!" Ally and I both greeted.

"Do you know how that happened, or.....?" He asked wiping the smile off.

Ally was starting to cry, I could tell she was thinking conserningly about Rayne.

She faced me and buried her face in my chest.

He looked down for a moment.
"Why don't we just get her." He said looking at Rayne pausing. "And head to my place?"

I said okay and he went and got Rayne.

They walked behind us the whole way. I could hear faint giggles from Rayne which made Ally and I feel a little better.

I wonder if she remembers me? I think watching this beautiful girl walking calmly next to me.

"I have a question." She said calmly, nearly into a whisper.

"Yes, anything you ask I'll answer!" I said trying to stay calm.

"Well, it's not really a question...I remember you. You were that blonde haired kid who I accidentally fell on top of in the halls, we were both in sixth grade and on the third floor, and I was pushed into you by a girl."

I looked at him then. "You are right." He said calmly as ever.

"Remember when you took me to graduation since no one else would?" She said to brighten up the mood.

" Yea, you a great dancer!" He stopped "I missed you." He said.

Sooo. How was the last chapter?! So did you like the first cliffhanger? Tell me all about what you think or things you all think I can approve or change.

And we have a new character. Blake who is now a 6ft 3in tall 16 year old. And they met when they were 12.

There's a surprise in chapter 14 in which I'm going to start working on since I need to update.

So I took so long on this one.

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