♠Anonymous♠ 24

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That Morning, when I woke up, I called Blake so I could tell him what I saw.

Hey Cam!
Hey Blake, you will never guess what I saw!
What did you see?
Your going to have a child or two, 4 years from now at the most.
Um.....could you repeat that?
Your. Going. To. Have. A. Child. Four. Years. From. Now. At the most.

I could hear his mind screaming.

You saw this?
Didn't I just say I did.
Do you know a girl about 5 inches shorter than you, with pinkish blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, a little freckles?
Yes, that's my girlfriend Rayne.
See if I can come over, she sounds nice and I wanna meet her, since she's dating my little brother~
Okay, but no weird things.
Is it okay if Aiden comes with us?
Yes, Rayne loves children.
Okay, you have an hour to get ready.
Time. Starts. Now!

He then hung up and Rayne wasn't in bed, I looked up and she was next to the closet picking what to wear.

"So do you think blue, or pink?"
She asked me with her hands on her hips.

"Blue! I think you look good in both but I know that if I say it doesn't matter that's the one your going to pick." I respond giggling and going to pick out my clothes.

When we were all done we had just enough time to run to the coffee shop and get four coffees.

"I would like four please, one fudge,on Carmel, one light, and the other organic." I asked the waitress. She was a sweet brown eyes woman.

On our way back we caught Jax, Yukiyo, Beck, and Sebastian walking.

We picked them up and dropped them off. On our way back we went in and not even five minutes later I hear a car door slam and I knew it was Cammy and Justin.

"Hey Guys!" I greeted opening the door and smiling.

Rayne was behind me grinning and staring at the baby.
"IT'SA BABY~!" She squeaked excited.

I knew she loved children! I got out and helped them bring in things for Aiden. He was sleeping so we were extra quiet.

I gave them their coffee and we sat on the couch watching TV and laughing. Rayne was sleeping with Aiden. She's so adorable. I though giggling at the thought.

When they woke up Justin and Cammy had just finished throwing random questions about her at me.

"Hey guys!" She said looking at Aiden sleeping in her arms.

"You look just like a mom right now." Cammy and Justin said at the same time.

"Yeah, cute, sleepy, and caring." I added sipping my coffee.
"Well, I love children, especially babies!" She said smiling and chugging her coffee.

Aiden made a small noise waking slowly. Rayne picked up the bottle and readied herself for him to start cry.

He went "Ehehmm" and Rayne tilted the bottle and rocked her arm slightly while Aiden drank.

Cammy got tired so I let him and Justin sleep in the guest room and Rayne and I watched Aiden for them.

Rayne really like it. She'd stand him up on her leg and sing that song from Happy Feet.

And he loved peek-a-boo, he'd crack up everytime. Then she started to beat-Box and Aiden would try to do it.

We stayed up until 3 something in the morning playing with Aiden till we all got tired.
Aiden slept on a pillow on the floor and We slept on the floor.

__________In The Morning_________

We woke up at 7 in the morning and Cammy was behind me on playing a game with Justin.

"Dude, you guys are adorable."
He said looking at me.
"Yeah, but not as cute as you and Justin, in there cuddling." Rayne yawned sitting up looking at Aiden.

"You are though!" Justin added.

"Well did you enjoy your sleep?" I asked getting in the middle.
They both nodded yes.

__________3 Hours Later___________

We got Aiden into the car seat and got everything all packed up.
Rayne looked kind of sad. "Come visit more, I loved your company!" Rayne said waving.

As they drove off, we went to visit Ally and Austin.

"How's it going?" Rayne asked as we walked in. "It's good, just five more months." Ally said rubbing her pregnant belly.

"I think it's great that you're having four children at one time." Blake said smiling.
"Austin did it!" Ally said pointing jokingly at Austin. "Well maybe if you weren't so freaking beautiful!" Austin said sitting next to her.

"I'm so happy, wait so when's the baby shower, and what hospital, and can I be in there with you cause I wanna got you on camera!" Rayne said quickly.

"Umm, we don't know all that yet and if you record me, I will drag you don't the hall and kill you" Ally said laughing.

"I love you too!" Rayne said giggling.

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