Years Later

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It's been almost 17 years since i last saw Helen and i miss her so dearly. I miss the way her Brown curls bounce when she ran, I miss when she giggled her blue eyes would sparkle Helen was the only person I ever opened up to. I was never close like that with anybody, I never really wanted to go I rather play games with Helen. but I had  go cause my dad made me and my brothers to start a group called the Jackson 5. which wasn't so bad at times it could  awesome. I got to meet Diana Ross, and must I say damn she's fine. But nothing compare to my dear Helen.

I always wondered how Michael is doin, I always write to him but he never writes back. he probably forgot all about me with all of his fame and what not. he probably thinks I'm a creepy fan girl but I never forgot about him. I still remember the day he left

" Mike are you sure you need to go"

" Yes Helen , I'm sorry but this can be a big shot for me. Motown wants to sign me and my brothers.

" Okay but you better get me a autograph from Diana Ross " I looked into his chocolate eyes and before I knew it I was in his warm embrace he kissed my cheek and ran off to his Black Mini Van. I watch as the car pulled onto the street and out of my sight.

I                                   !!! PLZ COMMENT RATE!!!

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