that concert

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" Helen wake up or were gonna be late to the concert"

" I don't know Christina I don't feel so good"

" Helen cut the bull shit and get your ass out of bed "

" I have nothing to wear"

" yes you do i brought you a dress this afternoon, now put it on and get ready I'm not sitting at home listing to how good the Michael Jackson concert was when. I could of been there to see it myself. "

" Fine, fine I'm up now leave"

" Fine but if I come back in here and you are in bed imma cut you don't think I won't I will go all Kon Fu on ya ass"

" Yea okay " I watched as Christina left the room I hopped out of bed and turned on the radio and to no surprise thriller was on. I left it on cause all the other songs suck and I don't hate the song.

"Cause this is Thriller, Thriller night and no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike" I sang my heart out knowing that Michael sang those words which made my heart melt but than again it made me sad knowing that he forgot about me and while he was on tour watching as his career took off I was at home thinking bout him. I started dancing a little bit with the song still going on I picked up the dress off the corner of my bed and wiggled my butt into it. I looked in the mirror and examined myself. I didn't know what to say I always thought I was ugly and worthless. I couldn't do much all I thought I could do was sing and dance. but I'm too terrified of big crowds.

" Helen you almost done we have to go now if we want to get good seats"

" Yea I'm ready" I look at myself one more time in the mirror realizing how sparkly and short my dress was I ran my hand against my side to wipe off the sweat that was on my hans which only gave me a couple of scratches cause of all the red sequence. I walked down stairs and got my black clutch from Christina and we were off. it didn't take as long as I thought to get there but my eyes were popping out of my head when I saw all the screaming girls waiting to enter the arena. we parked and ran to get to the front of the crowd to get good seats. I got my hair tugged on a couple of times but it's all good. the doors slowly opened and Christina and I ran for are lives. we made it to the front only inches away from the stage. it was pitch black dark and I couldn't see any thing. A gold spotlight came on and than popped up a lanky figure. I looked around to only see girls crying and falling in the floor. one of those girls being Christina I helped her up and we both looked in awe.

" she was more like a beauty queen from the movie scene I said don't mind, but what do you mean I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round" he sounded like a angle and moved so fluently on the stage. he looked into the crowd and Christina put her hand up to feel Michael sweaty palms I just giggle and looked at the ground until I felt a long warm finger lift up my chin all I heard were gasps and still girls crying I looked up and in shock it was Michael looking into my eyes and pulling out on stage .

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