a memory that haunts me.

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the movie was over and Helen and I were just sitting on the couch. she been acting weird again and not the good kind. every time I ribbed her left arm she would jerk it away. I was dozing off until Helen hopped up almost knocking me off the couch.

" I got something for you while you were gone." she ran to the closest and when she got back she held out a blue rectangle box out with a perfect pink bow on top.I opened and it and ran to the bathroom.

" Michael I'm sorry do you not" I walked out and she fell in the floor laughing. I been wanting this for a long time. I always wanted this blue monkey footsie pajamas since I was little but my dad was in charge of our money. so now that she got me them means so much. I'm just surprise they fit like a glove. I walked out and started dancing and singing.

" You want to be startin something you gotta be startin something too high to over to low to under" she climbed off of the floor and onto the couch. she raised up her arm reveling her bandages on her forearm and started cheering. I quickly stopped and ran over to her.

" Helen what the hell happened"

A/N I want to thanks Vforce00 for sending me a cute picture of MJ dancing in a blue monkey footsie and giving me an idea for a filler leading up to a dramatic part

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