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we were in the studio and everyone was just having fun and fooling around. Janet and Michael came up a new song for her album and I'm very shocked to see what they came up with. the song was called Nasty and it was a huge to surprise that Janet music wasn't so clean .

" sitting in the movie show thinkin nasty thoughts, you better be a gentleman or you turn me off, huh that's right let me tell it now Nasty your a Nasty boy" I was sitting in the background minding my own business letting both of them bond. my head was in deep thought until my butt started to vibrate. it was my beeper and Joey called I made my way to the nearest phone and called him back.

" Hey Joe what cha need"

" OMG BITCH guess what"


" where going out tonight just you and me , GIRLS NIGHT"

" but your not a girl"

" well I can try , so you coming " I giggle and looked at Janet and Michael having a blast.

" I don't see why not but can you pick me up in a hour or so?"

" sure see you in a little boo"

" bye " I hung up the phone and made my way over to the studio

" Hey sorry to interrupt but I'm gonna go out with joey is that cool?"

" Yea that's fine where you two going"

" Club 87 "

" Yassssss boo imma pick out your outfit let's go " Janet grabbed my wrist and dragged me to my room I turned my head and mouthed "help me" to Michael but all he did was giggle and turn back to the sound board. we went into my closet and she pulled out only the short sparking dresses.

" this one " she held out a short blue ruffled dress

" eww no "

" this one "

" No"

" Oh wait" she dropped all the dresses that were in her hand leaving my floor messy looking as if my closet just threw up. she ran to her suit case and pulled out a nice one strap short  tight black lace dress. I tried it on and I loved it.

" WORK IT GIRL " I did a little sexy walk and Michael came in bugged eye.

" you look amazing "

" thank you and thank you Janet this dress is beautiful. I should go now Joey is probably here" I hugged Janet and kissed Michael and I headed off.

" Hey Bitch I missed you"

" I missed you too" 

" don't you look stunning tonight I love your shoes they scream " IM A WHORE"  I laughed and before we knew it we were there. Joey didn't even bother waiting in line he just cut though with me and we where in the club. it was loud and crowded the place that seemed like HEAVEN for Joey was a hell for me and I count not wait to get out. my ass hurt from all the creeps squeezing it and I was a little tipsy and sweaty so I went out the club to get air. I was finally out and was enjoying the nice October air cooling me down.  my head turn to its left and I'm stunned to see a moving box. I tip toe closer to it thinking it's an animal but I stop in my tracks when I hear a little voice singing,

" Cause this is Thriller thriller night"  she was whispering and singing which was adorable. I decided to join in

" And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike" we were harmonizing beautifully and she popped out of the box.

" please don't hurt me pretty please" she hid inside the box and I was still in a state of shock that she was that little and homeless with no one to love her.

" I won't hurt you honey, do you want something to eat. "

" Yes please" she hollered though the box making me giggle.

" well I can't take you to KFC in a box"  In a instant she hopped outside of the box.

" KFC you say" she hopped out and I saw her in these scrappy worn out long smelly shirt. she had to be 7 or 8 .

" you want to change out of that I got a change of clothes in my bag if you want."

" that would be wonderful" I gave her my black sweat pants and grey comfy tank top. it was a little lose on her but she looked good. not o oh in the clothes just by her self she was a beautiful little girl she had nice thick straight Brown hair and nice tan skin green/blue eyes.we walked across the street and sat down . I got to know her  And she was like a sister I never had. Joey came in earlier and told me he had a cute boy with him so he took the car to his place so I had to call a cab. I looked at the time and it was almost 1 in the morning.

" I get it you need to go home I under stand but thank you for everything it means so much and you give me so much hope" she stood up and gave me a tight hug

" come home with me , I know it's weird but I think you will like my boyfriend. just sleep over and I will see what I can do with you tomorrow maybe find you a new home. "

" you don't need go really that would be too much"

" no it wouldn't please come with me" I held out my hand and she took it I went  to a payphone and called a cab that didn't take to long to come. we pulled up to the house and made our way inside.

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