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" MICHAEL!" Janet and Rebbie screeched and ran to me I just giggled and was tackled by my brothers.

" Hey guys, where's Latoya"

" she had a modeling shoot today but she said she will call you"

" Okay" I looked to my left realizing that me and Helen where hand by hand still.

" where did momma teach me wrong, this is my beautiful girlfriend Helen Walker"  Janet and Rebbie screeched and examined Helen like a couple of monkeys.  before I knew it they were taking her away.

" hi mother" I hugged my mom and let go and tears formed in my eyes

" so he's not coming , again"

" Honey he is he is just running a little late he is with

Latoya at her shoot but he will leave a lil early to come here."

" Okay " I wiped the tear that escaped my eye and made my way over to my brothers

Helen P.O.V

Janet was braiding my hair and Rebbie was asking all type of questions.

" So Helen are you two getting married"

" Rebbie, Helen and Michael have been only going out for like 2 months or so. they ain't gettin marry any time soon."

" thank you Janet"

" your welcome, have you two hooked up yet?"

" JANET" I giggled and started humming

" so, where is your dad"

" umm, he is with Latoya"

" Latoya was always his favorite"

" what should I call him"

" call him Sir, and don't be nervous"

" Okay , but why call him Sir?"

" It's his thing, we don't know" I giggled and started biting my nail

" so can you sing Helen"

" Yea I guess Michael said I'm good and that means a lot coming from him."


" Janet she can sing one of your songs"

" Janet you can sing, Michael never told me that"

" Yea a little I'm making a new album it will be my first"

" so Janet sing All For You that's my favorite song"  Rebbie whined and I giggled

" Okay okay I will start"

" YAY "

" All the girls in the party look at that body shakin that thing that ain't never been seen got a nice package alright guess I'm gonna have to ride it tonight, I see him staring at the corner of my eye I see he want to approach me ,throw me a line but something grabs me says who am I know this happens with all the guys" she stopped and I was in utter shock

" I know it's dirty that's why I'm afraid that my mom or dad will listen to the album " Janet was shaking and i took her hand to be honest I loved the song it was like nothing of our time so far everyone was so clean beside Madonna but I'm not a big fan she is too pop I like R&B.

" Janet that song is really good I think a lot of people will like it, calm down" we all grouped hugged and started singing Prince.

" GIRLS ITS LUNCH TIME COME DOWN" we all stopped in our track nd zoomed downstairs. Janet and Rebbie were debating who was hotter the lead singer of Queen or the lead singer of Arrow head. I just stayed behind them giggling. my face froze when I saw Michael's dad sitting at the head of the table.  Janet and Rebbie gave him kisses on the cheeks and big tight hugs. I still stood there with my feet nailed to the floor.

" so Is that Helen or another one of Michael's maid."

" Oh I'm sorry sir ,and yes I'm Helen Walker his girlfriend it's very nice to meet you" I made my way over to him and gave him a nice hand shake. I turned around and saw the boys gliding in the dinning room all sweaty yelling at each other to see who really won the baseball game.

" y'all noisy boys sit your tiny behinds at the table or imma hit all 5 of ya with a baseball bat"  momma Jackson hollered and Rebbie Janet and i laughed everyone finally calmed down and were settled after the boys washed up real quick.

" Hey sir" Michael and his brother greeted their father and continued eating.

" so Helen where do you work?" Michael's dad looked at me and I took a sip of my lemonade

" I'm a bartender "

" that's very nice Helen, when you and Michael were little you two would play restaurant and you would be the waitress and you would try to carry stuff on a try and you would spill the did u all over Michael." Katherine was giggling on the old memories and Michael's dad just sat their giving me dirty looks.

" So I know this isn't the time or place but Michael when are you gonna  get your noes fix" my faced turned red and I was in disbelief that Michael's dad would ask that here and now.

" Joseph "

" Sir can we not talk about that here my noes is fine " Michael TRY to stay calm but he was holding back tears and anger.

" MICHAEL your noes is not fine just look how big and ugly it is no son of mine has that big of a noes "

" I'm sorry I know this isn't my problem but what the hell he IS your son and why do you care if his noes is big his noes is fine and don't come into his house and try to make him feel bad about him self. he was trying to tell me how nice of a guy you are and that I will love you but so far I have nothing to love about you. your kids can't even call you dad! when where you there for one of Michael's shoots or one of his concerts. have a nice day SIR" I walked outside to and didn't cry I just walked in anger . I kicked over the vase holding these flowers and flipped over a chair. I fell on the grass and cried. Michael's dad reminded of my dad when he use to drink. my dad would abuse me and one time he shoved me in a closet and locked me in there and for hours kept saying how worthless I was and how I should kill myself.

" HELEN!" I heard Janet and Michael yell my name but I didn't even bother looking up I just kept my face close to the grass.

" I'm sorry I yelled at him but no one deserves that specially you Michael. "

" No I'm glad you yelled at him everyone is glad, well besides him and Latoya but I came here to not only say thank you but to hold you and tell you everything is okay cause he left. " I hugged Michael and looked at Janet and mouthed " Thank You" .

" where is everyone" I wiped my tears with my hand and sat up

" they left and went home but is it cool if Janet stays in your room for tonight and you sleep in my room. Janet wants to record a song here for her new album"

" that's fine " we all went in side skipping and finishing our sandwiches.

" have you two ever thought about doing a song together?"

" No but I like the idea maybe" they looked at each other and continued eating. so today was not how I expected like at all.

but what are ya gonna do, Sir?

The Weird OnesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon