My first

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I sat there on the grass hand by hand with Michael looking deep into his eyes. I don't know what to say . he asked me to be his girl, any girl would say yes. just think of it Michael Jackson the King of Pop asked you to be his girl, why wouldn't you say yes. well think of this all the CRAZY fan girls hating you, your lack of privacy, you always being known as Michael ex if you two ever broke up. see all the CRAZY whit that would happen. but I love him and I waited this long to see him again i can wait another month until tour is over. I held his hand tight and kissed his soft tan lips.

" I would love to be your girl Michael" I kissed him again and before I knew it I was over Michael's shoulder being carried to the back seat of our car laughing the whole time. we reach the car and that's were all the fun began.

Michael P.O.V

Her body was like a drug I couldn't get enough of it. I put her gently on the seat and crawled onto her. I kissed her passionately and my lips made their way over to her chin than to her neck. I nibble on her neck which she seemed to like cause I heard a little moan come out. My lips than May their way over to her collar bone. I kissed both collar bone and than bite both of them. Helen grabbed my hair and I held her waist tight. I moved my mouth next to her right ear.

" Are you sure you want to" I looked at her and waited for a response. this was going to be my first and somewhat hers too. I wanted my first to be with her I could trust her and same goes for her.

" I'm positive" she kissed me again we and pulled up to the hotel. I carried her bridal style to my room and placed  her on my bed.

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