Chapter 28

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October 5, 2013, 12:30 p.m.

"Good steaks, Hilda," Gina said as she set her fork and steak knife on her plate.

"Thank you, madam," replied Hilda cheerfully as she gathered up the Roberts' plates and took them to the kitchen. "I'll get you folks your blueberry pie right away!"

"Thank you, Hilda," replied Tyler as he glanced out the window. He saw Mrs. Jennings, the old lady that lived across the street from the Roberts, walking her pug. Tyler waved at Mrs. Jennings through the window and the old lady waved back. Then Tyler noticed a green Kia Soul sitting across from the Roberts' house. Hm, that's unusual, Tyler thought to himself. I don't think any of our neighbors have a green Kia.

"Tyler," Gina blurted in a high, screechy voice. "What is that dog doing on our lawn?" Sure enough, there was a Great Dane sniffing around on the Roberts' lawn. The Great Dane was brown with black spots. The dog had a teal collar.

"Hey, that's the kidnappers' dog!" shouted Tyler as he stood up quickly, knocking the table over. "And that's the kidnappers' Kia Soul! Come on, we can't let them get away!" Tyler sprinted out the front door with Gina right behind him.

As soon as the Great Dane saw Tyler and Gina, it ran to the Soul. Someone in the back seat, a young man that looked very familiar to Tyler, opened the door for the dog and quickly shut it as soon as the dog was in the car. The Soul sped off down the street with Tyler and Gina chasing it. After five blocks, the couple lost sight of the Soul. 

"Dang it!" wailed Gina. "We let them get away!"

"Honey, let's go back to the house and call the police. Maybe they'll be able to catch the kidnappers if we tell them that they were here," replied Tyler calmly.

After the two had gone back to the mansion and reported the sighting of the kidnappers to the police, Gina said, "Tyler, they were spying on us. Spying on us! Why were they spying on us, they already have our kids!"

"I don't know, sweetheart, I don't know. The police are out looking for them right now, so all we can do is wait and see if they catch the kidnappers," reasoned Tyler.

"I hope they catch them. Then we'll get Rikki and Adam back."

"I do, too, Gina, I do, too," said Tyler as he looked out of the window once more.



October 5, 2013, 1:00 p.m.

This is so boring, Bailey thought to herself as she sat in her Algebra 2 class. Her eyes felt like they were going to glaze over from Mr. Clinton's long, boring lecture on how to solve inequalities.

Just as Bailey was about to fall asleep, Taylor nudged her and whispered, "Bailey, wake up!"

"Hmm, what?" Bailey said a little too loudly.

"Ms. Jenson, was there something you would like to share with the class?" snapped Mr. Clinton.

"Um, um, uh, no," stammered Bailey.

"Class, thanks to your sleepy classmate Bailey, you will all  have 30 extra problems to do for homework," sneered Mr. Clinton with a satisfied smile.

"Ugh," groaned the class as they all glared at Bailey. Bailey turned her head away from the rest of the class as her cheeks burned with embarrassment. Bailey sulked as she looked out of the window of the classroom.

The trees outside of the second-story classroom's window looked beautiful. The leaves were beginning to change into their rainbow of reds, oranges, and yellows. There was nothing more beautiful than a Minnesota fall.

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