When Your Past Come To Haunt You

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"My queen!.... welcome"  Ishizu says as Isra walks into the museum "hello Ish"  Isra says with a smile then she asks "has he come yet?!"  Ishizu shakes her head "do you mind if I look around?!"  Isra asks "I would be honored!"  Ishizu answers Isra nods then walks away and down the stairs to Ishizu's stone exhibit that Ishizu showed Kaiba earlier..... Isra has stayed away from Yami since the day they kissed but not because of the kiss but because she felt a part of the evil spirit from Bakura's millennium item inside the puzzle but she didn't need to enter his he could enter hers if he really wanted to see her.... when Seto was sent into the past by Ishizu's Millennium necklace he saw someone who looked like Isra watching the duel between someone who looked like him she would turn away everytime a monster was vanquished he looked at her in shock because she reminded him a lot of his Isra in many ways his Isra would try to hide to with a look of pain and sorrow on her face just like the girl standing in the corner near the Pharaoh and the magician who fought for him but her eyes would sometimes catch the man who looked like him and he could see tears fall from them.... when the man who looked like him called forth the Blue Eyes White Dragon he could have sworn he heard the woman yell "Seto.... no!..... stop!.... please!!.... don't do this!!"  as she ran into the middle of the arena and stood in front of the Blue Eyes White Dragon without fear reaching up to it and touching it's cheek with tears still flowing down her gorgeous pink eyes "NO!!.... ISRA!!.... get her out of there!!"  the Pharaoh ordered in his deep demanding voice full of concern standing out of his throne of stone and the man who looked like him looked at her with sorrowful eyes as she lowered her head turned and walked away a trail of tears followed her as they fell to the ground then dried as she walked out of the vision completely....

 get her out of there!!"  the Pharaoh ordered in his deep demanding voice full of concern standing out of his throne of stone and the man who looked like him looked at her with sorrowful eyes as she lowered her head turned and walked away a trail ...

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When Yami and Téa reach the museum they see Isra doing a few belly dances Yami stops and watches her in amazement Téa almost bumps into him as he stops "wha....!?!.... whoa!!"  she says then she looks over and watches Isra in awe (the first two videos are the dances she does in the museum and the other two are the ones she dances in her memories)..... when she saw Yami as she danced Isra thought back to when she danced for him, her brother and Priest Seto and she smiles at the difference of outfits that she wore.... Yami and Téa stayed and watched for awhile then they noticed the half open basement door and walked down to see the same stones Seto was shown when they come back up Téa heard her name being called "hey Téa!.... wanna give it a go!?!..... come on.... I'll teach you!"  Isra says kindly she looks over at Yami and smiles and he sees the same memory Isra saw earlier of her dancing for him, Seto and another unrecognizable man and his eyes widen and he exclaims softly as though just realizing something very important "Atem!!"  Téa looks over at him as he softly exclaims his own name "she always called me Atem.... that must be my name!"  he says softly Téa looks confused then walks over to Isra who slowly shows her the steps of the belly dances she does in her memories Yami/Atem watches her once more with a smile as Téa smiles as well at how fast she learned the dances and how easy they seemed to her.... Isra was a really good teacher patient, kind, only went as fast as Téa was able to keep up with and soon the two of them were in sync with one another dancing in a beautiful harmony like soft waves upon the shore during a sunset.... or sunrise if you prefer.... Téa was exhausted but Isra was still full of energy when they were finished and Yami took Téa home but started to miss Isra so he switched places with Yugi and let him sleep as he went into Isra's heart and visited her....

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