I miss the Rain // Depressed Lance AU

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Art: Tamiyne from Tumblr

[I'm super sick rn so thats why its taken forever for me to write this one shot]

Hey everyone- I just wanted to put another little disclaimer here, this one shot is going to be depressing- very depressing, to the point that there may be some things mentioned that some people may not be comfortable with- and that's okay, please don't feel like you have to read this one shot- I just wanted to get this off of my chest since the topic has been something I wanted to write about for a while. This one shot is going to be short and straight to the point

I wanted to thank you all for reading this one shot book, it means the world to me ❤

Lance was a happy guy. He always wore a smile wherever he went. At least, on earth that's what he did. That's what he acted like. Then he had to leave with the blue lion and the rest of the strangers he met, though he knew half of them- he didn't know their secrets, their curves, their imperfections, most importantly- he didn't know if they trusted him.
Then Lance went through the moment in his left where he felt like he didn't belong. Where he felt like he wasn't useful like everyone else. Of course everyone told him that he did belong, and he believed it- at least he made himself believe it. Until that stopped working.
Then Shiro went missing, Lance felt empty once more. Though he was able to put another fake smile on his face whenever his friends needed him- he still felt like he was hollow, with nothing left. Not even Keith could help him now, he felt too far gone. Whether or not that was true or false.
Then of course Shiro returned, which sent Lance into a turmoil of emotions. First he felt like he didn't belong again, then he finally did- and then it was all taken away from him.
The last thing that really sent Lance into madness was the fact that Keith decided to leave on a month long mission with the Blade of Marmora; leaving all of the Paladins behind. At that point everyone that Lance could semi trust had changed or left. Pidge had Matt to occupy her with science, Hunk, Coran, and Allura were busy with the coalition- and Shiro; well we just wasn't the same person. He didn't even look the same either.
Lance felt like there was nothing inside. He felt empty, he felt drained, he felt useless. He stayed up most nights devoting his life to the stupid video games that took up his time so that he wouldn't resort to anything else detrimental.
Lance also felt incredibly homesick. He missed the rain more than anything. It never rained on the planets that they went to, not even a drop came from the deep skies that surrounded them. But that wasn't all, Lance did want rain- he also wanted his family, though Voltron used to replace everyone in the beginning.. He wanted to see his sisters and brothers, and his god damn parents. The people that used to make him genuinely smile were galaxies away- and another thing that truly scared Lance, was that Earth was probably on the Galra's radar. Keith had mentioned something of it before, that they could've invaded once- and that they probably wouldnt do it again, but Lance was less hopeful. He couldn't even begin to think about his family in danger, and him not being able to protect them. 

Lance now sat in his room, everything pitch black except for the glowing screen set in front of him, playing the continuous video game music that he grew to hate. He slowly brought his legs up to his chest, holding them there while resting his head against his hard knees. The door behind him opened, revealing Coran and Allura. "Lance, do you think you could show us how to make those milkshakes again- we believe that we should be able to actually watch you with Kaltenecker this time." Coran said while twisting his mustache in between his fingers. Lance didn't respond, instead he just buried his head even more into his chest. Allura looked over at Coran with a worried expression, and that was when Lance finally spoke. "Ill show you again later, let me just finished this level okay Princess?" Lance gave Allura and Coran a smile which satisfied them, but the brunettes smile didn't cover his scratchy and sorrow filled voice. Lance crossed his fingers while the two Alteans left, hoping that they would forget about Kaltenecker. Lance didnt really feel like leaving his room that day.

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