Simply Said | Interactive Au 2 -2-

843 28 37

I see those of you who have voted want Lance to respond?

I understand.

They are in your hands, let's hope you made the right decision.


Lance couldn't help but feel like he was being nagged to press send, so he pushed common sense away- and pressed yes.

Send message?

Yes | No


Do you want someone to talk to?

Lance anxiously sat in his seat, awaiting for the person to type something in return. Maybe they had already jumped? The brunettes mind was racing just thinking about it. There were millions of bridges around, and who knew if this person was in the same city as Lance. They could've been half way across the world for all he knew.

They may not of even been real. 

But that wouldn't stop Lance from trying to help.

Even if was all some fucked up joke, he didn't care.

Private Number:


Is that actually you?

It's four in the morning.

You should be asleep.

Maybe this was a mistake, messaging you to begin with?

I'm not quite sure at this point.

My anti-depressant drugs kicked in a while ago, but I don't feel any different.

Maybe they were placebo drugs or something.

Oh- I know, maybe since I took the rest of the bottle, It's just taking a lot longer for them to work.

When my mind gets cleared, then I'll make the decision.

I guess until then, I'll wait.


Dude, are you okay?

I'm not your baby-

But I can help, just tell me where you are?

Lance's breathing was erratic, and his eyes were focused on his bright computer screen which seemed to lighten up the pitch black room. Maybe Lance was sleep deprived- and this was all a dream. If he could get this hypothetical bridge from this person, then he could call 9-1-1. 

Because all things were hypothetical and imaginary in dreams.

Private number:

You're not Shiro?

Shirogane Takashi?

My mistake.

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