Chapter 2

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I know this might seem a bit slow but i promise it will pick up so stay with me Undertale friends. We're going to get to the monsters soon enough i promise :D 

The walk took some time and hauling up the next few days of manual labor took its toll on Frisk. Sweating and breathing heavy she lugged the broom, mop, bucket filled to brim with cleaning supplies, dustpan, and bags of items she got from the store down the road a few million miles away she was back at home. she was burning daylight and knew she would not be done in a day—pace yourself Frisk you are gonna need it!

Starting with the tarps she started yanking them from the random pieces of furniture dragging them to the back porch she flicked out the dust bowl of dirt and folded them as neatly as possible hanging them on the banisters...they were thick canvas and she intended to keep them for when she decided to paint, no need having to buy the thin plastic ones when these would do. Dusting and sweeping came next—and she swept the filth out the front or back porch door the air quality was improving and by the time it came to damp mopping the wooden floors she was covered in dirt—she was starving, looked like a mud monster and knew she had little to no water pressure in the lines to take a shower...

"Should have called the utilities first." she pouted setting the mop in the bucket and wiping her brow. The sky looked overcast and she wondered if a storm was brewing. Heading for the porch her suspicions were didn't look like the house suffered from a leaky roof, one saving grave unless you didn't count the conservatory...that place looked like Swiss cheese. Thunder rumbled as the clouds rolled and puffed up. "Oh well...wash cloth bath and maybe some restless sleep is ahead of me tonight."

Walking back into the house she started checking windows and doors—looking for possible leaks and sealed the house up as best she could. Wandering into the kitchen she avoided the fridge thinking something alien was growing in there she decided with her hunger not to test the boundaries of a weakened constitution, and easily triggered gag reflex. The water pressure was a bit stronger here and she cleaned up the best she could—the water smelled a bit foul but she didn't have much in the way of options.

Heading up the steps again to the top floor she heard or thought she heard a sigh—ever so light in the rumbling air of the coming storm. She turned looked down the dimming steps into the now shining floor below to see no one standing there... the house shut up tighter than a drum...

It was startling but she didn't respond to it—well not physically like yelping or jumping out of her skin but the sound was close like in her ear just behind her... "So is anyone here? It would be nice to talk to someone—besides myself of course." She offered the disembodied sigh...

Frisk wasn't peculiar she just believed in the afterlife—the supernatural, and the unexplained. A firm believer in the school of: you don't have to see something to make it real. She didn't get a verbal answer but felt something cold rush past her and up the stairs almost in a huff—the sound of thunder rocked the house and lightening flashed in a strobe like consistency making Frisk jump slightly. She then smirked at the "ghost".

"So were shy then?" she proceeded up the rest of the steps and towards her room...crap she hadn't cleaned up here yet...


Lightning and thunder dominated the scene outside—pelting rain did its level best to invade the haunted house as Frisk slept relatively soundly she would roll over now and then in her sleeping bag as the light show went on without her. Her mind milling over the events that led up to this point—

She had gotten the news from her father that her grandfather died...she had a small rinky-dink apartment a few towns over from her childhood home was struggling to make ends meet so the call her grandfather had passed was devastating. He had been the only one to believe in her dream to become a writer and a true fan of her art work. Her parents she loved them—and they loved her but they didn't understand why she wanted to peruse a job that deemed dead end and unstable.

She was shocked to learn she had inherited a house—and her parents were worried that she had. Her father showed her the address on google maps...1313 Geist Street in the town of Holly that was a good distance away—a dilapidated house that sat alone on the end of street that terminated on a wooded hill. The house was a family hand me down—and the money her grandfather left her was supposed to be towards maintaining it...well it had fallen into some disrepair—

That place is a death trap. And from what stories have been passed down with the family it's cursed. Her father had sternly glared her down as if the house was her fault. He had suggested selling the house and land or bulldozing the house down and using the money to build a modest new house. But for some reason that bothered let something like that go to waste.

Her mother was practical and told her to sell all of it—take the money and apply it to a better career choice go to school to be a chef, or a lawyer, a doctor—dentist anything but a reporter—someone who was going to be shot at and harassed for their articles in the paper...or living pay check to pay check in a nasty roach infested apartment.

Frisk had to eventually block all their wishes—and head out on her own. She was determined to see this though...her grandfather left her this house for a reason—and the simple note in the envelope of money that said "It's up to you now Frisk" cemented her thoughts on keeping the house.


The next morning she was greeted by a fresh and clean dawn—she decided to get a head of her cleaning starting with her room first—going through the same steps as she did for half of downstairs she was done before noon and called in with the movers to see if they were close to arriving. Being a few hours out she decided to change clothes so she could head back into town—for lunch and for the local library—Saturday was going to be a good day and would be a good one for research...

Walking into town she spied a yard sale at the turn off towards Geist street—the neighborhood was filled with old growth trees and was a well-established neighborhood—something out of a movie she spied when she saw the worn and slightly ragged bike that was for sale—sixty bucks a bargain in her mind she could cut the trip back and forth in half—it had a place where she could strap items on the rear tire over the fender. Perfect.

Walking over to the woman sitting at the ancient card table she smiled. "Good Morning."

"You are that crazy girl from the end of Geist street..."

Wow not even a good morning or hello... the woman wasn't being rude, she was just being blunt and Frisk knew how to deal with that. she sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. "News travels fast."

"You would be wise to leave that house while you still can. Unless you want to end up like the other families..."

"Sorry—but I can't, anyways—I was interested in the bike."

"Oh—no car I take it—you look like the hippy type—or crazy."

"My mental capabilities aside and stance on the environment along with my place in it—is the bike for sale or not ma'am?" Frisk kept her tone and expression level—this wasn't the first person to try and say she was crazy—or insult her. these type of closed minded people Frisk had been cursed with for her entire life.

"It is—a firm sixty." The woman folded her arms as if Frisk called her something lude. Frisk caught movement from the side seeing two children running amongst the tables—other people milling about the yard sale.

"Tires in good shape?" from the looks of it, this bike had seen some storage time and she didn't want to buy dry-rotted tires.

"The house is haunted—ask anyone in town." The woman just wouldn't let it go...her fiery red hair caught in the shifting mottled sun of the oak she was sitting under...a bit of relief for the heat that was coming...

"Sure I will do that." she dismissed the woman and fished in her messenger bag for the money—anything to be away from the desperate house wife of Holly. She paid and was quickly on her way. A bit faster with her new wheels...

Stay tuned more to come. 


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