Chapter 16

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So since in snowed/ iced in and teleworking I decided why the heck not and upload some chapters? So enjoy my snowed in misery :D please comment or vote, you guys know I love hearing from you and answer any questions you have. So Lets check in with Frisk shall we!

Sans groaned stirring he had been knocked clean out—that damn flower—the light winked back to life in his empty sockets as he turned to see his brother in the same predicament as him...they were suspended from the ceiling—chained—the movement had sent him slowly rotating—he could see the room better—they were in the dungeon. Crap. Papyrus was limp—the crack to his head glaring at Sans as he felt his magic boil—he tried to teleport but something was preventing him. The manacles around his torso and hands glowed when he tried... shoot he was bound.

"Pap—hey Pap you alright?" he continued to slowly rotate till he saw Undyne—bloody and out of it too—well at least she got some sort of comeuppance. He smirked then he spied Gerson—one of the oldest monsters they knew—he looked worse for wear a strange vine seemed to be growing from a break in his shell—he glanced back to Undyne who had some wrapped around her ankles... Flowey...

"Like what you see Sans?" the voice came from the floor as Sans snarled.


Long thorn tipped vines shot up from the floor and latched onto Gerson and Flowey pulled himself up—where the vines wrapped blood seeped to the surface and was quickly absorbed into the vines.

"You disgusting—vile."

"Aww I knew you had a soft spot for me comedian." A vine lashed out grabbing his chain and steading him. "I just wanted to come say hi—no reason for the name calling."

"I would rather you leave me and them in peace to die."

"No need for that—your human friend is being brought here as we speak—seems Alphys's murder robot does the trick."


"Oh yes it was delicious to watch—I had to of course she thought she could fight back with a damn knife... isn't that glorious? Mettaton's reprogramming worked wonders. Of course it took some persuasion with Alphys but she is a brilliant mind and she soon saw the light."

Sans lowered his head away from Flowey—the damn miserable weed...If he wasn't bound by these damn manacles he would tear the pedals off him.

"Can I get the satisfaction that I finally broke the spirt of Sans the Skeleton?"


"Pity—well you can be the last to fall then during the public execution. As I absorb your souls one by one."


Asriel was getting ready for the execution when the human bloody and beaten was tossed to his feet—the machine backed away without a word and let the king look over his handy work—the human was small for something that held so much power to defeat them at every turn he knelt took the humans hair in his hands and lifted her head—so a female was capable of this carnage—this chaos in his kingdom.

"Alphys. Get to work on this." he let he bloodied head hit the ground as he stood up adjusting his cloak and went to leave his chambers. "Extract the soul and have it prepared with the others... Flowey will require them after the executions."

"Y—yes Sir."

Ugh this chapter is short. I am going to try and put together a longer chapter for you guys next week. see you soon and stay tuned more chapters coming your way.   

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