Why me?

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Rose P.O.V

Why me? I ask myself this today as I stand in the hospital wing of Hogwarts. I stare at my arm, with the word useless carved into it. Sammy wrote that, thinking I was useless. The question that keeps screaming in the back of my head daily. My dad and mum recently stormed into the room. Yelling at someone and then coming to my side. They pulled me into what seemed like a never ending hug, or at least I hoped it would never end. Because once it ended I wasn't safe anymore.

Why me? is what Scorps eyes say. They scream it. But they quickly shut and pull him into a deep sleep. He looks so peaceful. But peace is a lie. I learned that while I was locked away, being mocked by the demons that tortured me. The nurse told me I had been away for a month. I lost track of the days. I lost track of the pain.

Why me? Why can't I sleep? I turn to see the last bit of peace leave Scorpius, he starts yelling in his sleep. Telling them to leave him alone. To leave me alone. To leave her alone. To leave him alone. To leave us alone. He screams it. The nurse comes in and tries to wake him, but its no use.

Why me? Is that really my question? Why us? Is that really his question? Our question should really be why world? That should be our question. Why is the world so mean, why does it hate us? What have we done to deserve so much pain?

Why me? Why has every told me to eat? I stumble to the bathroom, my cold feet hit the floor softly. I feel weak, but they felt strong. I get to the bathroom and look at my reflection. I turn to see every bone of my body show. My ribs seen so clearly, my fat isn't there. I'm just bone. But something in me says I can't eat.

Why me? Why does illness take me over on this horrible night? I'm back but I feel worse than I did before. People are telling me what I should see, or what I should do. I feel like I'm loosing my mind. Scorpius is still screaming, I can hear it from here. Or is that just my mind, screaming for help?

Why me? I wrote on the wall before I left the terrible place. I wrote it with my own blood. because that was my only question for them. Why can't I be normal? I can't eat or I fear I may puke. I can't sleep because the nightmares keep me awake. I keep replaying Roxanne dying, or Scorpius dying, or even Lysander. I see them flash before my eyes, and before I can help them they are pulled away.

Why me? They scream in my dreams as the beg me to save them. They scream out in pay. I feel there pain. But I jut won't die! I'm going insane. They face grows pale and there skin looks cold. I can't see that image anymore. I WON'T SEE IT ANYMORE!

Why me? Is the words they still scream as I slide down the brick wall behind me. My eyes lids are heavy, but I refuse to sleep. Dreams cloud my mind, but I scream to myself don't sleep. All of a sudden warm hands are around me. They call out my name but I can't see them. All I can hear is there voice trying to wake me.

Why me? I mumble as my eyes glue shut. I feel my bed form around me and I mumble it again, 'why me?' But I get no response. But thats my only question right now, so why can't I have the answer? Why was I chosen to be ruined and broken?

Why me? Is what Sammy and Riley will cry when they find themselves in Azkaban. But for some reason I don't want revenge. It seems like the wrong thing to do. They hurt me, but that doesn't make it fair to hurt them back, does it? But at the same time I want them dead. They put me through hell, why wouldn't I want them dead?

Why me? My two opinionsd mix together and create one answer together. They need to be stopped, so they can't do this to anyone else. I can't have this happen to anyone else.

Why us? Well the question is actually very simple. Someone needed to be hurt so that no one else would. They know who did it so that gets them a leap closer to catching them. I stand up, out of my bed with my eyes half way shut. I climb into bed next to Scorp. He suddenly stops screaming and yelling and kicking. I snuggle into his warmth and tell myself not to let go. I won't let him go. I won't leave him alone.

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