Part 01

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The whole school was buzzing with the news of the newcomer. Or should I say, newcomers. Three royalty siblings of the Western Territory pack had suddenly enrolled to our school. It was true that our school had the biggest werewolves - or how we prefer to be called - lycan population of almost 90%, but why now? Why out of the blue? That was a problem I would have to think more about later, I guess. I think my father may have some answers.

As the alpha king here in the Northern Territory, he should have already been well informed about the matter. The reason of why he didn't at least mentioned it to me when we met this morning was what baffled me. I will need to confide in him regarding this matter afterwards. The thing about my father, he often left me in the dark on numerous affairs going around in our country, yet he wants me to take the lead someday.

The troubling news wasn't really a welcoming thing with all the ongoing we were facing at the moment. Rogues were coming from the south and started terrorizing our property and land. Not to mention them stealing away mates.

Jessica was my mate; second daughter of our delta and most talented sword fighter. She rejected our mate-bond and joined the Southern rogue pack because she was in love with Jason, one of their members. Jason used to belong to the Southern Territory Kingdom pack – a minister's prized son, but he went rogue as he disagreed with the political laws over there. Their relationship was in secret before we found out we were mates. Another reason was that I am also a female. What she doesn't know is that I am not like the other lycans.

The thing was, as bizarre as it may seems, I was bestowed by the moon goddess with a male wolf form instead of the obvious female. It was a rare thing that happens some time over the centuries. Being a male wolf, I am entitled to the position of the alpha king – the future leader of our pack and our kingdom.

Two years with zero connection from my wolf means that I am the weakest alpha to-be in the world - in terms of lycanthropy culture of course. Luckily my sight, speed and smell are still functioning despite the disconnection. It wasn't as great as it could be but I was thankful that it was still functioning at all. It helps with my training and deciphering my surroundings. I train hard to ensure that nobody can mess with me, especially in my weakened condition. For so long I was distraught for what Jessica did; even more so how it affected my wolf.

Even though the rejection happened two years ago when I was sixteen, the shards of the past still pierced me today. She left Rex, my wolf, shattered and broken and too devastated to stay with me. This resulted in Rex distancing himself and eventually falling into a deep slumber.

My powers are weakened without my wolf's support, but I try my best to train harder to make up for that. I have mastered many types of human combat and can yield their weaponry and machinery. In addition, I can challenge any wolf even with my current power. However, I need my wolf to reach my true potential. When our previous ancestors experienced this sort of thing, it was predicted that those like me would undergo some physical changes. My height should increase, and my muscles should become more defined with the bond of my wolf. This can only happen when he's woken from his slumber though.

Due to my wolf bond, I am somewhat more masculine than I would otherwise be. I am currently at five feet ten, which is already quite a height for a girl; my body developed well and I have broad shoulders as a result of my constant training. Despite all of this, I still really miss my wolf. He was a part of me. Missing a part of yourself always makes you feel incomplete.

My father told me that my wolf would only reawaken once I'd reached the age of eighteen. That will also be when my wolf would be in his matured form and I would shift for the first time. Thankfully, that would be a month from now, although I'm still excited and nervous for that day.

The MOON PrinceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang