Part 04

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Marissa POV

I stayed near the forest a mile off from our school. I needed to relaxed and calmed my mind. Kimbee was hurting deeply by our mate's ignorant look. Why doesn't she recognizes us? Kimbee said she should. Mate bond are the strongest bond and for someone to be ignorant about it...

"Kimbee.. maybe she lost connection with her wolf?"

"You think so?"

"Probably.. or else how come she doesn't recognize us?"

"It can't be though. I can smell her wolf blood from far off."

"The scent. It's her blood?"


"There's something different with her scent though. Something homely."

"She smells delicious."

"Stop your dirty mind you lustful wolf!" Red tint my cheeks at Kimbee's wild imagination.

"She's our mate, I have every right!"


A twig broke from our far right took us off from our reveries. I immediately climbed the tree next to me to hide and spy on the culprit.

From below, a figure emerged. It was the guy with my mate. He was sniffing around.

"Is he following us?"

"Probably. Let's find out."

I followed on my wolf's recommendation and jumped on top of the guy. He fell and I moved aside preparing a combat stance. Fight first, ask later.

The guy seeing me, made no move to fight.

"Forgive me princess, but I was only or-- told.. to ensure your safety. Not the reason for it not."

I relaxed and offered to help him stand.

"Who told you to?"

"Umm.. my Prin-- friend, your highness."

"The girl?"

"Umm.. yes, your highness."

"Let's interrogate him. He surely knows about our mate." Kimbee exclaimed cheerfully. I internally winced at that. Being cheerful is really not my trait. At least not human me.

"He may not tell us, Kimbee."

"Just try." Have you saw a werewolf doing eye roll? My wolf managed it.

"Tell me your name, wolf."

"Lucas, your highness."

"My name is Marissa. What's your friend's name, Lucas?"

"Logan, your highness."

"LOGAN!! Our mate's name is Logan. Oh what a beautiful name." Kimbee said dreamily.

"What happened to her wolf, Lucas?"

He was taken aback by my question.

"What do you mean, your highness?"

"Don't bluff with me, Lucas. I can't sensed her wolf. What happened?"

He clenched on his fist and was looking faraway. Might be conversing with her using their pack link.

"Umm.. Her wolf.. went into slumber. After her mate rejected her, her wolf was so broken that it went temporarily away for awhile."

"That's not possible! I am her mate!" Kimbee was raging at the news. I did my best to contained her. Low growl managed to slipped off me. I covered it by coughing.

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