Author's Note

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Ops! You think it's the end, is it? Well think again. This is only the first part of the story. I will be writing the sequel on the second book. I may put it in one whole book later, but it will be much laaaaater when I wanted to. No promises.

Anyway, I wanted to thank all of you for all your votes, comments and supports! You guys are the best of the best of the best. You are the reason I write. Well not quite. Almost, but not quite. It was actually to get more followers so follow me! Pretty please with cherry on top? Okay I sounded desperate there. I try to sound funny but it may came out wrong. (insert facepalming here)

I wanted to give a shoutout to @KoyCoeurMagnifiqueWi for the male wolf with a female body idea which I borrowed for this book. Thanks a bunch, buddy!

This is my second book on Wattpad. The first one I have to unpublished (it was on hold) as the characters stopped talking to me too soon. I may rewrite or republished it depending on the whispers from the characters of that book. We will see about that.

If you have any question or you just wanted to drop some hellos, feel free to do so as I am a lonely single ass on Valentine's day and I need some love here folks!

And for the sequel, it was already published here in Wattpad so go check them out! Here's some sneak peek from the book.

"Now tell me. Will you take responsibilities or should I make you?!"

"How many times should I tell you I have nothing to do with it!"

"You're not just an asshole, put that lying dickass on the list too." She huffed at me.

So that's about it folks! Catch me in the second book of the story.

"Kindness is a choice that hardly inconvenient our life. Choose it. No matter what, always choose kindness." - BTKJ

(Picture above is some monkey that by chance happens to be me)

Till then, adios, have a good life!

Beyn AnViL
(Between Angels & Devils)
14 February 2018

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