Part 19

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The sound of the birds chirping woke me up from my slumber. Looking around, I was surprised as the place was everything I imagine and more about how heaven would look like.

Clear cloudless blue sky up ahead, warm sunny weather, vast greens grass, beautiful wild flowers scattered with few trees here and there makes the place a tranquil place to relax and feel at peace.

Am I dead?

Alerting my senses, I tried to inhaled all my surroundings. I don't sensed any present around me. Just me alone with the nature that I loved so much. I walked in on my surroundings. The soft breeze of the winds graced my skins like a greetings of a long lost friend. It makes me calm inside.

"Happy birthday my child." A soft beautiful voice awaken me from my reverie.

Looking to my right, I saw the most beautiful woman I have ever seen looking right at me. Her hair was midnight black and her eyes were deep soft brown. She have perfect sculptured lips and jaws. I see resemblance in us however she was more on the feminine side. I understand I have a very masculine features about me.

The only thing about her which was defining was the aura resonated in and around her. It was like the air bends on her will. I can sensed power out of this world with the woman. She was definitely not a human. She have the power of a god. She makes me feel vulnerable and helpless but at the same time happy and at peace. She commands power like nothing I have ever witness.

I automatically felt compelled to bow and respect the woman in front of me. I am an alpha and the only person I bowed to was my father. But the power she possesses surpassed any alpha in the world at that moment. I didn't understand why but deep inside my heart knows who the woman was.


"Yes I am, my child. You do not need to bow to me. Come?" She urged me to come closer towards her.

Without thinking much, I asked her the most obvious question in my head.

"Who are you?" I can't help but felt spook right at the moment. I avoided her eyes feeling vulnerable.

She smiled and urged me to come closer. I obeyed her silent command and came closer towards her. Nearing her, I sensed her scent and it was the most heavenly scent I have ever sensed. Nature, strong and dense running deeply within her veins.

"I am what they called Mama Killa.. or Luna.. or what your people called... Selene." I gasped at her statement.

I'm meeting the Goddess herself?

I cannot help but trembled at her revelation and what it all means.

Am I really her child?

"But you are everyone's mother. You are mother of all night children."

That's what she means by saying she was my mother, right?

She just smiled and took my hand leading me to walk with her on the beautiful open grass field.

"For every thousand of years, I have to come and grant my chosen creation, the Werewolf, a gift. A child to ensure the peace in the world." We stopped at a beautiful lake. The water was so clear you can see the fishes swimming merrily inside. The clear blue reminded me of someone's particular eyes.

"You are that gift. I conceived you in my womb and birthed you."

"Then... are you.. my father's mate?" I can't help but feel overwhelmed by these information.

"Oh my child. You humans really think things according to your way." She chuckled. "I am not your father's mate. He is a chosen male to be granted with a child with me, I supposed."

But I am not human.

"Oh yes! You are all humans. The only thing different is you are a night children, my creation, my children. But human just the same. There's gods the creator, and humans the creation. Why do you think you all no matter what type of humans you are can procreate? Birds and dogs can't procreate. Two different type of beings."

"Then how can you procreate?" I asked her dumbfounded with her statement.

"You are smart, just like your father." She smiled amused. "You all are the image of your creator. You all are the resemblance of our perfectness and our power, my beautiful child."

I stood there silently contemplating all the information I had from her.

"If I am your child, what does that means?"

"It means, after your awakening, you'll be granted with some of my powers. The originals."

The or.... the originals?!

"But that's just myth! The originals does not exist." I trembled at the revelation.

"Then who are you?" She smiled.

"I... " It's clear I can't answer her question. Before all these, I may be certain but right at that moment I was totally clueless.

"Today is your birthday. It will be your awakening. The gift that is in your blood, use it to bring peace in the world, my child."

I stood silently listening to her soothing voice. Her voice was like the soft winds caressing my skin like the mother caressing her babies. Right then and there I believed she was indeed my mother. I feel the longing of a child listening to her voice. I sensed the truth with every air I inhaled.

My mother.

I never really knew my mother throughout my life. My father never spoke of her and the topic was like taboo for him. Every time I asked about my mother, my father always avoided the topic. Saying I will find out someday. I guess that someday was today. My eighteen birthday, my awakening.

"You gifted me with a male wolf. But I am a girl. Why is that?"

"When I birthed Rex, I didn't realized his human skin is a girl. A beautiful girl at that. I guess everything happened for a reason." She smiled at me.

"Birthed Rex?" I was taken aback by it.

"When I mated with your father, we were in our wolf form and stayed that way until I gave birth to you, also in wolf form."

Rex is the moon goddess' son. Rex is the moon prince? I am the moon prince?

That explained why my dad called me his son all the time.

"But.. it made it harder for my life, mo- mother." I feel elated as that was the first time I ever called somebody my mother. "My mate rejected me. And it.. it forced me to settle with a human. And I... " am in love with a dead girl.

I stopped my sob from even starting in my head. I don't want to ruin the peace and calm ambience that surrounded us at that moment.

"Oh my baby. There will be a lot that you will go through, my child. I need you to be strong and have faith in yourself and the power within you. I will be with you every step of your life, even if you don't know it or never sensed my present."

She maintained her calming smile looking deep in my eyes. Just that gesture alone made me believe that everything will be alright.

"But I am scared, mother."

"I know but everything will be how it is supposed to be. You are the odds that will stop the greed of the world."

Am I that special? I can't help but being sarcastic at the statement.

"Now wake up. You have to face your final test before your awakening." She continued. "Don't worry my child, everything will work out well in the end."

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