Part 07

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Marissa POV

Sitting here close to her makes me feel quite happy but melancholy at the same time. She was close yet so far. It was like I was in a dream where I keep running trying to reach her but can't seem to be able to. My mate.

Kimbee was whimpering inside.

Can we please kissed her again? Kimbee begged. I was tempted but I refrained myself. I can't believed it took way too much energy just to contained myself.

I'm not sure why the longing was too deep, to touch her, to feel her, to want her this much. I am unable to stand not being with her. It was like she was the air that I breath and without her I would die.

The kiss just now satisfied my inner craving just a little. Seeing the look in her eyes when she realized I was too bold to initiate it was priceless. Well, it was actually Kimbee. She took over after I refrained myself too long. How I wished that she longed for me the way I do her. If this is what love feels like, I'll be damned.

"Ris, you okay?" Mik asked me via pack link.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered half heartedly.

"Ris, you okay?" This time it was Lita using our pack link.

Geeze these twins definitely think alike.

"Marissa, we are triplets!" They both answered me. I forgot all three of us have bond link which were able to connect us all the time. Mom hate it sometimes because we used it to worked out some pranks towards her when we get a little naughty.

Damn! Did I left the pack link open while saying that?

"Yes, you did, Blue!" I'm pretty sure Mikhail answered that with a mental eye roll.

"Sorry guys. I'm just... it hurts. She's here but she doesn't... you know." I mentally sighed.

"I'm sorry, my sis. Tell you what, let's get them to spend some time with us?" Mik sounded enthused with his idea.

"Good idea! Here let me ask Logan to take us around town, OK?"

I felt better with my two supporting siblings. Lita asked Logan while Mik supported it. I hope Logan would agree. I would appreciate more time to spend with her even just for a few more minutes. Kimbee was pleased wagging her tail.


I really had a good time today. Logan was so sweet during dinner and I really enjoyed her company. Standing here facing her while she talked with Mikhail, I have to use all my power to restraint myself from reaching and touching her face.

She really does look very handsome. More so today. The sparks in her greyish brown eyes looks like silver with the lighting of our chandelier. She let her silk raven hair free today but wore a black army cap to hold it. She donned a white tee with a black hood and stylish black pants. She complimented it with a designer creamy white boots and stylish platinum chain necklace. My beautifully handsome mate. If only you realized our bond.

"You are totally whipped, ain't you, sis?" Lita chuckled and reached me via our packed link.

"Yes, Ris. Bring her to your room, marked her and be done with it." This time Mik chimed and chuckled.

Yes! Kimbee was jumping wildly. I feel my face heating up.

"You dirty minded boy! I won't marked her without her realizing our bond." I frowned a bit at that, feeling slightly unhappy. "Plus... marking only happens... while... mating." I continued slowly feeling my face really hot.

But I want to.. Kimbee whined.

Hushed you wolf! I scolded her inside my head.

You are me, I am you. What I am thinking is what you are thinking. Kimbee snapped arrogantly. Right now, you want to ripped her cloths off and do sexy stuff. Oh her delicious muscles.. flat tummy and sexy butt. Kimbee cooed. I forced her to shut. I feel like my face nearly burst.

"I'm sure right at this moment you are imagining it." Lita teased and chuckled.

"I bet her face is as red as tomato now." Mik was standing a little ahead of us facing Logan and Lucas.

"You bet right." Both of them continued chuckling inside our link.

"Why you two..." I huffed and tried sending them my best mental glare.

"Okay, okay. Let's not teased her again." He let his last chuckle before continuing, "tell you what baby sis, how about we let you two spend time together, okay? Lucas seems tired, he may not be joining."

"Mik, I am only eight minutes younger than you and five minutes younger than Lita!" I huffed at them.

"As you say." They both chuckled.

Right at this time, Mikhail was suggesting to Logan and Lucas for a tour around our mansion. I didn't realized it but I was really hoping she'd agreed to it. When she did, I feel like some sort of victory came to me. Just as Mikhail predicted, Lucas declined the tour and Carmelita used the washroom as excused. Without waiting for Logan to change her mind, I took her hand and ushered her forward. Opportunity only came knocking once and I'd be damned if I let that go. If, I let her go.


Monday came so slow. I can't wait to see Logan again. I have been missing her after last Friday. Though our time alone was short, I really treasured it dearly. I know she doesn't feel the way I do but it doesn't stop these feelings. I can still remember vividly the taste of her on my lips. Her skin on my fingers. Her scent. I inhaled locating her around school. My sensed was getting more and more familiar with her unique scent.

I located her at her usual locker. Our locker was at the end of the hall passing through hers. With a bright smile, I walked toward hers with Mik and Lita. Rounding the corner, I stopped dead in my track due to the sight before me. Logan was sucking face with her human companion. Okay, they were actually just kissing but it damned hurt really bad. I feel my heart's breaking into million of pieces. I feel like my heart was stabbed through and through with a knife. A very long and sharp knife. Kimbee was trying to take over. She wanted to ripped the human apart.

A hand touched my shoulder.

"You alright, sis?" Mik voice was calmed with concerned. That actually made my eyes blurry with tears. I tried my best not to shed any.

"Why that asshole! Let me ripped her to pieces." Lita was mad.

"No stop." I collected myself and wiped my tears away. "It's fine. That's her girlfriend after all. Let's go."

I continued walking and trying to ignore them in front. Logan froze and stopped kissing. She looked at us and our eyes met. There's something akin to guilt in her eyes. That somehow pained my heart more than it already was.

She doesn't really feel the same as I, does she?

Her human companion touched Logan's face with a concerned look in her eyes. Logan diverted her eyes and turned to her companion and smiled.

She loves Logan.

I don't know what am I supposed to feel about this. Jumbles of feelings inside of me. Sad, guilt, hurt, confused and other undefined feelings all mixed together. It feels like my whole world shattered. What was this feelings?

I can't take this. It hurts too much! Kimbee whined inside.

We passed through them and I refrained myself from looking towards Logan anymore. I really wanted to steal a glance towards her, turned and looked her in the eye. But somehow I managed not to.

Maybe I should let her go.

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