Part 12

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"Logan? What happened?" Mik opened the door and was shocked to see Marissa.

I just barged in their mansion and even ran down their security. Seeing Marissa on my arms, they let me through.

"She was attacked earlier. I'm sorry, your highness. I came too late." I feel my voice trembled. Regrets can't even described how I am feeling right now.

Mikhail ushered me inside. I placed her on the couch.

"Why didn't she contacted us??? Oh Marissa, baby sis." Crystal beads were forming in his eyes but he tried his best to control it. He examined all her wounds especially her chest wound.

"There's something off in the woods. I can't even connect to mine when I reached there. She was attacked by more than hundred wolves. There's---" My sentenced were cut when Carmelita ran towards us.

"Logan?! Marissa?! Baby sis!! No!" She trembled seeing Marissa lying on the couch lifeless. Carmelita tried shaking Marissa's body.

"Ris! Wake up you fool! Wake up!" She slapped on Marissa's cheeks over and over again. Mikhail held both her hands and hugged her tight immediately calming her off.

"Shushhh... stop it, sis. There's nothing we can do." This time he can't stopped but cried as well.

"I'm sorry.. It's all my fault. I failed to save her." I was crying too. All I'm feeling now was sorrow and regrets.

"Logan, you're badly injured yourself!" Carmelita turned to me and spoked with panicked.

I looked at my body and noticed three knives still pierced on my left shoulder, my waist and my thigh. Blood was oozing from my wounds. I pulled each off it from my body. With each pulled, blood gushed out and it was not closing up. Silver knives. Still, the pain in my heart was too much it surpassed my physical pain.

"These was souvenir from the son of a bitch that killed Marissa." I gritted my teeth. "He killed her with a type of sword. I... I came too late. I'm sorry." I failed to stop from shedding my tears again.

"Oh Logan." Mikhail looked at me with sympathy. He pulled me in a hugged together with Carmelita.

I can't be here. Seeing Marissa paled and lifeless body broke my heart into millions of pieces.

I pulled away from them.

"I have to go.. I'm sorry." I can't stop my tears from falling.

"You need to rest Logan. It's dangerous for you to go out there at this condition." Mikhail put his hand on my shoulder. His attempt to calm me does not leave any effect on my storming mind.

"I can't be here, your highness. I... I can't take seeing her.... this. It's... too painful." I tried to control my tears. "I will catch that son of a bitch and he will pay! He will suffer before he die." I tried to wipe my tears that's falling nonstop.

I walked away from them. Mikhail and Carmelita called and tried to convinced me but I ignore them. I can't breath in there. I was suffocated with my own pain.

As I reached outside of their door, I looked up the moon and howled expressing this deep anguish inside my heart. This unbearable pain. I can't take it anymore.

Luke was waiting for me outside their mansion with my car. I went and hugged him. He just stayed silent and hold me tight. Somehow he understood what I need of him.


It had been three days the triplets or should I say the remaining triplets was absent from school. But with what happened, I'm sure they were going to be busy. I am just wondering how would their parents cooped up with what happened.

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