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We steadily approach Jeremy's house. It started to rain halfway through the ride and I'm left with nothing but my hoodie. Looks like I'm gonna be soaked.

I haven't even noticed we're in Jeremy's driveway when he turns to me. "I have an umbrella in the back if you want it. I'll be fine," he offers.

I shake my head and hold my hands in front of me.

"Take the umbrella Michael."

I shake my head again with a firm and stubborn look on my face.

"We'll both use it then," he attempts at a compromise.

"Deal," I agree. The word comes out a little weird considering I refuse to open my mouth any further than necessary.

Jeremy gets out of the car and goes into the trunk. He comes back and opens the passenger door with the umbrella and my bag. I unbuckle my seat belt and get out. Jeremy takes my wrist and pulls my close to him so we both fit under the umbrella. Our body heat merges together and my heart skips a beat before speeding up. I can feel Jeremy's heartbeat against my back. The urge to wrap my arms around him grows strong. We go inside before I get the chance to ruin a wonderful friendship.

The house is warm inside. Thank whoever's listening for the inventor of space heaters, Albert Marsh. Jeremy leaves me to abandon the soaked umbrella and tell his father about the current situation. I take a seat on the old couch and patiently await Jeremy. Well, patiently is a strong word. I started a drum circle on the arm of the couch consisting of me and the tiny pieces of dust.

The things I resort to when I'm bored. I'm so caught up in my little band that I don't notice when Jeremy walks in until he starts drumming on the other side of the arm rest. We lock eyes and Jeremy immediately bursts out laughing. I laugh quietly so I don't move my face too much.

"Come on dude," Jeremy says as he begins walking to his room. I follow him immediately. We get in and we discuss the living arrangements.

"So...where do you want to sleep?"

I shrug as a sort of form of saying 'it doesn't matter'.

"You can have the bed," he offers.

I shake my head.

"I would offer us sleep on opposite ends but I don't think either of us would appreciate our feet in each other's faces."

I smile and laugh a closed mouthed laugh.

"How about we alternate? You get the bed tonight and I get it tomorrow."

I think it over and nod. Jeremy smiles and leans in to hug me. I graciously accept the hug and return it. A knock sounds against the door. Jeremy pulls away but not without a smile.

"Come in!"

In walks Christine.




Sorry for the wait but here's the next chapter. Slowly but surely comes the plot. You'll understand later. I hope. Maybe not but we'll see.

Why is it so Wrong, Yet Feel so Right? (Boyf Riends)Where stories live. Discover now