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Michael's POV

I'm latched onto Jeremy's arm, being partly dragged down the sidewalk. What can I say? I'm tired. We walk to the door of Jeremy's house. Well, Jeremy walks and I just sort of...trudge.

"Micha...stand up as straight as a gay boy can," Jeremy whines with a playful smile gracing his face.

"Nnnmmm...but I'm tiiiiiired," I mumble into his shoulder.

"You can sleep when we get inside. Can you at least look up?"

I groan, "Fine, I guess." I look up as Jeremy pushes open the door. I reach around the wall next to the door until I find the light switch and turn it on. There's a giant banner over the doorway to the kitchen that says 'See you soon!' but no people. "What the hell?"

"Shit," I hear Jeremy mutter. He leads me into the kitchen where Rich and Jake are raiding the fridge, Chloe, Brooke, and Jenna are sitting on the counter, and Christine is taking food out of the oven. "Guys?" Jeremy says, obviously irritated.

"Aw shit! Nice going Jeremy, you ruined the surprise!" Rich whines.

"I ruined it? You're the ones who were-"

"Calm down Jere. Thanks for the attempt guys," I chuckle.

"Surprise?" Christine does jazz hands.

I fake gasp. "A party? For me? In Jeremy's kitchen?"

"I bribed my dad to get a hotel room for tonight. We have the house to ourselves," Jeremy whispers in my ear.

"I also invited a couple other people considering we're the only ones here," Chloe says while inspecting her nails.

"Why would you invite others?" Jeremy shouts. "This is a closed, invite only event!"

"They were invited. By me," she answers back. "I would've been boring otherwise."

"Whatever, it's fine," he turns to me. "You have control over the music, no more than three Bob Marley tracks in a row please, anything else is fine."

I smile evilly. "What are you plotting Michael?"

"Nothing, nothing it's nothing," I say, intentionally saying nothing so many times that it doesn't sound like a word to him anymore. He hates when I do that.


"Love ya babe," I blow a fake kiss before whispering in his ear, "Don't let Rich near fire. We don't want a repeat of Jake's house." He laughs and shoves me to the computer connected to a speaker.


I smile as everyone turns their heads to the speaker which is now on full volume. I start moon walking into the hallway, out of sight.

Jeremy walks over to turn the speaker down but keeps it playing. Yes, cool boyfriend for the win. He then walks over to me and pulls me out of my hiding spot.

"The neighbors have kids Michael," he deadpans.

A knock sounds against the door and Rich jumps over the couch to get to it first. He pulls open the door, smiling wide, "Yo! Come in!"

A crowd of people stampedes in. It turns into a slow trickle of people as the night draws on. The only songs that were being played were meme songs...I regret nothing.

"Michael!" Jeremy calls me over. I weave my way through the drunk teens in the living room.

When I finally make it over to him, Jeremy wraps his arm around me, looking at me through lidded eyes. "How much did you drink?"

"Only two," he answers with a smile.

"Two of what?"

"Whatever it was Jake brought...it was really gross, I don't know why people like it so much."

I laugh and pat his back. "So what'd you bring me over here for?"

He smiles and presses his lips against mine, wrapping his arms around my neck. I instinctively rest my hands on his hips. He pulls away and stares at me, smiling.

"I love you...babe," Jeremy mutters, hesitant at the pet name.

"I love you too darling. Is that all you wanted?"

"No, come on," Jeremy drags me out the back door and onto the deck. He sits down on a beach towel that's been laid out and pats on the second beach towel next to him. I sit down and he grabs my hand.

"Michael, I want you to know that I love you. I know that we say it often but I really mean it when I say it. We had a rocky start when we were first getting together...I regret everything I did to you and Christine. It wasn't right. I know you'll be down here on weekends but I need you so I can get through the week. You're what made my life bearable when we were nobodies getting shoved against lockers in the hallways. Ha...you still make my life better Micha," he reaches up to my cheek and traces his thumb over my scar. "The entire issue with your parents was another story. What they did is unforgivable and I don't want you to ever be hurt like that again. I don't want to hurt you, I don't want anyone to hurt you. I want you to tell me if anything happens to you at school when you transfer...starting Monday morning we won't be in the same school anymore," he looks down, trailing off.

I place my hand under his chin and pick up his face so he's looking me in the eye. "I love you too Jeremy," I lean in and press my lips against his. His hands wrap around my neck and mine rest on his hips. I pull away and smile at him, resting my hands against his cheeks. "I love you so much, you have no idea how ecstatic I was when we started dating. I still get butterflies in my stomach when I remember you're mine. You're my Boyf, and I love you."

Jeremy giggles and punches me in the shoulder. "You ruined it. We were having a moment!"

I nuzzle my face into his neck as I laugh. "You're a dork." I feel Jeremy tense as my lips move against his neck and he feels my breath. I pull away and laugh. "You're also very horny...all the time...get a past time."

"Shut up!"


Next chapter is the epilogue...just figured I'd tell you this book is coming to an end. My goodbye message to this book will be at the end of next chapter so I don't have to be sappy right now, it's tiring. Peace out.

Why is it so Wrong, Yet Feel so Right? (Boyf Riends)Where stories live. Discover now