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Number one on Michael's list of complaints, prepare for many of these because this ride is actually WW1 dressed as a turtle. Number one, the bus itself is a mess. There's this weird gooey stuff that I haven't dared to touch yet on my seat, there's crumbs buried within the gooey shit, and best of all, there's a fucking dildo on the floor. How is this one of the best bus services in the state?

Number two, people are slobs. Every five seconds someone throws a cigarette out the window or their gum and snack wrappers on the floor.

Number three, I don't think this driver has his license. That's all. Tune in later for more exciting progress.

Finally, the bus reaches the Camden stop. I get off the bus and begin to wander. I have a few hours until they get home. Let's find a way to kill time. Camden has some nice gardens. I could look up directions and just chill there. This'll be fun!

Jeremy's POV

I fucked up. I done fucked up. Michael's on the bus and he could be going literally anywhere in the state. I have to fix this. I can find a way to fix this.

I pick up my phone without a clue as to what I'm going to say and dial the number. They answer and suddenly my mind goes blank.

"Hey Jeremy!"

"Uh, h-hi Christine. Um, would you mind coming over? I need to talk to you about something."

"Sure, I'll be over in five. I have something I need to tell you too. This works out."

"Oh, okay. Well, uh bye?" I hang up and wait for her to get here.

What am I going to say? What am I going to say? 'Hey, I like Michael and I don't really like you anymore so let's just throw you on the curb like my trash.' Yeah, because she totally won't be hurt if I'm blunt. Maybe I can try to explain gently? How does somebody explain that they're dumping someone for someone else 'gently'?

A knock sounds against the door. I rush out and let Christine in. I lead her to my room and sit her on the bed.

"What did you need to tell me?" I ask her like the gentleman I am.

"You can go first if you want."

"No I insist."

"Oh, my parents are hosting a dinner and I was hoping you could join me? It'll only be a few hours and it's next weekend." Shit. I can't break up with her right after she asks me this.

"I-I'd love to go. Your family is great."

"Thanks Jere. What did you need to talk about?"

"Um," I fumble with my hands while trying to come up with an answer. "It's not really that urgent."

"It sounded like it was on the phone."

"I, uh, I-I lost my credit card. Did you happen to see it at your house?" It's not a complete lie. I did loose it and I've been meaning to ask her if she's seen it.

"Jeremy! You don't think that's urgent? Someone could've stolen it!"

"I know, I didn't wanna bother you though."

"You called me here to tell me this, you're not bothering me in any way."


"No problem, now let's go find your credit card!"

Michael's POV

My phone begins to buzz in my pocket. I pull it out and look at the caller ID. Jeremy. Without thinking, I answer the call.


"Yeah Jere?"

"So I called Christine and told her to come over to break up with her but she invited me to a dinner with her parents before I could. The dinner is next weekend so you'll only have to deal with this for two weeks so I don't have to dump her directly after the dinner. Michael, please come back I don't want you getting hurt. Please," he rambles. He sounds like he's on the verge of tears by the end of it.

"I'll be back tomorrow," I answer blandly. I stare at the pond in front of me. I chose a really nice garden

"Can you at least tell me where you are?"

"No because then you'll try to find me."

"Please, just a hint."

"I'm still in New Jersey."

"Well, I figured that. Anything else?"

"Camden. I'm visiting family."

"Michael! That's so far away!"

"I'll be back early tomorrow. They should be done work now so I gotta start walking. I'll see you tomorrow." I hang up before Jeremy gets the chance to answer. Am I being too harsh? Probably, but Jeremy was going to continue doing things with me behind Christine's back. That's not right.

I get up and start walking. After aboutb ten minutes a car pulls up next to me. I get ready to run. Then I see who's in the car.

"Aunt Peg! Uncle Tom! I was just on my way to your house."

"What are you doing all the way out here? I know for a fact you couldn't have driven here. That car wouldn't last a minute in here. Don't tell me they came back," Aunt Peg rambles, the last part added on after her eyes drift to the slowly fading scar on my cheek.

"They did come back but they're gone now. I was staying with a friend but I needed a break. Could I catch a ride with you?"

"Get in here. It would take you an hour to walk from here. We're not letting you freeze to death," Uncle Tom says. I smile and get in the back.

"Your cousins are going to be so excited to see you. Oh! You could meet baby Jill!" Aunt Peg rambles on about my cousins and what they've done in the time that's passed. God I love these people.

We stop to pick up Baby Jill–who's really three but she's the baby of the family–from daycare and Emmy from kindergarten. They both look confused but we start talking and they warm up to me.

The other kids take the bus so we'll meet them at the house. I can't wait.

Why is it so Wrong, Yet Feel so Right? (Boyf Riends)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat