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Michael's POV

We finished packing my things that I have at Jeremy's house an hour ago. A movie is playing on the tv but I'm not paying attention to it.

It's quiet.

I don't like it.

I shuffle closer to Jeremy and rest my head against his chest. The quiet thump of his heartbeat calms me.

"What do you wanna do this week?" Jeremy asks out of the blue.

"What do you mean?"

"You have a week until you move to Camden. What do you wanna do?"

"I have an idea...but I'll think about it for a little while longer," I answer quietly.

"Okay. Take you time, I, I don't wanna rush you or anything."

It's quiet again except for the thumping of Jeremy's heartbeat. It sped up.

I sit up and peck Jeremy's lips. When I go to pull away he reconnects them and pulls me closer. I smile into the kiss. He pulls away and smiles at me.

"You're an idiot," I mumble.

"Maybe so, but I'm your idiot," he answers with a snarky tone.

"You've been watching too many rom-coms."

"I know," he says while I glare at the tv, which is currently playing a rom-com. He takes on look at me and starts laughing, causing me to break my glare and start laughing too.

The Next Day

"Catch me!" Jeremy turns around as I jump from the table. He doesn't react in time, falling backward as I collide with him.

I connect our lips while he's still frozen in shock. It takes a moment for him to realize what's happening but when he does he returns the kiss instantly. I rest my hands on his hips and smile into the kiss. I pull away and laugh as Jeremy pouts under me.

I crawl off of him. He sits up, still pouting. "You're a jerk."

"I know. But you love me anyway!" I tease.

"Yes. Yes I do."

Two Hours Later

"Michaaaaaaaael!" Jeremy whines with an obnoxious tinge mixed in. "Can we take a break. This is too much manual labor."

"You said it yourself, I'm leaving in a week and need to get this done. I have a lot of shit remember?" I mock.

"Yeah but that was yesterday, now I'm tired. Pleeeeeeease?" he drags out.

"After this box. Okay?"

"Fine," he concedes.

About half an hour later Jeremy's back to bugging me. "We've been through, like, two boxes. You said only one more!"

"I was hoping you'd forget and let me at least TRY to be productive today but I guess this works too," I mumble and gradually get to a slightly louder-than-regular volume. 

I turn to face Jeremy to find him already staring at me.

"I know I'm hot but it's rude to stare," I say in a tone full of sass. He walks closer and snakes his arms around my waist. He leans in and whispers in my ear, "Better?"

"Much." I connect our lips and Jeremy catches on. Our lips move against each other in smooth movements with minimal effort. I pull away, much to Jeremy's disappointment. "Now?"

It takes him a moment to answer.



Smut is going to happen next chapter but I have a question first.

Who's top because I'm fine with either one honestly. Your choice.

Remember to point out any errors or mistakes. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Peace.

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