Chapter 20

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Lucy POV:

Ever since the incident with Yui, Kiko never leaves my side. She clings to me when ever I sit down and when I go out on raids I have to spend fifteen minutes calming her down before I can leave with the assault team, and even when we're at home she's taken to sleeping in the same bed as me so she can be close to me. Right now I'm sitting at the bar looking over the guilds stats, we've maintained our status which is always a plus because the game pays guilds who are high ranked to help them maintain their members with things like food and items. And with Fairy Tail I need all the money I can get, I think the name Fairy Tail is like a jinx making all the members destructive. At least these guild members haven't destroyed towns, but we did once come close to destroying a dungeon. I don't know how it happened but it happened, and Heathcliff mocked me for ages after it happened. And he still does.

"Kiko can you come on a job with me?" Silica asks walking over with Pina resting on her shoulder.

"I'm with mommy right now, maybe next time?" Kiko says wrapping her arms a little tighter around me.

"Sweetie, why don't I ask Uncle Loke to go with you? You need to get out some more, you've been inside way too long." I say stroking her blue hair.

"But I want to stay with you mommy." Kiko says, and then she goes silent.

I sigh and then shake my head to Silica, she looks disappointed and goes off to ask another member if they want to go with her. I notice a message appear in my mail box so I open it and read the note, it's from Heathcliff so I guess it's about guild business or something. But no such luck.

Master Lucy, 

We've discovered the Boss dungeon and I would like to invite you and your guild to come and help us take down this boss, help us get one step closer to beating the game. I understand that this is last minute but I wouldn't ask if I didn't think it was necessary. Please respond once you have a team together, I recommend a team of about twelve players.

Regards, Heathcliff K.O.B

Reading the message again I look and see who's in the guild today, we have a lot of our high level players here today which is good because we need all the skills we can get to defeat the floor bosses. The game is getting more and more difficult and the floor bosses are getting harder, the problem is less and less people are coming on the raids. It seems like people are giving up, I mean I can understand where they are coming from. It's been one two years since we've been trapped in this game, and if I didn't have my friends and the guild by my side then I know I would have given up a long time ago. Kirito helped me get started, learning the basics of the game and then helping me to get my guild started, Kiko became the light in my life that I didn't know was missing. She's more than just my daughter, she's one of my best friends. 

I have so many people to thank for helping me to stay alive this long, and I know I will never be able to say thank you to all of them. Not even if I live for 100 years.

"Kiko, mommy has to leave for a boss raid soon ok?" I say as Kiko's eyes fill with tears.

"Why mommy! Why can't you stay with me!" She wails burying her head into my chest.

"Don't you want to get out of this game sweetie? Don't you want to see all your friends again?" I ask stroking her hair.

"I don't have any friends, and I don't want you to get hurt mommy..." Kiko says wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Baby you have lots of friends, look around you." I say gesturing to the guild. "Everyone here is your friend, everyone loves you very much. And everyone is trying hard to get out of this game, so they can find each other in real life. And that's why I fight too, so that I can find you and give you the biggest hug you've ever had."

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