The Sisters

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There once was two girls birthed by the same mother, exactly 10 months apart. One had bright green eyes with sheer white hair, her hair went down to the middle of her back and had random streaks of silver in it. One of her eyes was a light green while the other was a dark green, barely noticeable if you just met her but once you studied her face, you would see the beauty between them. An unknown bump was on the right side of her nose, freckles dusted her nose and cheeks when she tanned, they showed up like family on the holidays, slowly then all at once. Her lips were in an infinite pout when she thought or slept, when the pout disappeared, a smile replaced it. The smile was there always, and when it disappeared it took but one little noise to make it reappear.  The sheer white hair was semi wavy when air dryed, but anything else made it straight, it always seemed messy but to other that was her hair style. Always swooped a different way when you saw her and no other style, if it was braided or tied up. It meant she was going to cut it or dye it soon. The green eyed 11-year old had chubby cheeks with a rose tint upon them, even with makeup it still shown through. Her waist was so small compared to everything else on her, it was hard buying jeans due to the huge dip that it made from her hips. Her hips were wide and her legs like a dancer's, firm and strong, the tops she wore did no justice to the body she owned. the shirt draped over her waist while it should be sucked into it. Showing how fit and hardworking she is during excersise and dance. Oh how she loved to dance! She practiced in the park by her house because her basement was too small to do some of the choregraphy that was assigned. Her eyebrows were not alike in anyway, one was the sociteal perfect while the other was round and shorter than the other, her eyebrows were a dark brown compared to her hair, the contrast making people gasp at first glance but soon after they got used to it, ignoring the contrast.

The other had hazel eyes, slivers of green intertwined with the hazel that created such a beauty that it became hard to look away from her eyes. Hair fiery red, like a phoenix catching on fire, ears small like an elves but able to hear anything said in a room. Lips full of life while he eyes shown none, lips also always in a permanent pout. Her shoulders always slumped forward slightly. The shoes she wore never changed, black high top converse, seemed to be stitched to the bottom of her feet. Legs aren't defined and taut due to the lack of physical activity she's in, along with the rest of her body. Yet her size was still small, the body resembles that of an athlete, just not in training. Her face chubby creating a comfortable aura, but the eyes. Warm hazel, liquid gold when hit with light, but seemingly angry or unnerved, only to light up around those who she loves or is interested in. Her attire was all neutral colors, blending into the night sky was her go to fashion. The two sister so different in appearances and interests, but one single strand of DNA tying them together in a way they never thought possible.

They were separated by their fathers, both claiming they had a right to their children, leaving the mother childless. That was until she adopted a stunning light brown skinned girl, who had dark brown eyes but when the light hit them golden liquid filled around the pupil. A slim face with a permanent smile attached to her lips, an adorable smile spilt from them every second, her cheeks skinny but plump, a tint flushed over them causing her face to brighten up even more. Her eyebrows matched the color of her dark brown, very curly, hair; her nose fit perfectly in the middle of her face, lifting up ever so gently at the end. It smoothed down into her face and tapered off to the other portions of her face. Even though her hair was quite thin, it still bushed around her face while she had it down, some curls were tight while others were rather loose. The girl was slim due to the grade school sports she played, her body close to a regular atheletes, but ever since she got hit by a softball during a game, her mother thought it was time to take a break to gather up courage to face the dreaded ball once more. Her arms had muscle built up from the countless throws and pitches she made, her legs slim also but had lost their defintion due to the lack of practice and exercise they were used to. She still was a fireball tho, constantly jumped around the flat, danced to the radio playing softly in the background, her name fit ever so perfectly with her, Jemine. Even with the new adopted daughter, as full of love for her as the mother was, she still couldn't grieve over the other two children. She knew they were in America, living the life they should be, safe from the dangers of the mothers life, but too far for her liking. They visited America twice a year to go see the mother's family, stayed for a week, then back to England. The mother still did not fully understand some muggle concepts, she was more into traveling via floo powder or portkey. She was indeed a witch no doubt, not one that is shown in old movies as dangerous or scary, she was a witch that used her magic for good, or well at least she thought it was for good. Maybe it was due to the death of her friends that she was made to go into hiding.

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