Magius Batrum

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Magius was an odd boy. His voice got higher and faster speaking of charms. He could tell what charm you needed in a certain situation. His roommate was a short 1st year named Yonge. Magius was very social and everyone in Hufflepuff knew his name.

Magius is a half blood, his father was a muggle and his mother a witch. When his father found out that she was a witch it took a lot convincing so his father wouldn't think she was using a love potion.

When he was little his father had hoped he wasn't magical. But one day when Magius got pushed in the hallway and the kid flew to the other end of the school. They knew. They had to teach him not to get angry or upset about something that happens.

His best friend consisted of a girl and guy. Dextel, who was known in all houses excepts Slytherin, and Seren. Seren has a spot saved on the Quidditch team for him as a Beater as soon as his 1st year ends. Magius want to try out. Considering he'd make a good Beater.

Magius walked down the hallway smiling. He walked into his class room and sat down talking to Seren who sat next to him in Transfiguration. They joked about how many times McGonagall has turned something into an animal on accident. Their smiles dropped when McGonagall had handed out a surprise quiz. They both stayed up late with Dextel playing Trolls and Rolls. Before they got caught Magius uses the levitate spell on Wyatt. They laughed so hard that Snape heard them and took points from the houses. But something that Magius is still thinking about.

The eyes, bright yellow eyes. Like Jemines eyes when she gets excited about transfiguration. He saw them staring the entire time they played. Always by the Hufflepuff common room. It switched to the doors shutting off the Great hall and the rocks leading to the Slytherin Common room. It freaked him out, later they had the defense against the dark arts. They learned about animagus how they can change into different animals. One was a wolf with bright yellow eyes. When Quirrell said that Magius gasped and fear struck him. A wolf? In the castle? But how?  What do they want with him? Who is the wolf following him around?

Two classes later and Magius had forgotten about what he had learned. He walked out of Herbaology and went straight back to the dorms where a stack of letters were on his desk. Each from Seren leading him to certain parts of the castle. The top one said to pick one and the adventure would begin. He held up one leading him to the Great hall, Jemine stood outside waving

"Magius Magius! Might wanna try this!" She gave him another letter. What was this? A game show? He read the letter it lead to the library. Seren was reading a book of history and didn't notice him till Magius waved his hand in front of his face.

"Oh! Uh- Magius mightiest, won't wanna fight this" he gripped the letter and ran right toward the Slytherin common room. He about fought the picture guarding it. He saw Dextel waving and jumping she ran and hugged him.

"You know what better than me? Why a willow of course! But not just any willow! The whomping willow" he winced, it was a long walk. He walked all the way to The Whomping willow. Where there sat Tinsley, reading her book. Not even paying attention.  Jemine, Seren, and Dextel all smirked as he sat next to her. They laughed and talked for awhile trying to get ahold of who put them up to mystery game. The 3 people who did this ran quickly to The Gryffindor common room. The night went untold after this.

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