The Boys

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Everyone lined up in the Great hall to get sorted into their house. The hat went through all the names. He called up a brown haired boy with a peak at the top, hazel. Tinsley asked Jemine who that was she shrugged as the hat shouted out "MAGIUS BATRUM" the brown haired boy stepped up as Tinsley wrinkled her nose at his last name. The boy was placed in Hufflepuff. Wyatt Honrich was next, he was placed into Ravenclaw. A girl watched as Wyatt went and sat down with the Ravenclaws. "ROWEN HOWELL" her name was called and she slowly made her way to the stool. When she sat down her grip on the bottom of the stool was so tight. Her knuckles were white.

"Oh my dear, you have a lot going on in here don't you?" She nodded and whimpered. "Such clever thoughts though, sneaking huh? Hmmm, such complex ideas. RAVENCLAW" Wyatt stood up and ran towards her picking her up and swinging her around. They went back to their table, excited about the future. Names flew by so quickly, Tinsley almost didn't hear her name. She was looking around the Great Hall, looking up and at the tables. Once she snapped back in she ran up to the stool and sat down. Before the hat could reach the top of her head the hat shouted "SLYTHERIN".

She hopped down and ran over the the table, they cheered as she sat down and fist bumped some people already sitting there. "AINE MAGURE" the name sounded out through the room. The girl stepped up and sat down on the stool, she breathed out her nose and waited. The hat moved around and hummed, reading her thoughts and detecting personality traits. After a few minutes she was also sorted into Slytherin.

Jemine was caught off guard by an owl flying above her. She giggled watching it do spins and loops. Swooping down over tables and students. She could hear kids being sorted into houses slowly. Before she knew it her name was called, not only was it called. They had to say it twice and then a boy hit her shoulder getting her attention. She smiled weakly and walked up and sat on the stool. The boy sorted before her watched as she sat down on the stool. Seren RafdurT was his name, and yes, his last name had the obnoxious capital "T" at the end of his name. Jemine toyed with something on her cloak as she was on the stool. The hat thought carefully then decided on Ravenclaw.

The sorting ceremony went on for hours, so many new students. So many new names, Dextel say quietly while she waited for her name. Charlie stood next to her and the two talked the entirety of the ceremony. When her name was called the two frowned and she waved by to Charlie before climbing onto the stool. The other students and professors laughed at how red Charlie's face got. The hat moved around and huffed every few seconds. She sat very still with a giant smile on her face. Within seconds she was sorted Hufflepuff, she squealed and ran down to the table and sat with her new home.

Only two more kids were left, Charlie and a brown haired boy standing off to himself kicking the ground. Charlie was of course sorted to Gryffindor. The last boy was called up "ILONIS T. ZANCHR", Jemine looked up at the name. She saw the boy looked scared as he picked at the stool. Her eyes widened as she looked over at the boy next to Dextel. They looked identical, she wondered if they were related by pushed that off. Ilnois was sorted into Ravenclaw, he walked over to the table and sat next to Jemine.

"Hi! I'm Jemine G. Ragrot"

"I'm Ilonis...wait you already knew that. Sorry I don't really pay attention to stuff"

"That's ok! I don't either, I space out a little too much! Which is bad considering im in Ravenclaw"

"We are gonna be the worst Ravenclaws aren't we?"

"At least we can be horrible together!" Jemine smiled and pinched his cheek. After all the students were let out, Dextel and Magius were off and talking to others. Within an hour they had friends in every house, which isn't hard for Hufflepuffs. They can be friends with a trashcan if they try hard enough.

The time came and they all had to go to their common rooms. When Jemine saw her common room she squealed. So many books, and so much time to read them. Tinsley felt like she was in a dark hole, which, she loved. Her own cave for the next 7 years. Dextel and Magius ran around their common room looking at plants and talking to other Hufflepuffs. 

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