Chocolate Frogs

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Vanity laid against the side of their cart trying to figure out the map that was laying in his lap. Wyatt scoffed at him and grabbed the map sticking his tongue out mumbling.

"If only you hadn't caused Dextel's evil to emerge we wouldn't be in this mess" Vanity heard this and shot up pushing Wyatt over the edge. Magius gasped and yelled, but that didn't help, Vanity kept threatening to throw him over the edge.

"It wasn't my fault, you heard Dumbledore, it started because she wanted it to"

"And it just so happens she wanted the evil to spread after you confessed" Wyatt smirked and Vanity let go of him and sat down in the cart.

"What's it to ya? It's so obvious that she likes you Wyatt, you don't deal with all this....this "heartbreak" Vanity used air quotes around heartbreak. The boy sniffles and wiped his nose on his cloak. Wyatt scoffed and turned away from Vanity. Ilonis shouted loudly as the cart hit a corner. The 3 screamed and gripped the sides as the cart slide to a stop.

"Ilonis? Wyatt? Vanity? What are you guys doing here?" Tinsley stepped out and walked towards there cart. Tinsley has bruised arms and legs and a black eye. her lip was cut and her shirt look as if it was put in a blender.

"Oh my god Tinsley!" Ilonis jumped out and ran towards her. Blue raised her hand and Ilonis dipped his fingers between hers. A bright light emerged from their hands and the room became too bright to see. Ilonis pulled his hand away and there was Tinsley. Her hand raised and all her wounds gone. They stared at each other with wide eyes.

"W-what did you two just do?" Vanity said stepping out of the cart. He stayed a far enough distance from the two so he would be able to run away. Wyatt got out and grabbed both their hands and look at their palms. In the middle of their hands was a diamond. It was imprinted in there hands and the skin looked as if it were metal being heated up. They both gasped and blew and spit on their hand to try and cool it down. But their hands stay a bright orange glow.

Tinsley pushed away from him and fell to the ground scurrying away from him. Ilonis stared at his hand in awe. What had just happened? That mark wasn't there before. Tinsley let's out a shriek and curls up into a ball. Inside her mind visions flash past if a woman crying while giving away a brown haired child. A blonde one clung to her leg as she stared at Tinsley's dad. It zoomed in on the blonde's face, the girl grew up year by year and at last she was getting pushed to the ground by a force. The blonde was screaming and thrashing in a pitch black room with an invisible force pressing her down. She gave up and fell down letting the force crush her. She breathed heavily, Tinsley sprang up shouting "Dextel!" The boys ran over, Wyatt put an arm around her head and brought her to sit up against the wall. Vanity gripped her wrists and shook them.

"What about Dextel?! You tell right now you filthy mud-"

"I'm not a mudblood"

"W-what? Yes you are, your father has no power what's so ever"

"My Mother does, she is also Dextel's Mother. So if you talk badly about me. You talk badly about the girl you supposedly love"

"Love?" Wyatt perked up and furrowed his brows at the blonde Boy.

"You were supposed to keep your mouth shut" Vanity got up and went back in the cart and sat down turning away from the others. The rest got up and slowly walked over. Tinsley's legs wobbled from the fear that had just raked over her. They climbed in he cart and Tinsley grabbed the map and casted a spell over it. A path flowed on the paper showing a way out. Ilonis stared open mouthed at her.

"What? Hagrid gave me the spell so I don't get lost, this isn't my first time getting lost in here" she shrugged and the cart started moving towards the exit. Once they got out they heard screams of terror coming from outside the bank. Tinsley took no time in sprinting towards the door. She pushed it open and saw a wolf who was all black with glowing blue eyes being backed into a wall by police. It growled and lowered its head. Tinsley and the wolf made eye contact. The wolf snapped at her right as the police chained its neck to the ground. The wolf snapped and growled louder as the chains shorten causing it to drop to the floor. Tinsley shouted a name but it was consumed by the mumbles around and causally yelling asking what it is. She fell to the ground clutching her heart. Her chest started glowing red under her necklace. She scratched her chest as she heaved. Wyatt ran forward wrapping his arms around her. He pulled her to his chest. Screams were being let out of her mouth. The wolf's ear fell down and it whined letting its head fall to the ground. Tinsley's vision blacked out.

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