Home Bound

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Tinsley woke up with a pounding headache, she looked up and saw Aine. Aine was bent over a table staring at the broken locket. She moved her fingers over the hinges quickly and muttered something under her breathe. Tinsley watched the locket float up off the table, the pieces lining up together. The locket turned bright red and then landed softly back on the table again. She watched Aine grab two small pieces of paper and slip them back into the locket. Tinsley swung her legs over the bed and landed on the floor softly.

"You're awake!" Tinsley looked over at the door. Jemine and Dextel were standing in the doorway with flowers and gummy bears.

"Yeah....but....honestly I don't remember what happened actually" Tinsley said rubbing the back of her head. She look down and saw a giant bandaid over her chest. The back of it was slightly red from some of the blood seeping through. When she pressed against it, a sharp pain fled through her body. She yelled and fell forward slightly. Jemine ran forward and grabbed her arm to steady her.

"After we heard screaming in the bathroom we decided to go check on you. When we opened the door-"

"You were laying on the ground, your locket was blown to sherds. Your chest was cut up and burned badly. So we rushed you to Madame Pomfrey and you've been here ever since" Dextel said after cutting off Jemine

"Ho-how long have I been out?" Tinsley said sitting back down on the bed. She gripped her head, trying very hard to remember what happened.

"Um...well long enough that you get to pass on final exams!" Jemine said throwing her hands ups smiling. After seeing that Tinsley was still freaking out. She put her hands by her sides and sighed running her fingers through her hair.

Dextel sat the flowers down on the little desk by her bed. She walked over the Aine and talked to her about the locket and how Tinsley was doing. Jemine sat with Tinsley calming her down and walking her through everything. Tinsley was sill in shock about waking up in the hospital wing. She missed final exams, that means she was out for more than a week. Jemine put her hand on Tinsley's knee and shushed her. Tinsley was trying to mumble out sentences, she couldn't get pass the first word.

"So how long have you been like this?" Tinsley said pointing to Dextel's hair, it was a bright blue color.

"For a few days, Seren thought I was a different person when he saw me" Dextel said smiling and looking down at the ground. She couldn't get the imagine of Tinsley on the ground out of her head. The screams she let out, the pain she must have went thorough.

"Hey Aine-" Aine looked up at Tinsley "what were you putting back in my locket earlier?"

"Oh, there was these two photos inside. They flew out when it, uh, exploded" Aine said handing over her locket. Tinsley smoothed it over and hummed, when she tried to open it, it wouldn't budge. She shrugged and put it on once more and smiled looking around at the others surrounding her.

"Should we ya know, leave? So we can get back to our houses?" Tinsley said playing with the necklace around her neck.

"Most likely, my dad is gonna start worrying if I'm not back soon" Dextel said laughing, they gathered up everyone's things and headed home. When they all arrived home, Dextel was grounded. Everything magical and muggle was taken away for a month. Tinsley's father was worried about the giant bandaid on her chest. Jemine and her mother stayed in London, they talked for two full days about what happened during Jemine's first year at Hogwarts. The three girls were all calm, and at peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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