Past Memories

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Rowen shook Jemine awake whispering a silencing charm as the two sat up. They both sat on the couch hugging their knees. Jemine and Rowen became very close friends due to Seren and Jemine being paired for the project. Jem would drop Hala off with Rowen and she'd watch him while Seren was at classes. Sometimes Rowen brought her to class because Seren was late or was out playing Trolls and Rolls with Dextel.

Rowen and Jemine sat on the couch. Jem rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and stretched her arms out wide. Rowen tapped her knee waiting for Jem to be ready to talk. Jem rested her head Rowen's shoulder.

"You know what I miss about the muggle world?" Rowen said staring up at the ceiling. It showed a lion roaring, it was golden and the fire reflected off of it onto the two girls.

"What?" Jemine said half asleep her eyes shut yawning and pulling the blanket off Seren and onto herself.

"Going to movies with my parents. Granted we never did it a lot. It's enough to miss it" Jemine smiled at Rowen. She lifted her head off her and sat up.

"What movies have you seen?" Jem asked picking at the fuzz balls on the blanket.

"Loads, and they're so amazing too!" The two began talking about movies they've seen and their families. Jemine went silent once Rowen began talking about her parents and how proud they were when she got her letter. Surprised but proud.

"I wish I knew my real parents. I mean I have my mother. And believe me she's beautiful. She's moving here next year" Rowen smiled and rubbed her back. "How about me and you find out who your parents are. It can't be that hard right? I mean we're witches. That has to give us a one up"

Jemine and Rowen made a plan to meet after breakfast and skip their first class. It took a lot of convincing to get Rowen to agree but after 30 minutes of Jemine whining about how awesome it would be to meet them she gave in. Hala was still snuggled up to Seren fast asleep. Rowen took of the silencing charm and whispered good night. She walked towards the girl dorms. Jemine slipped off the couch and laid her head on Seren lap. Of course after putting a pillow on his lap. She fell fast asleep and awaited the next day.

Jemine woke up the next day stretching her arms. Seren was already awake his fingers running through her hair watching the boys practice their new spells. Jemine smirked and watched them for awhile until Rowen came down the stairs her hair is a pony tail and wearing her pajamas. Her hair was a bit poofy.

"Bed head when you have curly hair is the worst" she said sitting next to her. Jemines nodded and yawned sitting up. Seren stood up and excused himself and went to his dorm to change.

"Should we go to breakfast early? I'm just excited to find out" Jemine said blushing lightly

The two girls walked down side by side into the Great hall to eat. They were discussing what they would do to figure out who her parents were.

"We could ask Dumbledore. He could look into your past. Before your parents gave you away. He just needs DNA of yours" Rowen smiles and sat down at the gryffindor table talking to Wyatt and Seren. Jemine sighed and walked over to her table sitting inbetween Ilonis and Cindy. After breakfast Rowen and Jemine went up to Dumbledore's office and talked to him about him about looking into Jemine's past. He smiled and put his hand on Jemine's shoulder.

"You don't need to know who your parents are. You are a direct image of your adoptive mother" Jemine's face fell and nodded and started walking away until Rowen spoke up.

"But sir, she deserves to know. She's been excited all morning and it hurts to see her like this" Dumbledore nodded and waved the two girls over and put jemine's hair in his cauldron. It flashed to a couple putting her in a crib. They spoke softly.

"Goodnight my little angel" the mother smiled and kissed her forehead the father did the same. They left the room and behind them was a little whiteboard and on it written in perfect handwriting read "Jemine Granger" The cauldron went still and the memory ended. Dumbledore smiled and looked at the two girls who had their mouths hanging open. Rowen looked at Jemine and felt her hair then looked back down at the cauldron. She pulled Jemine's hair down and watched it spring up and did it again and again, she smiled brightly and hugged Jemine.

"You know your parents! Oh wow! I can't believe that worked! I was kinda expecting Dumbledore to say no and then tells us to get lost but this! Jem this is great!" Rowen hugged Jemine and squeezed her tightly.

"Now that you know your past Jemine. I️ think it's time you know about some others past. But it is not my place to do so. They must come to me on their own. Only you two-" he pointed at Rowen then Jemine. "Can figure out the past others"

The two girls left his office with brows furrowed. How were they two figure out the others past. And who's past do they have to figure out? I️ guess there's only one way to find out.....

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