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Dextel was woke up by Tinsley landing next to her on the bed. Tinsley smiled and pulled her book up to her face. Dextel sighed laying back down. Madame Pomfrey walked in and whisked both Dextel and Tinsley our of the bed ushering them both down the stairs and into the Great hall. The boys were sitting at the very end of an empty table. Breakfast had already happened so the only people left there were slow eaters and a boy who always managed to fall asleep in the midst of eating. Magius stood up followed by Ilonis who grabbed Dextel's shoulders and hugged her. Seren stood up pulling Ilonis back.

"I'm sorry about our father. He uses his power for evil unlike you. But we don't have to worry, he has been caught. They are throwing him into Azkaban. Accounts of murder and incorrect use of magic" he held up a newspaper that showed their father in wolf form snapping at the bars in front of him. Jemine's eyes shone a dark purple for fear. They all hugged Dextel and comforted her and asked her all sorts of questions.

"How does it feel to transform?" Magius asked halfway across the table leaning his hand forward patron where her ears had been prior to her awaking. She smiled and moved his hand away. She looked down as food appeared in front of her. She furrowed her brows and looked up to see Dumbledore. He walked up to us and sat next to us. He looked at Dextel and smiled.

"I understand you have found a power, as have you too Jemine. If you two wish to conquer those powers and use them towards good. Come to my office" he got up and left. The two girls completely confused. Dextel sat and ate as Jemine's eyes turned purple and the shade got darker and darker.

"Dextel how do you feel? I mean how....does your body feel? Does it feel ok? Does it feel alright?" Jemine rubbed her back sitting next to her. Her eyes shone a dark violet and it kept getting darker. It would flash a bright purple every two seconds.

"Yes why? Why are you so scared jem?"

"I had a vision. You were in a room, banging on the walls, there was no door. You were screaming for us. You could hear us talking but we couldn't hear you. Your body was cracking. Like a porcelain doll would with age. You don't feel like that right?" Dextel shut her mouth and looked forward. She felt off but nothing like Jemine's dream. She shook her head and kept eating. After she finished her food they went a visited Hagrid. Jem And Tin had tea with him while Dextel slept on the trunk against one of the walls. After they had tea they returned to their common rooms. Dextel and Jemine had class while Tinsley had a break.

"Vanity where is my wand?" Tinsley said bursting into his dorm room. Vanity scurried to grab the covers and pull them over his body. The other boys sat up and starting mumbling things but were cut off.

"Where. Is. My. Wand" she said taking a step. Vanity scrambled up holding out her wand. She pointed it at him muttering a simple spell that caused the boy to be pinned against the wall. He had tears streaming down his face as a voice rang through the dorm.

"Tinsley! What in the world are you doing!? That's a year five charm don't!" Dextel knocked her wand out of her hand while Jemine picked her up carrying her out of the room. Tinsley was shouting pushing against the two. Tinsley raises her hand which caused Dextel's tongue to twist as she screamed and dropped to the floor, Tinsley stood still. Dextel held her mouth panting. She looked at Jemine and Then Tinsley.

"We have to go to Dumbledore tomorrow during our Divination period" Dextel whined

"We have a test! I'm not good at Divination either!" Dextel huffed and crossed her arms. The 3 walked out of the Syltherin common room and towards the Great hall. Dextel stopped in her tracks and looked at the Slytherin table. People were sitting around an empty chair that had certain robes sling over it with a reserved for dead sign on it. She geared up and took a deep breathe. She felt a slap at the back of her head. She tipped and felt the back of her head turning around. But no one was there, she shrugged and sat next to the people at her table. Magius smiles at her and patted the seat next to him. As she sat down he threw an arm around her and squeezed her.

3 Times a Charm: Powers UnfoldedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora