Road Trip!

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"Why do we have to put that on him?" Vanity said as Dextel put a sweater on Ragir. Ragir purred in delight as she placed him on her head. He curled up on her beanie and fell asleep. She placed her hands on her hips.

"Because professor Kettleburn said that we had to treat it like our child. Hence why we are taking it clothes shopping"

"It has fur! I don't exactly understand why he needs clothes! And what exactly does it eat? Ever think about that?" Vanity was speaking so fast she paused to analyze what he all said.

"What is it with boys and not reading. Magius thought that a unicorn could be gold and now you don't know what Ragir eats? What wrong with you people!" She pinched her nose and kept walking with Ragir on her head. Magius and Tinsley sat waiting outside the gryffindor common room listen to Seren and Jemine arguing.

"See I'm not the only one that tries to make ours fly" Magius smirked and started lifting Dagona up. Tinsley hissed and grabbed her and held her close.

"Jemine they only come out during nigtit! Why do you think my dorm is always dark!?"

"Idk when I have it stays under my blanket or sleeps" she said throwing her hands up.

"Exactly! Because it's dark under there! Oh my gosh Jemine did you read about them at all?"

"Well yeah they eat special enchanted pellets. And they dance....that's all I know"

"It's an extremely sensitive creature because of its deformity and it's dancing for mating. She hasn't danced yet, thank god she's too young for that yes you are oh my Hala so- anyway but you have to read on them! Ok?" He said patting Hala who had sunglasses on to shield the sunlight. Hala soon cocked her head to the side and waddled towards Jemine. She picked her up her ring shining in the sunlight. Seren was caught off guard by the glint of light that he almost didn't notice a niffler on his shoulder until he heard Dextel shouting.

"No no! Ragir don't steal his ring no-" he stuffed seren's ring in his pouch and curled up behind a pillow hissing at Dextel. She grabbed his arms and picked him up and stared at his eyes. The creature dropped his eyes and when she put him down he took the ring out and set it down and scurried onto Tinsley. Ilonis yelled and screamed for Dex to stop flying too high. She got caught in the rafters once and telling Snape to use a spell to get her down did not help.

"Dex no no! Watch out ahead!" She swooped down and landed by a squealing Dextel who threw her up and caught her. Ragir growled on top of Tinsley hiding his face Dex squealed and snuggled into her.

"Let's get going guys. Hogsmeade is waiting for us" ragir has climbed back up on Dextel's head glaring at Dex who had tried to steal his owner. Dex has no idea of this as she was flying above Ilonis and Aine's head. The two discussing what was needed. Seren and Jemine talked about the two of them. Seren complained about classes and Jemine complained about Seren and History.

"What do think is gonna happen when Dex grows up?" Ilonis appeared at Dextel's side she placed her hand over her heart.

"You scared me! Oh my, I don't know. I hope she goes to someone caring" Ragir yawned and stretched on her head he climbed down to her shoulder and perched on it. The two kept talking on their way to the express. Seren was messing around with Hala's jacket when she hopped and Jemine hit his hand away fixing it.

"She's frail Seren you cant yank her around" she shook her head and held Hala close to her chest. Hala purred and fell asleep warm by the jacket.

"Did-....did you put fake wings on Dagona? For the last time...SHE ISNT A PEGASUS!" Tinsley said holding Dagona up sighing at the vest with two little wings on it.

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