Seren Rafdurt

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Seren was a proud gryffindor, he was also a half-blood. His mother a muggle while his father enchanted her with his magical abilities. No love potions or charms were used while they dated. Seren is highly into the history of magic. And he is very intelligent. He would have been put into Ravenclaw if he hadn't asked to be a. Gryffindor. When the hat was placed on his head Seren asked in a whisper.

"Please let me in gryffindor, can I be in it?" The hat chuckled and put him into Gryffindor. He didn't really know his roommate, or their name. He assumed they were a first year? But they had such a large beard that made Seren second guess. One day Seren slept past his alarm and was woken up by Charlie shaking him away. Charlie told Seren he was gonna be late if he didn't get up right away. Groggily, Seren got ready and followed Charlie out of the common room and down the staircase. He has to fast walk to keep up with Charlie, for some reason Charlie was too excited for what was about to happen.

Seren walked into the same classroom that was usually used for a 7th year class but was cleared for the first years. Books were strewn about and papers covering the floor, it must be an open studio class. There was several boxes placed on tables with 5 feet in between each. The professor called about partners and Dextel let out a large whine.

"Can I switch my partner, Vanity will kill our animal!"

"I beg your pardon? I am the greatest at taking care of things, unlike your relationship with your mother!" Vanity said entering the room with books in hand.

"I'll kill you-" Dextel started charging at Vanity only to be picked up by Bill and swung around. She fell limp and started kicking Bill's legs to get him to drop her.

"You can kick all you want but-" he presses his thumb into her side and she tipped and pouted as he put her down, he patted her head and laughed as she folded her arms and pouted harder.

"See? Can't even fight your ow-" Bill put his hand over Vanity's mouth.

"I'd really stop before Charlie hears you" Bill shrugged and walked towards the professor talking to him about a project. He must be in the open studio, because he picked up a paper on the floor and took an ink pot and book off a desk. Then he smiled at Dextel and walked out. The professor called out the remainder of all the groups and directed them to their boxes, then you heard a loud scream followed by a laugh.

"What? Don't want a giant spider possibly? Wouldn't it be amazing to feel it crawl up to your neck and-"

"Vanity no spiders are anyone's pet in this case, also don't scare you partners or else you BOTH get a zero" the professor said before walking away. The two began fighting over names and pushing each other back and forth. Poking the others chest or flicking their forehead, needless to say the professor gave up very fast.

Jemine stood by her box and picked at the top eagerly, Seren was late and she was scared he'd not show. But as the thought began to form that she would take care of this creature in her own, he walked in. The professor called out the groups again and Seren made eye contact with her. She gasped and looked down quickly and picked her fingernails, the nail polish was chipping and she knew she would need to repaint them before the Halloween bash.

"I get to pick the name for it" Vanity said puffing out his chest and staring at the creature in front of him.

"Uh no you don't, we get to chose it together"

"Don't be silly Hexagon-"


"Whatever! I get to name the thing-"

"Thing?! It is not a thing! Its beautiful! If anything you're a thing!"

"Oh wow did I hurt the puff's feelings?"


"You may not have hurt her feelings but keep talking like that and I'll hurt your face" Charlie smirked while standing behind her putting his hand on Dextel's shoulder. Vanity went dead silent and waited until he walked away. The two started then fighting over what names they agreed on.

Aine and ilonis hadn't said a word to the other but agreed to switch the creature every week. Magius and Tinsley had been screwing around and Tinsley interjected the fight between the old married couple.

"You two will name it Ragir? Yeah Ragir" she patted Draco shoulder and walked back to Magius and started talking about the plan to care for this creature. The professor said to open their boxes and Dextel screamed and grabbed the poor thing and hugged it tight. A purr came from it as it nestled in her shoulder. A niffler was perfect for her, at the other boxes Seren and Jemine were fighting over their mooncalf and said it was cute or ugly. Magius and Tinsley were laughing over the baby unicorn that was kicking the inside of the box. Aine and Ilonis said they were discussing giving their creature to Dextel after the project was over.

"Seren I can't keep the creature in my room!"


"Because it's ugly! I can't let that-that thing ruin the theme of my room!"

"Theme? Of your room? Jem it's beautiful! If anything it will add to your theme!"

"How about you take the calf-"



"Her name is Hala"

"OK, how about you take HALA to your room. Then after the project is done you can still keep her in your room!" Jemine said patting Seren's head smiling. Seren shook his head and looked at the small creature curled up into a ball. She lifted her head up to look at the two giants towering over her.

"A pegasus!"

"It's a unicorn Magius"

"But it has a horn"

"And no wings"

"Well of course it doesn't have wings! It hasn't grown them yet! Gosh Tinsley, I thought you were good at this kind of stuff"

"That's Dextel" Tinsley said pointing over at Dextel who was cuddling her niftier. The niftier scrambled up her arm and onto her head. Ragir sat there and watched the others groups. One group had an actual monster book of monsters to take care of. The kinds of noises and shrieks all around the room was overwhelming. But for some reason, Dextel was overly calm about the situation. Tinsley and Magius were pulling each other hairs out due to the animal crying. Seren and Jemine were arguing over the look of Hala.

The best part about having this project, was that Seren got to meet Jemine. Ever since he saw her at the Sorting ceremony, Seren can't help but think about her. The smile that spread across her face after getting sorted. Her voice in class when she answers a question, the beauty of her curly hair. He stared at Jemine and thought about her eyes.

"Her eyes seem to glow, as bright as-wait. Those aren't her eyes, the bright yellow, black splinters. What? Who are you?"

"Seren! Seren!" Jemine screamed while shaking him awake. Seren jumped awake gripping the desk under him, a lake of drool soaked up in his paper. He groaned and flung his head back. He was dreaming, only dreaming.

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