Diagon Alley

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The sun shone over the buildings in Diagon Alley, many children and parents weaves in and out of stores. Yelling heard all around, parents telling their child to come here or stay. Olivanders had a line so long that the leaky cauldron started redirecting people to use floor powder to enter the alley. Jemine exited Olivanders, her wand so beautiful, her eyes twinkled with wonder of what was to come with the wand she held. So many spells, potions, and random tricks she'd learn. Oh how she couldn't wait!

Her mother, who looked down at her daughter with delight. She had bright green eyes that resembled a cat's, her hair so long even in a high pony reached the small of her back. Jemine has seen princess movies, met princesses. But will tell everyone she knows that her mother is infact, a princess. Not just any ordinary princess tho, a top secret one. No one can know about her, not even the government, so she's to be kept hidden.

"Your Crystal is glowing pretty bright, sweetie" her mother said toying with the blue crystal on her necklace. After the incident at the funeral, Dumbledore charmed a crystal and gave it to the mother. It helped mask her eyes, so when her eyes would change, the power would surge into the crystal causing it the glow bright. Her mom reached around her neck and took off her necklace Jemine's eyes shone a bright yellow, her mom smiled. "I miss seeing your eyes change colors. I especially miss your yellow eyes" Jemine smiles and hugs her Mother. Her mother tried keeping her necklace off, she loved seeing Jemine's eyes changed colors. But Jemine always insisted on having it on, saying that she felt guilty when her eyes changed colors.

"I'm gonna miss you even more when you leave. It's gonna be so lonely at home" Her mother said smiling big.

"You can send me an owl Mother! It isn't that bad! I'm only a country away" she giggled her mother put her hand on her hip standing in front of the Hopping pot.

"Maybe I'll just have to move here, close to you" she tapped her nose, Jemine nodded. The two walked into the restaurant to eat. They slipped into a booth and order butter beer and some food.

Just as the two entered the restaurant Tinsley walked out of ollivanders with her wand holding everything she could get for Dextel. "How am I gonna get her out of her house. My father yelled at me when he found out I already had everything" an owl wasn't easy to hide, espically a pitch black one, eyes bright yellow. Almost like a cat. It flew around the living room for 5 minutes before her father found out it wasn't a bat. She was grounded and got her owl and phone taken away and locked in her room.

She had gotten Dextel's a White cat which she named Purity. Her parents didn't think anything of it. Just that someone got her a cat, even though a birthday or holiday had not passed.

"I can't believe- Her Father is such a- oh I just wanna-" Tinsley cursed while slamming coin after coin on the counter paying for Dextel's textbooks. The man at the counter dabbed his forehead with his pocket square. He laughed nervously at her, she growled lowly and grabbed the bought items walking out of the shop. She weaves in and out of the crowds and heard a familiar voice screaming her name.

"Oh Tinsley! Tinsley! Tinsley over here! Don't look up! Down! Lower! Lowe- Ah! Hello!" Timothy Vorhog waved at her from down below the crowd. Tinsley beamed down at him and walked with him to the nearest restaurant. They sat down and order food, Tinsley started pulling out her money when Timothy waved his head.

"No no! You've done the work for two, let me pay for two right now" he winked and set his pouch if coins in the table patting it. Tinsley laughed and went serious for a moment then shook her head.

"What is it? Are you worried about your friend?"

"Well, Hogwarts is different, way different. And what if....what if I'm not a good enough witch? What if I suck at potions and fail every Charms exam. Tim what if-"

"All I hear right now is excuses as to why you won't be a good witch. Maybe we should fact in the fact that you are an exceptionally bright young lady. Not to mention you brewed a potion from pure thought. Not one professor I. Sight with that one! By the way, if Dumbledore asks, I brewed that, not you. If he knew I let you do that in my cafe, I'd get fired or worse-"


"No banned from here!" Tinsley nodded slightly laughing at the little man. He used Dextel's books to make it seem like he was level with the table. Tinsley sighed once more as the food came, she ate in silence while Timothy rattled on about how her and Dextel were soon to be famous at Hogwarts. Which to be fair, he wasn't fair off!

After they finished Tinsley walked into an old rundown store and used its fireplace to travel home. Once she got home she rushed to Dextel's, she got to the door and pushed it open seeing it unlocked. She ran up to her room and saw the door open wide She set down Dextel's stuff on her bed, she walked around her room for awhile looking at the photos of the two littering her walls. Her cat purring and scratching its post. The cat meowed to get her attention. She looked and her brows furrowed. Where was Dextel?

"Dextel? I got your stuff, you don't have to pay me back. Our train leaves in 3 days. We have to go right now, we can stay with the Weasley's" no reply, no noise. Except a faint sob, so faint she could have imagined it. She walked around the sob getting louder. Dextel was in the closet clutching her knees to her chest. Dextel looked up, mascara running down her face, streaking her cheeks.

"He ripped up my letter, I won't be able to go now" Tinsley hugged her.

"I got your stuff. If you pack and we leave now. He can't stop you" She smiled and stood up running to her room grabbing a suitcase and piling clothes in. First years had to always wear robes. The two ran out and got in the fireplace and traveled to the Weasley house. Charlie opened the door and gasped, slightly annoyed.

"BILL YOUR FRIEND IS HERE" Bill sprinted to the door and welcomed them with no breath.

"So uh how was traveling via Floo powder" he said waving his hand in front of his face cooling him down.

"Weird, I was scared I'd say it wrong!" Dextel said rubbing her head.

"I've done it a few times, so I've gotten the hang of it by now" she said sitting down on the couch. A puff a dust flew up. She started to cough and waved the dust away. Mrs. Weasley came down the stairs and saw Dextel standing next to Bill. She gasped and ran and hugged her. Dextel gasped are the loss of breath and grinned forcefully.

"Oh honey! How good it is to see you! It's been forever. You and Bill went to that camp and he hasn't shut up since! The owls the boy sends to me about you oh my-"

"Mother! She doesn't need to know about the owls" Bill said bright red scratching behind his ear. The clock chimes behind him and Charlie and the twins ran down. Charlie tripped when he saw Tinsley sprawled out on the couch. She smiled up at him. Fred's brows furrowed and he turned to his mother.

"Mom why is there a girl on our couch?" Fred said as he turned the corner and saw Dextel his face brightened and her hugged Dextel.

"Oh wow! I can't believe you're here! My brother told me your father took your letter and that her couldn't call you because the line was dead" Fred kept his arms wrapped around her.

"It's good to see you too Fred! You know, Bill sends me owls about you. Last thing he said was, well come here" Fred scooted closer, Dextel whispered something in his ear. His face went bright red as he ran towards Bill.

"You told her! Why did you tell her? Bill it was-"

"Hey buddy-"

"Our secret!"

"Buddy! I didn't tell her, she already knew"

Fred huffed and sat next to Tinsley sinking into the couch. Tinsley chuckled at the little boy muttering to himself about who knows what.
Bill, Charlie, and Dextel walked with Mrs. Weasley into the living room. They settled in and watched their parents dance around the kitchen as Charlie lazily sang the Hogwarts fight song in a slow wedding theme. They both smiled, Dextel fell fast asleep with Purity in her arms. Tinsley sat and talked with Percy for another 30 minutes before going to sleep. The next day Dextel would get her wand and then, Hogwarts.

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