Train To Home

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The two girls awoke to Mrs. Weasley screaming at the twins to "Put down the knife!" They both laughed sleepily and got up rolling over and off the bed. Dextel didn't quite catch herself as she rolled, she landed right on her face and groaned at the slight pain. Bill poked his head in and lowered his gaze to Dextel, who was still groaning.

"You know, I believe your feet are supposed to hit the floor, not your face" Dextel's head snapped up at the smiling long haired boy. He laughed as a shoe came flying at his head. He dodged it and ran quickly down the steps. The two were yelling things at each other. Bill grabbed his mother and pulled her in front of him. She yelled at the top of her lungs and everyone froze. The twins dropped the knife, Bill had Dextel's wrists in both his hands, Tinsley walked quietly down the stairs, her hair fluffed up from her bed. Charlie had came in from outside covered in dirt and grumbled to his father on the couch.

"The Gnomes are bad again"

"When aren't they! I told your father they were a problem but no! We have company so taking care of a problem comes last! Right, Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley said slamming the bowl of pancake mix on the counter. Mr. Weasley jumped from the couch with a snore.

"Of course darling! Everything you say is-" he fell back down snoring loudly. Mrs. Weasley shook her head and began stirring again.

"Why don't you all take Dextel to get her wand. When you come back breakfast will be ready. Oh but so help me Bill if you aren't packed-"

"Already packed and helped the girls repack their suitcases properly last night" he winked at his mother then the two girls.

"Well....what are you waiting for, use the floo powder and get to Diagon Alley!" Molly shooed them away as Dextel had the biggest smile on her face. Bill nodded and walked over to their fireplace and grabbed the bowl of powder and held it in front of Dextel. She laughed nervously and grabbed a handful, stood in the fireplace and threw down the powder saying Diagon Alley. The next thing she knew she was tumbling out another fireplace and coughing up ashes. Tinsley came shortly after falling forward onto her. They started laughing and Tinsley helped Dextel off the floor. The both brushed the ashes off their clothes and walked out looking for the boys.

"I told you not to send them before us! They aren't pure bloods they don't know-"

"Char-liar might wanna watch who you're talking about. I know pretty much everything and my sister here-" she motioned to Dextel "It tutored by your older brother".

Charlie went white as she said this, he started to say a sentence but Bill cut him off.

"I think she meant they're really good friends. Like sisters, right guys?" They both nodded and started heading towards Ollivanders. When they entered the shop a man came forward and spotted the two girls.

"Brilliant! You brought her, oh yes, yes yes yes. I I wonder" he scurried off to the back of the shop. Dextel turned to Tinsley and furrowed her brows.

"That's Ollivander, he's the wand maker of the Wizarding World. Has been for a very long time" Tinsley said walking up to the desk with Dextel. People shuffled in and out of the store, you heard them curse at how much the wand cost. They were obviously first year or someone who broke their wand. She looked down at her shoes and noticed one was untied. She bent down and tied it quickly, only to come up to fast and bump her head on the desk.

"Ow" Dextel said rubbing her head and whimpering. The man came back holding a wand in his hand. He wrapped Dextel's hand around it and smiled, she stepped back and spun the wand around. The outside was white, sleek and straight, symbols were craved into the bottom of the wand. Dextel had seen them before, but couldn't remember where. She gave the man money and walked out to meet up with the others.

The next morning was pure chaos, people were running around the house yelling at each other. The girls were shoving clothes into their suitcases. After countless minutes of yelling and blaming others, they were on their way. Dextel clutched onto Charlie while walking through the train station. He smiled down at her and shook his head while squeezing her slightly. They all stopped in front of the platform, Bill went first. Dextel gasped and stepped forward, Tinsley looked back and cursed at herself.

"We have to run through the wall to get to our stop Dex. Sorry I meant to tell you before this but, I didn't"

"Oh ok, I thought Bill was just-"

"Dumb?" Charlie said smirking, Dextel blushed and nodded. Slowly they all went through the wall and sat waiting for the train. When it arrived, Charlie and Bill left the two girls. They went and sat next to their friends, Tinsley and Dextel huffed and walked onto the train. They walked down aways and saw an open cabin. They went in and set their stuff down, a few seconds later and girl showed up at the door.

"Uh hi, I'm Jemine? I was wondering if I could sit with you guys. I don't know anyone and this is the only open cabin"

"Go ahead! I'm Dextel and this is Tinsley" Dextel smiled wide and patted the seat next to her. Jemine got settled and put her bags away. Once she sat down a boy ran in and shut the door quickly locking it. The girls jumped at the action, he was breathing hard and held his chest. He turned around and smiled, blushing and scratched the back of his head.

"Well uh...sorry to intrude but my name is Wyatt. I was being chased by someone and then-"

"Who was chasing you?" Jemine said tilting her head slightly

"These two girls, I kinda stole a cabin they wanted"

" you not have your stuff?" Tinsley said leaning forward

" I do not" Wyatt said shaking his head. The girls all groaned and winced for him. The girls might have thrown his stuff anywhere by now. The four all sat around and talked for the entire train ride. They figured out what classes they were taking together, what house they hope they get. The more and more they talked they realized how alike they all were. Besides what house they were in, they all had the same classes and interests.

The train halted and soon someone was telling everyone to get off. Wyatt waved goodbye and went to go find his stuff. Jemine grabbed her stuff and hurried out of the car and ran into a boy.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry"

"No no it's all my fault. I came out of my cabin too quickly and didn't look its all my fault" he kept rambling as Jemine watched his face get redder. She giggled and stuck her hand out. He stared down at it and then ran away to a near doorway.

"Wow Jemine, already chasing boys away" Tinsley smirked as she stepped out watching the boy run

"I didn't chase him away, he chose to run"

"Aw yes, and I chose to get a bloody nose early" Jemine rolled her eyes at Tinsley's comments. All the first years were called over by Hagrid, they all got in a boat and were taken over to the castle. McGongall stood waiting the the students to climb out of the boat. As they got out she beckon them into the castle.

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