Trolls and Rolls

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Snape kept mumbling on about a draught of peace, dragging on the list of ingredients and how to boil them. Jemine and Dextel were half asleep due to staying up in the halls playing Trolls and Rolls with Aine and Tinsley. They were so loud in the corridors that even the Fat Friar told them to go to bed, the dent on the suit of armor outside the great Hall was created by Aine's miss fire. Seren couldn't make it but he was studying for Snape's exam, he was currently failing the class and yesterday's class did not help. The gryffindor and slytherin class was the rowdiest and got punished due to making a boy fall into a deep sleep during class. Snape had tried waking him up for 10 minutes before two Slytherins had lost it when a loud snore came from the boy. Dextel has her head in her hands, her head fell forward and she gripped the desk jolting awake. Jemine places her hand over her heart breathing heavily. Dextel brushed her hair away from her face and breathed out.

After the class Ilonis came up to the two girls and started talking to Jemine with a bright red face. Dextel cocked an eyebrow and looked at Jemine, Jemine places a hand on her shoulder and smiled at Ilonis.

"I-um Jemine. So Ravenclaw is having a Quidditch party since w-we beat Hufflepuff. Y-you can come if you want" he kept glancing at Dextel. Dextel furrowed her brows and looked at Jemine. Jemine's eyes shone a magenta for understanding.

"Can Dextel come? Her house isn't really gonna be there. So she can hang out with me and you all night" Ilonis got redder and looked away hitting the tips of his shoes together nodding. "S-s-see you later" he walked quickly out of there, the girls giggled and left. They started walking towards the potions classroom to check in with Snape.

"I think he likes you" Dextel nugged Jemine she shook her head.

"He likes you! Honey I know. I can feel it" she stuck her head out as a wisp of pink wrapped around her arm and formed a heart by her hand. The two girls looked down at the heart. The two tried again and again to see if it would work again. Sadly, nothing had happened, Jemine stared down at her hand while walking away from Dextel.

"How could I feel what he felt?" She was extremely confused as to the way she felt Ilonis's emotions, all the way back to the Ravenclaw common room. Jemine tacked her brain looking for answering. First her eyes now this? She sent Dextel an owl telling her to come over to the common room, her mind racing with questions, needing someone to help sort them.

Dextel walked cautiously to the Ravenclaw common room the knocker saying a question but was interrupted by Jemine opening the door. Ilonis opened the door to leave a get some more chips for the table. Ilonis made eye contact with her and went bright red. He dropped his head and stepped to the side letting her in.

The Quidditch team was looking at Dextel up and down and then went back to playing wizard chess. Music played loudly and people shouted Ravenclaw at random times. The usual curtains taken down revealing the academic awards and the statue full of jackets from other houses.

"Wow your common room is-"

"Pretty- I mean hi I'm Ilonis" he stuck his hand out Jemine's eyes tinted red as he cut her off. Jemine pulled Dextel away and introduced her to everyone, Ilonis followed them, not closely but close enough for Jem to notice. She pulled Dextel into a group of Quidditch boys.

"Hey Jem hows the party so far? You didn't even come to our game!" The captain hit her arm. Jem laughed and made up an excuse while Dextel walked away and went to go talk to Ilonis. Jem didn't realize until she reached back to grasp Dextel's hand that she wasn't there. She turned around to a smiling Ilonis and a dancing Dextel. She hurried over and pulled Dextel out of the common room.

"What are you doing!? He's weird he literally had been following us for the entire party" Jem eyes were bright red Dextel placed her hand on her shoulder.

"I like him Jem, I don't wanna be far away from him I wanna be close. And it's obvious" Jen's eyes turned to a light blue, she hung her head and went back and shut the door locking her out Dextel went to the slytherin common room and hung out with Tinsley until it was time to go to sleep. Afterwards Seren and Dextel snuck out to the halls.

"Remember the rules"

"Of course ya it's our game" Dextel smirked looking at Wyatt and Magius shaking.

"Can we know the rules please?" Dextel laughed and the two switched between rules.

"We have 2 minutes to hide anywhere, spells, potions, and cloaks are permitted"

"But if you're found you're a troll. And if you knock someone's wand out of their hand they have to roll away"

"But if they get away from you but using another spell or transport, you still are the troll"

"Also we can use spells on you but none that would make it so you can't knock our wand out of our hand"

"And lastly, whoever gets back to a common room first, is safe. Last is the new troll. Got it?" The two smirked as a Wyatt gripped his wand and Magius nodded. They begun their game.

Wyatt was the troll and Seren got to the Hufflepuff common room first, Magius was last, the game carried on until someone caught them.

"Students out of bed? 4 students out of bed. 50 points from your houses, each" Professor Snape whipped around and the four returned to the common rooms. Magius and Dextel sent owls back and forth. At 3 am an owl appeared at Dextel's window. The owl was a bark brown with a gray face. It's eyes were big and black, it was sitting on the ledge pecking at the window with a letter in its beak. She opened the window and took the letter. This didn't look like Magius owl. It said nothing but a eerie note.

"You weren't the only one's in the halls tonight"

A shiver ran down her spine. Who sent her this owl?

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