Fears and Injuries

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"Hello! Is anyone there!!!" Jemine pounded against the walls. No answer. Dextel growled and barked as loud as she could. Her bark comes back for every other hour. She mostly howls but with no food or water. The 5 stuck are in bad conditions. Vanity has had to use magic to clean up Seren's throw up. Jemines vision have been going crazy. Her vision has turned purple and Seren knows Dextel has a charm but with her wolf state it's impossible to make potions or say charms. A voice came from the closet, it opened to show Aine. The 4 ran behind Dextel who growled intensely at the ghost.

"Hold up I'm not gonna hurt you, in fact I'm here to prove something. Dextel didn't hurt me, Bagins did, I'm not sure how exactly but he did. You must watch out, he will kill again and I'm scared. Well Dex I'm afraid he's gonna blame you. We'll lose you if that happens" Aine signed floating over to them.

"Alright then-" Jemine reaches for her wand but accidentally grabbed a fist full of Dextel's fur. Dextel snapped way to close to Jemine's hand. Dextel's tooth snagged to top of her hand. Jem screamed out, causing Seren to jump awake. Dextel backed away, her tail between her legs, she had hurt Jemine. If she couldn't control herself...she might actually kill someone. The heard a roar from one of the bricks sounded like Dextel's. She stepped forward waiting for something to happen. They heard a familiar voice.

"You unsaintly wolf you! I'll report you right after- Well right after I find my horse! You you-" Sir Cadogan said cursing out whoever just destroyed his painting. Dextel growled and rammed against the brick. It bounced her off the room. Before she knew it she landed on dirt ground. Followed by millions of gasps. She stood up shaking off the dirt. Jemine gasped and looked around, they couldn't believe where they were.

"Diagon Alley, but how-" Seren was cut off but Wyatt running towards them.

"Guys! Where have you been? We searched the castle Dumbledore made an announcement in the Great hall. Told us a hunter had been lost, we had to searched every painting. sir Cadogan was being a huge-"

"Wyatt!" Rowen cut him off. Dextel was shrinking. Kurt had quickly covered her with a full robe leading her into a clothing store, Wyatt and Charlie shivered.

"What's up with that? Kurt now her knight in shining armor, must make you quite jealous-" Noserich whipped out his wand. "Makes you wanna duel me doesn't it? I'll surely win this time. Come on" Wyatt rolled his eyes and followed Kurt and Dextel. He overheard a scary familiar conversation.

"So you're telling me he was killed? Kurt this isn't good, what if it was one of us in our savage stages...who know how long he's been-"

"Over 4 months, it lines up with your-"

"Don't you dare throw me under the bus Kurt, it could be bagins-" the two looked at each other as Dextel came out wearing a Hogwarts uniform. A hufflepuff badge appeared as it fitted itself to her. She smiled proudly at the yellow and black. But the smile soon faded as Wyatt made himself known. Kurt growled and flashed his yellow eyes. Dextel pusher her palms flat against his chest to stop him. Diagon was not a fighting arena, and Dextel made sure of it. Kurt's eyes went back to his oringial color, Dextel lowered her hand and turned to Wyatt.

"How much of that did you hear?" Dextel was worried he'd heard WHO'S been killed and put the pieces together.

"Someone died, and they are blaming you two, right?" Wyatt nodded.

"Yes exactly, and Dextel had an outrage before this person died, she could get sent to Azkaban or worse-"

"But she won't will she, because I'm sure it was you. Stay away from us, we don't need your brand. She can brand with me" Wyatt grabbed Dextel's hand and pulled her out of the room and down into the middle of Diagon alley. The rest followed him leaving Kurt in the shop.

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