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"The world would truly never know about the Six who saves us, who saved themselves" Hermione shut the book and furrowed her brows, tucking her hair behind her ear. The person standing in front, sighed and nodded as she looked up at them.

She stood up putting the book back, walking back over to the table placing her hand flat on it. Leaning over ever so slightly, she looked at him before sighing.

"There's so many details! So so many, and you swear it's just a legend? Nothing more, nothing less. The ending, it was so sad, she should have fought harder. Lived longer, it wasn't fair that they lost her! This legend is sick, twisted-"

"It isn't real Hermione, only a tale made up long ago, told by parents to teach them to be careful with their wands and words. That's all it is"

"But Sirius Black-"

"Is in Azkaban where he will stay and never leave. No need to worry." The other said smiling while patting down her hair. The girl turned around and stormed out of the room, upset and walked down to class. Muttering unintelligible words while entering Snape's classroom.

The other turned to Professor McGongall and sighed.

"We need to have a meeting, now"


Now here's a story and heartbreak, with love intertwined with every spell, potions, and curse. Six people change what might seem like eternity, but to others. Little change was made.

Dextel, Tinsley, Jemine, Ilonis, Magius, and Seren come together to form one of the greatest wizarding teams ever known. But somehow, it got chalked up ad a legend.

Beware of what's to come, for some may not be able to handle what happens. Good day, and most importantly, good night. 

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