Yellow Carnations

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AMACon 4: Serendipitous
Drabbles Day Six: Not everyone you lose is a loss.

I've been staring at my mother's name carved in gold on the marble tombstone surrounded by yellow carnations for what seemed like hours.

I had no plans of being here today. But while waiting for my caffe americano at Starbucks, I received a voice message that I didn't expect would change my entire plan for the day... or life for that matter. "I'm getting married," she simply said in her message, "just thought I'd let you know." I didn't realize how much it still hurt to hear her voice after all this time, until I heard the genuine happiness in it... happiness that I could not give her. It felt like a slap to my face that she rejected my proposal a year ago, and yet here she's getting married. It was gloomy and the clouds were rolling in; It was a perfect day to just lock myself in my room and wallow in my misery. But on my way home, a boy wearing tattered clothes, with dirt all over his face and arms, was holding these yellow carnations and begged me to buy them. I offered to just give him money, but he insisted on giving them to me. The boy ran away as soon as I took the flowers. Lucky for my mother, I had no one to give them to anymore. Maybe this was her way of reminding me to visit her.

"So, here I am, mom. I miss you so much. It's been years, but everyday I still miss you. I'm sorry I don't visit often." I fought the urge to cry because there was already a woman silently crying just a few plots from my mom's. I looked around and there was no one around but us in that vast open area of the cemetery. Just then, a cool breeze blew and the first thing I noticed was how her hair danced like the wind was swirling around her. Then I felt the breeze myself that I had to wrap my arms around myself. I stood up, unfolded, and put on my black leather jacket that I sat on. It was then that I noticed how dark it had become as the heavy clouds settled right above us.

"Ma... I'm gonna go ahead before the rain starts pour--"

The rain started pouring before I could react. The closest I could run to was the huge tree a few steps behind me. I went for it, trying to cover myself up with my jacket that I almost bumped into the crying woman from a few plots down as soon as I reached the tree.

She gave me a weak smile and I smiled in return before we both looked up to the heavy pouring rain. I weighed my options. If I attempt to run to my car, I'd be soaked through for sure. If I stay and wait it out, I won't be as wet, but who knows how long this rain will last? I felt the woman's eyes burning through the side of my face, so I turned to her. That was when I noticed how beautiful her eyes were and that her smile could make the gloomiest days like today as bright as a summer day.

"H-hi... forgot your umbrella too?" I lamely attempted a small talk. She just smiled and nodded, but her eyes looked into me like she's trying to remember if she'd seen me before. I was sure I'd remember someone as beautiful as her if I'd seen her already before.

Then she pointed at my mom's tombstone. "Family?" She asked, her voice soft against the sound of the rain.

"Mom." I said with a smile. She just nodded again and smiled sympathetically. I pointed at the plot where she was, with the same but unspoken question.

"Sister. Twin sister." She said, as she tightened her black peacoat and wrapped her arms around her middle. Then she looked up at me and smiled.

Suddenly, the rain stopped and a rainbow appeared on the horizon, as the sun emerged from behind the clouds. She smiled to the sky and then at me, then started walking away.

I couldn't understand why I did it but I followed her and asked if she had a ride. It was as if something suddenly pulled me to her, like something in me clicked and suddenly I needed to know her. She said yes to coffee, but it turned to lunch, then dessert, and before we knew it, we were going in a PF Chang's for dinner. It was not even a day, but I felt like I've known her forever.

AMACON 4: SERENDIPITOUS (30-Day Writing Challenge)Where stories live. Discover now