Someone To Save You

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AMACon 4: Serendipitous
English FF Day Twenty Four: She starts to breathe, when he begins to die.

She was immediately smitten when they first met. She was at the men's department store looking for a nice polo shirt for her bestfriend, when this salesman approached her and gave her tips and helped her get what she needed. He asked for her number then, and less than a year later, they decided to move in together. But she realized the hard way that not everyone stays the same as time goes by. Her boyfriend became too insecure of everything and everyone, especially her bestfriend. No matter how many times she explained and proven that they were just best friends, her boyfriend insisted that they have feelings for each other. Sure she loves her bestfriend, but not the way her boyfriend kept on implying. He used to be so gentle, so kind. But now, all he seems to want is to mark her and hurt her to make sure she's either embarrassed or too hurt to go out.

"Please... just let me go..." she begs for the hundredth time, her tearstained face is all black and blue, her broken lip quivering. She's crouched down in the corner of the kitchen, the handles of the cabinet probably already bruising her small back. She is too weak to stand or even crawl to the door to escape him. But even if she had the strength to do so, he will never let her. Her life is at the mercy of the man she once loved.

Earlier, she went to meet with her bestfriend to congratulate him on his new promotion. They celebrated over cheesecake and coffee and chatted for hours. He talked about his new job and how much traveling he will be doing. It has always been their dream-- to travel. And she thought she'd be able to do that when her boyfriend promised her the world and a tour of it. But all she's been getting are roadmaps on her body in the form of bruises and cuts. When she finally had the courage to tell her bestfriend this and made him promise not to tell anyone, he all but broke their table in two. He was furious and begged her to leave him right there and then, that he'd help her start over, take her far away from the asshole. But she didn't want to burden her bestfriend with her issues, especially now that he is making a name for himself and is on his way to the success they both dreamed since childhood. She tried not to cry, but her tears betrayed her and ultimately washed out her concealer and revealed a healing bruise on her left cheek. He took both of her hands and begged her one last time, but she just shook her head and told him that she'll do it the proper way. When a server approached their table, she checked her watch and realized that she lost track of time and forgot to get home before her boyfriend. The shock and fear on her face worried her bestfriend too much that he grabbed her wrist to stop her from leaving. She winced, and that's when he noticed that there too, she had bruises. He looked her in the eyes, but all he saw was her begging him to let it go.

"I have to go... just let me go. I'll handle it. I'll be okay, I promise." She held his cheek and smiled weakly at him before leaving.

When she got home, she opened the door and the entire house was dark. She had been so nervous on her way because it would be a huge fight that he'd come home without her there. She stepped in and closed the door behind her. She dropped her purse on the couch and took a deep sigh of relief that she made it home before him. She relaxed and leisurely walked to the kitchen. She turned on the lights and almost jumped out of her skin when she saw him sitting there quietly in one of the barstools of their kitchen island.

"Oh my God, babe, you scared me!" She said, clutching her chest. She smiled and was going to laugh at how fast her heartbeat was going when she noticed that his face was serious and realized that she indeed got home too late.

"Where were you?" He asked in his low, menacing voice when he stood up from the barstool. She took a step back away from him before answering.

"I-- uhm... I just went for a walk. I- I went to the mall." She couldn't say the truth about having lunch with her bestfriend because she knew it would just make matters worse.

AMACON 4: SERENDIPITOUS (30-Day Writing Challenge)Where stories live. Discover now